Parents murder with medications

I have a serious illness and my parents are always trying to force me to take a slew of medications that can interact to kill me.

one day my family is going to drug me to death because they refuse to care for my health conditions.It is only a matter of time before I am drugged to death by my parents who are using psychiatric medications to kill me.

I already told them that I don't want any medications but everyone is trying to kill me with psych meds.

If i want to die a painful death I will need to euthanize myself with an overdose to avoid a painful agonizing death in a mental health ward.

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I have a physical health condition and my parents want to kill me, the whole family is trying to kill me with psych medications.

In the mental hospital people die everyday.

take your meds schizo

in highschool I had mild depression and I was very socially isolated, I went to the hospital once and I was given so much medications, injections and insomnia.

my brain has never been the same since being hospitalized in highschool the medications fucked up my head, and there is no way back.

If only I was never put in the hospital and never given medications maybe I could have lived a normal life

I had 1 panic attack in high school and then the psychiatrists destroyed my brain fried it with drugs and I never got better after being drugged by the doctors.

What condition do your parents say you have, that they're trying to force you on medications you refuse to use?

in high school I was a loner with only 1 friend and I got excellent grades I was a genius.

I was put in the hospital for an anxiety attack and given huge doses of multiple drugs for a misdiagnosis of schizophrenia.

I was unable to sleep, my arms became rigid and unable to move, I became aggressive, and the medications destroyed my brain completely I was on the maximum dose of at least 3 drugs which all interacted to give me serotonin syndrome and brain damage.

ever since I went to the hospital It was over a period of 4 MONTHS of very high doses of drugs.

after winter of the 10th grade I was forced on extreme dosages of drugs for the past 4 years and my brain has finally been destroyed by the medications.

there never was a mental illness it was just an overdose on 5-6 drugs at a time.

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My family has been using psychiatrists to kill me, i was a very smart boy with very good grades and my IQ is in MENSA but my family always wanted to kill me with drugs because I was not good enough for them, they always thought of me as a disappointment.

So my panic attack was an opportunity to hasten my death with dangerous medications

The truth is they are all idiots dumb as rocks, they are very rich but very dumb.

When they saw that I didn’t care about money and only wanted to pursue education they thought I was a disgrace to the rich dumb family

Imagine a rich family with a very bright son who is socially isolated in a mediocre school, they take advantage of a hospitalization to murder him for not being the cool popular kid they wanted

Nice blog post, brah. Time for your meds.

Meds are not a game dumbass, people die every day from meds, and some people will never be the same after they take meds that destroyed the neurons

Btw I am taking 7.5mg of remeron, and only that it is safe

take meds

I have been and I make sure that they are used safely.

If you take too many meds at once like the price of shit gave me in high school it will destroy your brain forever

>Mfw I was in the last thread too
Does this mean we get to have these "schizanon who thinks his family is trying to kill him" threads as a regular thing now?

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/x/ is leaking again

No something very fishy is going on in elementary school I was gifted and I always got good grades but then suddenly in the 11th grade I am now disabled and retarded and my family has no memory of the past.

In the 7th or 8th grade me and my friends found a rusty old shotgun shell and it is a very probable source of lead poisoning, it has been thrown away but the lead is still leftover, and causing memory loss retardation.

Old paint lead based paint from an old house built in the 50’s a birdshot from a shotgun are both sources of memory loss and brain damage

your brain is already destroyed.
yet the people trying to kill you sure are taking a long ass time to do it. god I wish you would get hit by a truck.

ps take your meds

Why hasn't it occurred to you that you can hold pills under your tongue instead of swallowing and then get rid of them?

Don't tell me they watch you take pills and then check under your tongue

If that's the case just kys at least you'll have decided how to go

>An entire thread dedicated to a paranoid schizophrenic

Yeah you're like a bottle-fed cow.

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Do you honestly think professionals of the field are just gonna make a kid overdose on psych meds? Lmfao, I mean there is a chance but cmon now

You are insane bro wtf are you talking about, maybe your parents are mentally ill and that's why they are trying to kill you and thats why you are mentally ill because they are, an endless cycle. Idk bro your story sounds too unrealistic.

I have alerted your parents that you're onto them. They are coming to get you now! THEY ARE COMING FOR YOU!!!! RUN!

yes, they're fucking useless scumbags

Lead poisoning, memory loss, buildup in bones and bloodstream.

Old 20 gauge birdshot found in the woods, lots of uncovered lead birdshot

This isn't even the first one. This same guy was posting last week about how his family was supposedly letting him die by "neglecting his brain disease". Now we're here.

I, for one, am looking forward to the next batch of fresh delusions that schizobrah dreams up for us.

I am doing an investigation in my room to check for lead poisoning...
A gifted child of above average height does not suddenly stop growing and then gain an intellectual disability.
My mother and sister are both the same height as me and my father is taller, my height must have been stunted somehow, my uncle is 6 foot four

You have to literally eat the lead to be poisoned by it, retard.

terry is back bros

I think this is the same guy who made regular threads months ago about doctors giving him brain damage, but he'd never specify anything, he'd just go on about brain damage.

hey retard nothing could be more false, just lead in wall paint can kill you.

next time you want to make a claim make sure you have read about what you are about to say, or find sources.

Instead of taking your meds, just start flushing them down the toliet to make your parents think you are taking them. Pretend that you are taking them and maybe even say you want/need more, and then just flush them. Your parents wont suspect a thing


I have the highest IQ in my family, I am in MENSA and I have studied chemistry and biology.

my family and everyone else in my life right now is retarded and I don't want to live anymore, I am so tired of my family who has a low IQ I wish I was dead.

this is why atheists cant argue with mormons, in the end an atheist stuck in a mormon church will commit suicide

>Claims to be genius level IQ
>Can’t even use proper punctuation
>Can’t understand that his parents have no power over him

Mengele was based, don't compare him to your parents.

OP, the reason you remember feeling better when you were younger is because the mental illness didn't start taking over your life at that phase. You associate the beginning of psychiatric medicine as the cause of your mental illness, when really that's simply when it began manifesting hence why you received psychiatric treatment.

Your own memories and thoughts on this subject are flawed.

Punctuation is for the some minded

And what illness do you have?

A photo of Goebbels would be more appropriate than Mengele's

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