My girlfriend thinks I’m weird cause I look at the toilet paper after I wipe

My girlfriend thinks I’m weird cause I look at the toilet paper after I wipe.
I told her it’s cause you need to know when you’re done wiping.
She says she always wipes a set amount of times and never has a problem with odor or stains.
Am I retarded?

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Wait what the fuck? Your gf doesn’t look at her wipes to make sure she’s clean? Fucking disgusting dude


Dawg thats what Im saying.
Ive eaten her out and never smelled anything bad but I stay away from the backdoor now cause of this lol

Yeah apparently some people think it's gross. But it makes sense doesn't it? I mean it's not a joy to look at poop but it's better to make sure right?

I think it depends on the turd. Sometimes you just know that you're gonna be clean after one wipe and not even look. But other times you can wipe three times+ and still feel the need to wipe more. That's when I would check.

Ew stay far away from her ass

And also what is she doing watching you while you double check your shitty ass

No, you're normal as fuck.

Now the REAL question is are you a stand to wipe Chad, or are you a tilt your butt while seated and reach into the toilet bowl virgin?

how does she know if she made a wet poo or a dry poo? Sometime one needs 4+ wipes.

Because she's a socially brainwashed CHILD that can't handle the sight of her own bodily waste

Checking the paper if the deed's done is like reassuring yourself that your butt is slated clean. If it's all dirty, then you know to take a second swipe to make sure it's all pristine.

Far from it imo. I have always checked my stool and my tissue. It's not only to see if you're done, but also to make sure I'm passing healthily.

Wipe until the paper is clean and make note of odd colors or presence of blood.

Girls don't poop OP. Don't expect them to understand.

What's retarded is that your girlfriend knows you look when you wipe? Have some boundaries dude


This nigger is asking the realest of the real questions.

Here's the real question: why TF don't we wet our toilet paper down to ensure cleanliness? Would we really use toilet paper to wipe mud off our hands?

I've always done it, I dont look at my shit but I'll check the paper every now and again.
Cant be having swamp ass on the go.

>it tears
Have fun
You absolutely can but then your ass is wet and sometimes it's better to just shower off where it's all gonna run off your body rather than letting little farticles trickle down your leg or just sort of smearing around what's there.

It's the small things, consider them carefully

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I have a muscular ass so when I try to stand and wipe my cheeks flex together and I feel like everything is worse. I don’t want to be a toilet bowl virgin.

Japanese toilets are masterrace

But you could finish with a dry piece of toilet paper. And the wetness doesn't have to be so rich that it rips the paper.