Have you ever get to beat the shit out of your school bully? If no I feel sorry for you

Have you ever get to beat the shit out of your school bully? If no I feel sorry for you.

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Are you under 18 or something?

>tfw younger boy in your scout troop gets bullied and you stop yourself from punching the bully in the face and lash out at the boy instead and then a year later he commits suicide
not punching that kid is maybe the biggest regret of my life so far

No, I am older.Does one have to be a certain age to discuss this subject?

No but I mogged him years later when I got mad Jow Forums and he was still an obese piece of shit. I saw in his face he got so jealous of my qt gf. That’s what you fucking get for making fun of One Piece, Joe you piece of shit

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You really sound underage, to harbor such seething anger that you'd want revenge. Nobody 18+ thinks this way unless they have other underlying mental illnesses and want to shoot up an elementary school for it.

is how you avenge your nay-sayers; by being better than them.

>Nobody 18+ thinks this way unless they have other underlying mental illnesses and want to shoot up an elementary school for it.

What? Why?

Because people 18+ have better priorities in life, than to seethe over the past till it ruins their present and future.

t. someone who has never been bullied in their life

>Assuming I haven't been bullied in my life
t. schizoid gun owner who thinks shooting elementary schools will avenge his past

The only one who is assuming here is you sir

Not at all. You're clearly displaying severe antisocial tendencies typical of schizophrenics. I, on the other hand, haven't opened a thread about wanting to harm childhood bullies on an Indonesian basket-weaving forum.

Okay, got any recommendations for me, I'll listen to you if it's reasonable?

Seek counseling. Clearly, if you're not underage, you're butthurt about something that happened to you when you were younger than 8. If it bothers you so much, that you feel like breaking laws on assault and murder, you need professional help.

I've never felt like going on a rampage or killing anyone, I understand your concern tho, it;s scary with all the shit happening in the schools,like the purpose of this thread was to see how many people standing up for themselves.

Right, but we're all supposed to be 18+, mature enough to deal with our difference and stand up for ourselves without resorting to debasing ourselves.

Fuck this pussy OP. You don't have to shoot up a fucking school to get revenge on 1-4 people. Just beat them up. You don't have to pretend to be over 18, I honestly don't care. Just work out, maybe take a martial art, and kick their fucking ass kid.

>Telling an 8-year-old to go to the gym
The state of Jow Forums

He managed to find Jow Forums, MAKE A THREAD, and hold his own in an argument? At 8? He must be a god damn genius!

>you want revenge
I'll wait for whatever fucking mental gymnastics led you to believe;
>that you're capable of revenge if you got bullied in the first place
>that this won't just make someone want to enact revenge on you
>that they care even slightly as much as you and won't just take whatever you do to the police
>that you're somehow making yourself look or feel better by reopening a closed wound and giving the other party cause to, once again, antagonize you
>that it would be more satisfying than it would be compromising and embarrassing

My bully stole from me and tried to start shit but at no point did he ever square up with me. This late in the game he has 0 social media presence. I can't find him anywhere. I figure, maybe he ended up on a morgue table somewhere. OD, gang violence, whatever. That was some ten years after the fact, too.

You either let this go now, or you awaken it and once you do that it's no longer really your choice whether that sleeping dog lies again. So you just pray, you pray they're not the kind who'd go after your family and friends because then you really done fucked up now, A-A-ron.

OP wasn't even arguing about anything, retard.



>Too retarded to read
That explains why you think being a violent ape in a country of law and order is normal behavior.

the defeated inevitably, invariably vie for revenge and perpetuating that cycle just means your number's up next.

You would do many favours to leave it in the schoolyard, rather than to bring schoolyard bullying up as an angsty adult grudge, like as not to get you booked by cops or fucked up by someone who spent way less time in the past than you.

Tl;tl;dr;dr: revenge, as an adult, is a great way to get in a lot of adult trouble for accomplishing fuck all.

> having a bully

No. I've never even been in a fight

In 8th grade I hit a kid in the head with a volleyball net ratchet after he and his 2 rednecks friends tried to, literally, drag me in the shower because I refused to shower with other people. He got stitches never fucked with me again.

no ive been a twink all my life

Yeah. Four times actually. Most bullies talk good game but aren’t shit. It feels good to hurt mean people.


Damn. Your post gave me some reflection on personal strife. Ever since reading the count of monte Christo. It inspired me to take revenge. But perhaps you’re saying the best vengeance is improving yourself?