Guys im in my csr can’t stop crying javing a breakdowm I want to kill myslef but I’m scared d how do I do it wuick and painless
Guys im in my csr can’t stop crying javing a breakdowm I want to kill myslef but I’m scared d how do I do it wuick...
Pleas somebody respond tell me
Respond tell me how I csn end this pain
Someone respons
Take some deep breaths user, turn on the radio and try to focus on the words
Tell me how
For starters.
Don't kill yourself.
Secondly, breathe, focus on your breathing.
Now if you can, explain what is going on and how you are feeling.
How do I make this pain stop quick
He's in pain? Is OP hurt physically?
How do I die quick
Killing yourself, obviously.
But that serves to bring more chaos really.
There's a better way though,
And you can live in the process
How do I die quick I don’t have gun
No one is going to give you legit answers here on persuading you to kill yourself.
Either let me give you reassuring words built from my experiences or this is bait.
Com on Jow Forums you alwyab tell people kill themselves give me a method
I’m read dy
>car isnt on
it's like you arent even trying.
I’m waiting for you fucks to tell me what I should do to end it wuick I got nothing left to live life for
Oh really?
How about telling us the problem
U happy
come on man.
Don't fucking do it.
Ok let’s go find a tree
Well, you shouldn't do it, but if you have a car, just drive 100+ mph without a seat belt directly into a solid object
so you come here, asking for a way to kill yourself,
post these pics and to imply that you are going to kill yourself (thread is pointless now)
rather than letting Jow Forums do its horrible job of giving you help and assurance that everything will be okay
Ill still be here when you dont do it
Just let him. If he's not willing to listen for help, you can't change a man's mind over the internet. By now he's probably just attention whoring.
Stop right now and call the suicide hotline,
It is 1
in the US
Do it, incel
Formatted weirdly because Jow Forums is being a massive faggot thinking it is spam
First of all, that looks like a whole-wheat bagel with oatmeal-crumbles, and when you toast one of those really crispy with a lot of butter and a shitload of sour-cream, it tastes really good.
Sometimes, all you live for is eating your next bagel.
I can't tell you how many times I've been "this close" to ending it all, and had that desperate moment of "how do I do it?" I've thought about everything from bridges to gun-ranges, and every time it's resulted in the same outcome:
I just don't know that it would actually solve any of the problems I have.
Sure, I'm fucked up and sad most of the time, and really lonely and just completely unfulfilled by my life. Yeah, I've honestly wondered if there wasn't some kind of force that literally delighted in my suffering which I've been feeding so well it has become an unstoppable monster and taken control.
But then I have to figure that would mean that there has to be some force that's delighted in my joy, too, because that has to be a thing if the other one is, right?
Maybe that's what heaven is, but maybe this is a test to see if you can take whatever inhuman levels of suffering are required to access human levels of joy, and that killing yourself is like when you just trade your whole deck in for a new one in some card game, and you have no assurance that it will be any better.
I've had enough life to know I don't want any more of it unless I'm eventually able to find the joy I seek.
That's basically literally the only reason I don't kill myself, because I honestly have this suspicion that I'd just wind up in some other body somewhere or somewhen with more suffering than I have, and it's not worth the fucking risk.
What dreams may come, I guess, is actually a way better question than "to be or not to be." I mean, shit; if you're asking it, then you already are, so it's sort of a non-starter.