Will the suicidal thoughts ever go away?

Will the suicidal thoughts ever go away?

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I wish I could go on a Titanic simulator just once in my life...

The only way to remove that status ailment is to improve the quality of your life.

They never really go away.
But deaths voice becomes faint in the fiery roars of life if you really listen.

Jack was the only reason I loved that movie

Yes and everyday is quite unbearable

I could use a lick of that

I bet you can fix all those problems in your life. You choose not to. You want to escape. But you cant escape from your predicament if you dont want to fix them. So you choose to live in a vicious cycle of bullshit.

One way to remove suicidal thoughts is to kill yourself.

I wish

Why Titanic? Are you thinking of drowning yourself?

not unless you do something.
not saying work, something that actually makes you feel like you are actually working towards something.
if that doesn't help you, you can always try volunteer work or something that helps people, feeling like you are making a difference can go a long way.
used to wake up every day with that awful pressure in my chest and the first thoughts in my head usually were that voice saying to kill myself, but i feel that a lot less now.

Idk I just saved a bunch of pics I liked and that was one of them.

You bet on me? Damn I really want you in my life.

I guess I'm not alone.

I know right? I am dying anyway, I might as well be somebody. I just don't know how to change this hopeless mindset with tears in my eyes..

>Will the suicidal thoughts ever go away?
Not if you keep watching Titanic

Only when you become brave enough to be who you are and start to live the life your hear desires.
Yes, you can stop them

That water looks really fun to swim in for some reason

>have had suicidal thoughts for about half of my life (currently 32)
>not interested in stopping them at this point; I just want to die
>people tell me to seek professional help but even people who seek professional help seem to still have them
As far as I can tell the best you can hope for is to manage them, but they don't seem to ever actually go away completely.

They wont , they are part of you , like they are part of me the only way is to completly overcome them by finding a purpose in life, try yoga,meditation, running study your country history , study phylosophy

Pobably not. Ironically, they might even help you cope with life and shit. I'm no psychologist but it could be the brain working as designed

Yeah, you're probably right

Good advice!

zoloft and zyprexa will take away those thoughts.. but u might get other effects from the meds.. no libido, impossible to cry and impossible feel other peoples emotions

Not OP, but I see that as an absolute win!
How do I convince a shrink to give me some of those?

Mine went away, together with depression, in a few months of therapy. So it is possible, but it's hard

Maybe. Eventually..

Nah G, but we all live with it.