I want to have SEX with a woman, what do I need to make this happen?
I want to have SEX with a woman, what do I need to make this happen?
Other urls found in this thread:
The two golden rules
1) Be attractive
2) Don't be unattractive
Money, hookers arent as expensive as people think they are
Please give me advice, if I dont get intimacy soon I'm going to shoot myself in the head.
Easiest one.
If u go for 10 girls to have sex directly, ure likely to do it with at least 2. Dont be a pussy and thats it
just buy a prostitute
there is no shame and a good prostitute is an amazing experience
women dont owe you sex incel
1% rule. Just walk up to 100 random women and ask if they're down to clown. Odds are one of the 100, for whatever reason, will say yes
How many girls have you asked on date this year?
>inb4 zero
Dancing lessons, bars, online dating, any place where alcohol is served.
Women don't find desperate men attractive. You have to balance out your joys in life instead of using sex as a crutch.
>How many girls have you asked on date this year?
>Dancing lessons, bars, online dating, any place where alcohol is served.
How many girls did you ask out this year
Dancing lessons, bars, online dating, any place where alcohol is served.
>When the cumbrain threatens harm over lack of a wet penis
Time for you to admit yourself to a hospital. Tell the nurse everything you told us; maybe the nurse will let you bang her out of pity...
... If you're not locked away for a week for having become the next school shooter.
How many dancing lessons, bars, online dating did you ask out this year?
xes evah
1. Transition into a woman
2. masturbate
>I want to have SEX with a woman, what do I need to make this happen?
I'm going to say you need a penis and a woman, everything else is optional
Get over yourself. Learn to be content with your own company alone. Take good care of your body, develope social skills.
When you think you got it in check just chat up women at a bar? At 2am when everyones drunk already it should be easy to just get into a conversation.
Just stop being so pathetic.
A frend of mine told me Dancing lessons, bars, online dating, any place where alcohol is served. Is a good strategy. But I still have a weird dick, man boobs, fucked up teeth, a shit job, and a shit car. What's the next logical step?
An erect penis.
lower your standards
appear confident
meet people and be open to experiences
>what do I need
a woman
a couple hundred bucks
>what do I need to make this happen?
Just put benis in vagin, simple as.
You may as well kill yourself if you havent fucked yet. I was 28 when I lost my virginity. It was about 2 months ago actually. Going to be 29 soon. Just get an escort. Admit you're a fucking pussy and a virgin and they will fuck you.
For the right price, of course. They dont do charity work.
This is untrue, just ask a nice woman if she would like to go to bed with you
As others have indicated, this is the true best mothod, even if it is pretty cringey:
Why do you want to have SEX with them?
They sometimes do if you're trans or mentally/physically disabled
Just go on tinder and don’t be autistic.
Because I've never had SEX.
Based sexlet
A woman. A phallic object. Combine and profit.
Not rape
Prob the best advice
go to /soc/
1% dtf, 20% ready to call the cops, 50% willing to sue
That's a great way to induce suicide if that's really what you have to do
>down to clown
Do you want to run the chance of ruining your life?
How do you mean?
The one most likely to have aids?
Don't complain. Those points both make a lot of sense. Women can not read your mind. If you don't appear interested they assume you are taken.
>I want to have SEX with a woman, what do I need to make this happen?
You need to make this thread every day for at least another year. Women can identify when you've skipped days and will instantly know to not fuck you.
>big cock
>large social circle
I'm a broke socially akward NEET that gets pussy because I have a big dick. There are degenerate cuckold men who like to watch their wives get fucked by random men. I started on Craigslist casual encounters and have moved onto paid subscription sites ever since craigslist personals got shut down by the goverment.
I don't have to go to clubs or bars. I just message couples and schedule a place to meet them at. Wish I had a gf though but this will have to do for now I guess.
A penis and physical strenght
If women wanted to have sex with you, they would approach you.
I'm a suicidal schizoid waste of life, and even I have had girlfriends. You must be seriously ugly and/or a manlet
Women dont approach men.
Some are on that horny time of their period so they act flirtsy or available even though they aren't and will not actually do anything further.
Some will act tsundere and be surprised when you back off weirded out.
Some have that full subscription with everything included on the hypergamy train and they want more from the guy as they progress just to talk.
Some will act cock scared or intimidated by any men for some reason.
Some will act like total cunts because either they're bleeding from their cunts or have health problems or are bitter ugly creatures.
Some are silent or even permissive but always ready to call rape and harassment without warning or anything.
Some are broken slut/whores/liberated washed up.
And then you got the CANCER social circles:
-women friends that give bad advice and actually hate each other because they are constantly jealous and in competition mode
-guy friends that are either lusty friendzoned or gay and have a warped view on reality because they are degenerates
-guy friends that have sex like a sport and push every single decent guy from her path calling them losers etc just so he can get more pussy available even though they have wives or gfs
And then you got woman's actual god: the popular media which tells them
-go fuck chad
-go fuck a nigger
-be proud as a slut
-be a materialistic slut
-don't have kids
-anything liberal is great
They can fucking die chocking on a nigger cock.
do you feel good with these features? If not, work your way up to feeling good, pussy will come after that
The one will be a single mother or 1/10 land whale
have sex incel
get a hooker.
i get one once a week.
type into google (your area) message
look around shop around
make a few phone calls.
Always tell them its your first time, she will be more at lease.
I dont want to degrade myself like that.
Just lost my virginity today a couple of hours ago, sex is overrated hyped up shit it’s different though if you do it with someone you actually love emotion makes it more powerful.
Just hit up a prostitute, real women are way more expensive in the long run
If you ask no one out, you're just as dumb as someone bitching that they have no carpentry skills, who when asked
>How many hours did you spend reading about carpentry or watching tutorials, which you then used in the shop trying to follow what you saw in them to make something?
Says zero.
Like, it's not fucking magic: effort in, results out; you'll never make heirloom furniture if all you do is jerk off at home and play FIFA. Dating and getting laid follows the exact same rules
No one fucking cares about you’re pride loser
Nope. You probably wouldn't believe me, but thea appearance of the yes is completely random.
People are strange, and that 1% is you meeting the cross-section of some sufficient number of relevant checkboxes for them, and those checkboxes don't care about how sexy you are or how she looks.
She might be really dtf. She might be coming out of a relationship and be wanting to make someone else jealous or get an ego boost. She might think you match her incredibly oddly specific fetish, like "wild hair, striped t-shirts, and a smug face" (something a 4/10 friend got told trying this by a 9/10)
Point is, people are fucking weird. If you're available, opportunities to date will come up at fairly reasonable frequencies.
ive done this and i was rejected by all 100
>If you're available, opportunities to date will come up
That's how it works for women, NOT for men
But you have to be attractive to impress a woman with "wild hair" or "smug face".
Dont be a spaz
At least look like you grrom yourself and clothes
Make them laugh
Be somewhat assertive (depends on the girl, shy book worms like a gentle guy who knows what he wants, bar slut wants a more agressive man most likley)
Muscles help
Going out and having a life
Not reaking of desperation
Knowing the girl in some way so you know how to not fuck things up
Some of the easy stuff, ive learned it comes down to personality and charm. Im average but I never found getting girls easy until after hs, pqrtly due to upbringing
You need to stop being a faggot and go to the gym.
Don't worry, coming from a man who has had more bitches that you ever will in life, it's over rated and you're not missing much. The problem is how to stop the bitch from talking or wanting to control you in the time span between sex
The point is that the things that
when you're asking 100 people aren't standard because the technique isn't standard. You're not playing on the traditional script of
>I'm interesting, we have a connection, we should hang out more and/or smash,
but instead on the possibly very confident
>I'm sexually available right now and this is a one time offer, yes or no?
You therefore you get nonstandard (random) results, where it works on people for reasons that are completely unpredictable and unplannable, like having messy hair and a shirt types they find extra attractive. Ask a different 100 and a few of them may have told you they're aggressively into short, weak, pasty bald men who wear a band T-Shirt they listened to when they were 10.
It sounds strange, but again, people are weird, some people want to fuck Aang from Avatar wearing a Backstreet Boys shirt.
>But you have to be attractive to impress a woman with "wild hair" or "smug face"!
No, this strategy mostly works because you got lucky and you were her Aang, in the right spot, asking the right question at the right time, if you want to impress people, it usually takes more than 30 seconds to do it. This strategy instead is about finding the natural percentage of people in your hangout horny enough and intrigued enough by whatever random checkboxes you tick to have sex.
Sure, attractiveness helps (because yeah, it obviously doesn't hurt), but less than you think. Let's say it triples the odds of a no-effort ask succeeeding.
Great. if the base odds of no-effort asks are about 1%, theirs are 3%. Pick your favorite multiplier and it's still not all that different. Be in a place with 100 people and ask 1 woman a minute and you'll be laying pipe in under two hours.
>That's how it works for women, NOT for men
Let me clarify: You're making the opportunity by asking, because that's how it's done in western cultures. Don't be a bitch about having to ask, because someone has to.
This, desu. I went to a prostitute after a lengthy dry spell, it did not cost me a fortune and I almost couldn't believe how much better I felt afterwards.
>You're not playing on the traditional script
Nobody gives a shit. The first impression is visual, within moments a female decides whether you're good enough to fuck with or not.
>Ask a different 100 and a few of them may have told you they're aggressively into short, weak, pasty bald men who wear a band T-Shirt they listened to when they were 10.
There is not one reason for a woman to go for an ugly short guy when there's Tinder to find a Chad.
>No, this strategy mostly works because you got lucky
Luck doesn't magically make you appear handsome.
>Sure, attractiveness helps
It doesn't "help". It determines whether it's possible for you to mingle or not.
>Nobody gives a shit. The first impression is visual, within moments a female decides whether you're good enough to fuck with or not.
I don't think we disagree on this. This technique is about maximizing the number of first impressions, since women are way less universal about the specifics they find attractive then you think.
>There is not one reason for a woman to go for an ugly short guy when there's Tinder to find a Chad.
>It determines whether it's possible for you to mingle or not.
You quite obviously can mingle regardless of how attractive you are. Here's 10 reasons why if you're ugly, this shit still works when tinder exists:
>You're giving her a chance to skip awkward smalltalk and arranging a date, on her terms.
>She's into ugly short guys (yes this is a thing, some people are weird)
>Tinder has waiting time, you're here right now
>She knows with certainty you're not a catfish, because you're right in front of her
>She doesn't actually think you're ugly
>She doesn't care what you look like
>She wants to fuck right now and anyone will do
>She thinks fucking down right now will infuriate her ex
>She admires the confidence it takes to be ugly, not be hung up about it, and try anyways
>She's bad at handling ambiguity and finds being directly told your intentions attractive and refreshing
It seems like you're looking for excuses for not trying. There's lots of good reasons this works.
Statistically, anything is possible with large numbers. But let's be honest and say you are telling people to gamble their remaining life savings because "sometimes people win" not realizing the odds are far lower than your pitch.
Bad analogy, this isn't your life savings, this is a "it takes like 30 seconds to get your answer" hail mary attempt to get user laid.
Paradoxically, if he actually tried it, he'd probably be a lot more confident when he's done and succeed anyways, because either
>he's already been through 100 rejections so the sting of them is gone. Girls in the future will notice the relaxed ease which he feels speaking with them.
>he got laid
What do you mean "why"? "Why" what?
Why was it good?
It's relative to the emotional standing. A penny slot machine for a few hours is too expensive on $100 dollar savings. Going through dozens of rejections and facing possible "creep profiling", or actual harassment accusations seems like too high a gamble for the unlikely 0.1% that will go with it.