>NO WALL >NO LOCK HER UP >Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya >No repeal and replace Obamacare >Trump couldn't stop the caravan >Trump couldn't end DACA >Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act >Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship >Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law >Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood >Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture >Trump couldn't pass the travel ban >Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes >Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs >Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election >Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria >Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO >Anti bds law >Gave israel 38 billion >Increased the National debt by $2trillion >Gave the 1% a tax cut >Farmers bill >Omnibus bill >Amnesty bill >Crime 'reform' bill >No unclassified FISA >No Awan indictment >No Uranium One investigation >No voter fraud investigation >No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation >Sessions did nothing >Pedogate has vanished >Assange has vanished >55k sealed indictments went nowhere >Hired a bunch of neocons >Continued middle eastern wars >Ramping up for even more wars >Global LGBT crusade
>Assembles a cabinet of bankers, generals and chickenhawks who precum to the thought of war with Iran. >'Gives' Israel Jerusalem. >'Declares' all jewish settlements to be Israeli land. >pulled out of missile treaties with Russia >fired McMaster and replaced him with Bolton because McMaster dared to criticize Israel >the Trump Dept of Education makes it illegal to criticize Israel at public universities as it constitutes 'antisemitism'
I've got a strong feeling things will turn out just right
Juan Lewis
wtf why are people mad trump has done nothing to make america great (white) again? He said some based things on twitter that one time you people need to shut up. God I need to talk to my based fellow /ptg/ tranny avatarfags.
Kayden Wright
Niggers are disgusting creatures almost on par with the jews with their inhuman depravity, and the fact that no one has tried to exterminate them so the air on this planet is no longer polluted with their nigger germs makes me incredibly angry.
>2017 >Neocon Don has just declared war on Syria >draft is re-instituted >we are all going to die for Israel wyd?
Anthony Nelson
>it's not necessarily a bad thing Yes it is, it's basically predication of kritarchy. It effectively allows the judiciary to rule by allowing them control of policy (they can stall out the court cases as long as they want to, since they're the ones ruling on them to begin with)
I'm voting down ballot Republican in 2020 and there is nothing you shill faggots can do about. Enjoy 4 more years of President Donald J Trump and 4 more years of you faggots screaming into the void.
Wall is literally happening. Spics coming in before wall is finished Caravans were funded also increasing illegal immigration - literally not Trump's fault.
At least get those points right.
Landon Torres
>clap >clap so brave user
Hunter Martin
yeah that's right, /ptg/ is a pan-race movement and they're making america great (browner) again.
Easton Butler
shills don't care for details just trying to get you on feelings
Wyatt Robinson
>commentary on commentary A very special presentation. I was gonna ask how we'd do MST3K, cause most are 90 minutes, but apparently this one's
You have inspired Tulsipedes around the globe. I plan to attend the next unite the right rally with our lord and saviors Richard spencer and Patrick little.
Connor Perry
if only we can all cry like a bunch of faggots all day,that would change everything!
Oliver Martin
>hugging outside of designated hugging hours F I’ll assume you’re here in spirit if nothing else. The picture it paints of Vuvuzela is just too good considering what we’re watching now
Daniel Flores
hmmm if i were president i would be serious about the threats I make and not make myself look like a little weak bitch every week while /ptg/ faps to start.
Austin Walker
I think it's that dumb plastic nigger horn from the world cup in Africa.
Carter Anderson
Big white dick
David Davis
Sebastian Murphy
They do lots of shorts that are only 10-20 minutes.
Wyatt Perez
>I'm super demoralized guise, I'm just gonna stay home next election, who's with me fellow pedes???
>Wall is literally happening. No, it's not. >Spics coming in before wall is finished They're coming in because they know Trump will not do anything about it but simply let them cross. >Caravans were funded also increasing illegal immigration - literally not Trump's fault. His fault for saying he wanted the largest legal immigration ever.
>But he has been putting out policies, and cutting the greencard process hard thank you donald trump, very cool. Too bad that illegal immigration is higher now.
Christopher Davis
To all of those that said it's been slow lately, you have been finally visited by the COSMIC AWOO!
I suspect he encourages her and is a guiding force in a lot of her decisions. "Powerful" women tend to have a male guiding force behind them. Probably smart guy, nerdish, happy to get any pussy so helps her do anything.
That's right user, anyone who isn't happy is crying, seething even. We will have the greatest browns in M(I/A)GA hats
Hudson Richardson
it's what girls have between their legs instead of a peepee
Brody Nelson
We are at war with these people.” That is how Elan Carr, the U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, described President Donald Trump’s approach to antisemitic hate groups
“These hate-filled movements have no place on earth, and no place in the United States of America.”
“And so I am here to say: we are at war with these people. We are at war with the antisemites who don’t conceal the antisemitism — the unvarnished, naked antisemitism of the supremacists — and we are at war also with the hidden, concealed antisemitism of those who hate the State of Israel and dress up their antisemitism under the fig leaf of anti-Zionism.”
“We will in every city in the United States, we will fight it on every campus, and we will fight it in every capital of the world throughout the world. Because it is the policy of the United States to combat this ‘vile poison,’ as President Trump so correctly called it.”
>if i were president i would be serious about the threats I make you would be the first one ever to do that. Trumps done a good job so far getting things done >BUT HE DIDNT DO IT ALL! yeah, sure, youre retarded if you thought he would get every single thing done or die trying
Jonathan Long
This does much to dispel the notion our law enforcement agencies are nonpartisan.
Isaac Cox
Trump is officially a kike. Why is he shilling for criminally suppressed lower interest rates? What we need is much higher interest rates
Mason Wright
Are Guy Mike and read the description for the story behind it
>shitposts offtopic for hours and treats a political thread like its /b/ >GEE WHY AM I GETTING WARNINGS IT MUST BE A CONSPIRACY
David Rivera
Why do you think it's higher? People are getting the sense of urgency because of the policies of the administration, and the wall being built is a factor too
You got a point there; he goes strong for the globalists and weak for the nationalists. Still though nothing has happened, yet. hmm like /ptg/s favorite? "shill". So how about that donny falling back with his threats every time? Lots of threats and never has he once pulled through.
Oliver Ramirez
>kike says kike things wtf I'm voting (D) now
Leo Richardson
Joel era did more of them, but Mike had plenty.
Luis Rodriguez
kek, try harder kike
Brody Roberts
you don't have to cry if you aren't happy....you faggots sure do,though
Carter Smith
Shilling on Jow Forums >Trump is a kike puppet Shilling every where else on the internet >Trump is literally Hitler Really makes you think
>yeah, sure, youre retarded if you thought he would get every single thing done or die trying >if you think trump would make a single one of his threats true you are retarded i love /ptg/, such fucking useless and easily controlled sheep.