Look at this image. They are literally protesting the President of the United States with a Mexican flag. Try to process that for a second.
The media always likes to say Jow Forums is radicalizing young white men and shit but why is it they never realize that the true cause of radicalization is the left?
I never got influenced or swayed by anything I ever saw on this site. All of my radicalization came straight from every single piece of MSM or leftist media/articles that you now see on a daily basis.
Why don't they realize that it's the Left/Liberals that is radicalizing us?
The left are actually too mentally deficient to process logic and just blame an easy scapegoat instead of try to comprehend why people would be radicalized by seeing literal degeneracy proudly marching in public.
I would say I got radicalized after watching CNN and seeing how much traitorous bullshit they got away with every day. Not to mention the media and shit like capeshit and GoT that literally shows white men being replaced and how. Jow Forums is too filled with shills to be able to do any real radicalizing.
I oscillate between thinking that the D's are retarded and that they are playing some 30d chess and can't be that retarded. They don't realize that their propaganda is not working, or do they double down on purpose to cause a civil war that they have plans to win? I mean, even thinking that the left would win a civil war seems stupid to me, but maybe they know something that I don't. Or maybe, just maybe, they are scared and their decades long tactics aren't working, so because of the inertia of institutions, they can't change them and what results is what we see?
Chase Moore
I also got "radicalized" after seeing salon and huffpo articles. I like Jow Forums because I can usually find all the insane leftist media in one place without giving them ad revenue
Adrian Richardson
huh it's almost like multiculturalism is a nation killer just like the greeks said
it's almost like white people made modern civilization peak and brown people are destroying it