What kind of things do you waste too much money on? I'm trying to be less wasteful...

What kind of things do you waste too much money on? I'm trying to be less wasteful, buying junk food and Lego bricks and shit. How do I stop?

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>lego bricks
are you 5

shut up, boring old fart
I bought some Legos as an adult, it's okay. Anyway, I think I only waste too much money on junk food but who cares? It's tasty and life is shit so I might as well enjoy my lunch.
Idk how many Legos you need but not having many is actually a good thing, it forces you to be more creative. As for junk food, try to set just one day a week as your junk food day. Or, well, maybe 2 days, idk. But promise yourself you will only spend money on junkfood those days, and the rest of the week you will eat cheaper food. Make sure your food is healthy though, since you are doing this.
Is that Eugenia Cooney? She's cute. I remember when some tranny on the internet got mad because I said I find Eugenia Cooney attractive. The tranny said Eugenia had anorexia, which is a mental illness, and that it's wrong to find someone with a mental illness attractive.

>it's wrong to find someone with a mental illness attractive


literal childrens toys

>but muh creativity/hobby
there are many creative outputs/hobbies rather than legos, which isn't even a conventional thing you see everyday so f o r g i v e my comment about inquiring whether a 5 year old was able to access a computer, type in Jow Forums and manage to navigate his way to this board, and make this thread.
to each his own though

I waste a lot of money on eating out. I would like to cook more but I live in a house with a bunch of other people and don't feel like having the squatters try to eat my food. I've been trying to make more basic / healthy meals but I definitely waste a significant amount of money eating at different restaurants.

I work at Crapplebee's and I mostly eat discarded chicken strips. It costs $0 so take my lead OP. Have more money for LEGO'es.


I stopped eating fast food once I realize how much is started adding up.

I plant trees with my spare money, I feel like it's my gift for the future

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Candy. I usuall have around 5€ per day for food and everyday stuff and when I go grocery shopping and have some money left, I spend that on candy so I have spent either the complete 5 € or at least an even amount.

>cakes and sweets
Err, about 100€ a week. I don't eat much besides that and coffee. Vitamin and mineral suplements for my shitty health take care of the rest of the needs.
Yes, I buy the prettiest hardcover/leather editions. Yes, I have multiples (example: Great Expectations - 5 times, in 3 languages). Will probably stop when I run out of space in the library/office/house...or when I run out of time to read everything.

Car stuff. Wasted thousands on mods this year. Also, premium gas only.
Food/Junk food. I eat delivery almost every day.
Prostitutes. It only takes 2 weeks between every session with an escort for the loneliness and horniness to catch up with me.

What the hell

I’m a light version of a minimalist. It got me out of a shit job and into passive income and appreciate a simple life, which in turn gave great freedom to pursuit anything i want.
First off, budgeting. Gotta do it. Not once, but every month. Then be realistic or what a human body actually need. Then what you need be mentally healthy. It’s a pretty simple system

Just make more money.

prostate stimulator

Expensive electronics and anime merchandise

Cool man, I chop trees to maintain the stamina and build hiking roads.

What is your hobby that's so amazing then?

The fuck is your problem bitch

set a monthly budget, meal prep/make your own food. microsoft excel has a great monthly budget template u can use. really helps out. to keep better track of your spending habits, download an app called mint. you put ur debit/credit cards or bank info on it, and it tracks what u spend on and gives u data about it. u can also do a monthly budget on the app too.

>junk food
is cheep

double down on that one buddy
I cannot stop fucking eating. The worst part is the more income I have, the less junk the food becomes; I just fucking eat food as a sort of constant state of being

put the fork down piggy

Definitely magic cards.
This year, I have spend over 1.5k€ and I have piles around the house of cards I don't need.

Instead of stopping, I have been slowing down. Last year, I spent 5k€, so I am on a decline of sorts. A good way to slow down is to write down your spendings and visualize it. For food, you can withdraw cash so you physically depart with the money and you can see the pile evaporating.
In my case, I also setup a monthly payment system to the website I spend the money so I can't buy more than a fixed amount. This helps a lot and still allow me to spend money on my hobby.

he goes on the internet telling idiots to stop masturbating because it will cure everything

Oh no no, I'm the other kind that can eat legitimately anything in any sort of severity and I don't gain weight
You want 'put the fork down skinny'
Also fuck you you goddamn misfired money shot I'll eat what I want when I want, you cuntsock disappointment

I pretty much only spend money on food. I buy really good food though. Salmon, fresh dates, really good French cheese, etc