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Other urls found in this thread:

I got a cold from my wife and I’m so angry right now

I hate my wife but I suck at breaking up with people.

I've broken up with her twice and bitched out every time I see her cry.

I'm might be an alcoholic but she doesn't help.

Just trying to be a shitty person so her counselor advises her to break up with me.

I am insane and nothing and no one has been able to save me. I don't know what to do to stop these demons in my head. I have tried so hard to heal, I have done all the obvious things one would do to get help yet nothing.. nothing. No progress, no amount of friends therapists or medication has saved me. I know I can't do it on my own, I tried that too. What the fuck. Why. I hate this. I hate myself. I love life but I can not enjoy it. I can't make new friends anymore, I can't keep my old friends, slowly and surely my family has stopped talking to me. I am going to be alone and insane. Make the voices stop please

I recorded vocals for the first two songs on my alien themed discography and my god my singing abilities are pure ass.

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It was supposed to be a temporary band aid, a small dose of love to keep me going into the next day after a serious case of heartbreak. I was never supposed to get this close, this attached. Now I feel like I have just replaced one obsession with another. Please don't leave me. I need you more than you know. You are no band aid, you are more like a vital prosthetic and if you are no longer apart of me I will die. I will die without you.

I know exactly what I’m doing. I plan out my life and know what makes me happy and have set up schedules that make my goals a reality. Im so fucking unhappy though. These past few days I’ve inexplicably felt insignificant and desolate. I want someone to tell me they love me and that if I really try all my hard work will pay off. I want to feel wanted again, I want to make someone’s day better just by being around and then do the same for me. On the other hand I’m such a self centered beast it would be tough to make time for a relationship and go to the gym and pursue my goals on top of a full time job.

I wish I could help you. This is coming from someone in a similar situation, I really do (as someone who fervently believes that “only you can really help yourself” is some well-intended bullshit. other people can heal you too!!)

unironically, trying to help people is the best way i’ve found to help heal myself. if I’m giving my help to someone, it’s really mainly for me (and if they benefit from it as well then all the better)

What do you find really heals you, even temporarily? PLS RESPOND.

I hope today was a better day for you.


why can I relate to all of these? geez.

but at least I can say I feel better now.. like genuinely okay.

Nooo that can’t be

Feeding birds doesn’t give you relief? Playing with a dog? Building or tinkering with absolutely whatever?
There has to be something in life that at the very least seems like a salve for your soul.

For me, it’s destroying the illuminati. When that doesn’t suffice due to their elusive nature, it’s birds.

Glad to help them user. It feels good knowing other people have these feelings as well yeah?

So the lesson in all this is to never give up on the greater good.

I love my guy but haven't treated him or myself right for the last 3 years. I'm unsure why he stays with me. I know why I do, I'm unfortunately financially dependent on him and have only recently started a therapist session after a stint in the hospital. I have a job but it's an enabling one and I feel as if I've overstayed my welcome. I've been on the street/homeless before. Kind of went a bit insane from living in that condition and fear having to return to it stops me from making the big decision. The thing is he's a very rational and dry man so it'd be probably an easy exchange than I'm making it up to be. I know he cares a lot about me and doesn't want to see me lose myself. I can't convince him that it's not because I'm trying to push him away. I just don't think it's fair to be with him after the way I've treated him. I think he really deserves someone better but obviously I can't control how he feels. I have really nowhere else to go but if I hold out to my job a little while more I can maybe find a situation somewhere else. I know it's what I should do but I can't figure out how.

Ah, you hate me don't you Jeffrey? Or worse you never even think of me. Surely you understand how bad my mental state is by now. I am sorry, I wanted to try to be normal, and for a moment, for a single summer, I sorta felt that it would be possible. I am so damn delusional sometimes. I try so hard to hide it, my insanity, but its never enough. The truth always shines through the wool I try to pull over everyone's eyes. My only fate is a long difficult life full of conflicting emotions and loneliness. I don't think anything can fix me, I think it is time I just go limp and let the world do what it wishes to my life. I have exhausted myself damnit. How much strength am I expected to have? I know I can't meet these expectations my endurance has already run out. I don't want to hold this wheel anymore. I will let someone else take control and hope they don't crash. I am just so damn tired. I have struggled ever since I can remember and I am burnt out by now. I am sorry, I am weak.


How about arranged marriages, does your judgemental advice apply to those do.

Hang yourself.

Is baby spice a weeaboo?

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See: Plato’s Cave

She is just trying to appeal to loser pedophiles.
Not a new concept.

Not a single person did that hair style until Asuka did it, including pedobaiters.

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I hate hackers with a passion, what a bunch of losers the entire group is. Imagine being such a low life...


I highly doubt that. "Baby" is your first clue.

She was the youngest of the group.
That said, we're getting off topic.
Is she a weeaboo or not?

Why weren’t you listening when I needed someone to hear? Through all of the abuse, what made me who I am. Where were you then?

I need to stop trying to get more or better or more abstract or whatever. Just gotta live my life man. This is not working out.

Only she would know

Why doesn't anything that matters matter to me?

Haha yeah imagine that.

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She's a whore.

Stop blaming other people ffs.

It's perfect timing to stop coming online. The only person I want to talk to is no longer online.

Because experiences have no impact on who we are? Shut up. What are you good for, creeping people out and subtly manipulating them to do what you want? You can’t just remove free will. Why would you want to? You want to live in a world full of zombies?



Oh I am so fucking sorry for trying to have a life, you fucking university. Sorry for trying to have a job and shit and actually support myself unlike 90% of your chink student population.

I guess it's perfectly acceptable for me to have to get up after having 4 hour's sleep due to work the previous night, and suffer a 1.5 hour commute to a different campus than normal, to take a mandatory class NOT EVEN TANGENTIALLY RELATED to my fucking degree, then ANOTHER hour long commute back to my main campus to a class that treats me with the motherly passive aggression I'd expect to see in a kindergarten.

Get fucked, honestly. No fucking wonder we're all doomed.

You're a nutcase.

How do I get an asshole boyfriend I can ignore and stuff while he goes and does like whatever because like

I refuse to believe that in equal adamancy.
I thought I thought similarly, and I still think I do. maybe the birds gave me a glimmer of hope.
When and if I feel I’m living again, which is possible even though being lost, I’ll post here as a guide for you, really it’s seeing anguish that both kills me and gives me a purpose.

self forgiveness (looking at yourself from a 3rd person perspective and allowing you to extend love, condolences, understanding and sympathy to that person) helped a bit too the few times I tried. It seems stupid to do since there’s a lot of pressure not to detach self in such a way, may you try it pls user.

If there’s no hope for you, there’s no hope for me. which while a real possibility, there’s no point in the misery of that pit.

This is so embarrassing lmao. Why did I choose this life? It's also really creepy and immoral. Not the kind of stuff you come back from. I guess I just hate myself.

I'm watching the film Sleepover right now and it is the most inappropriate film about children I've ever seen.


That’s what you say to all of them, isn’t it? Convince them. Convince everyone around them. Isolate them. Watch as they self destruct. What do you do when it gets to that point? Do you masturbate to it? Do you laugh about it in a chat room with your cohorts? Or do you simply and sadly take out an Excel spreadsheet and fill in the results?

I really want to see a women burning her hair

Seek therapy.

I get it, the less words you write the more important and “correct” you feel. Old news.

If someone did that to you, know they were in the wrong, disregard notions of justice and mettle testing by knowing that a good peer wouldn’t be flippant and expect the outcome to be anything otherwise.

I did love you, very much, when I thought you were real. Goodbye ghost of my dreams.

Thanks, you made my this night better :D

No prob

record yourself singing
listen to it back
figure out what you don't like
repeat until you find a voice you like

I sound like a 5 year old when I sing. Like is a pretty good comparison except I don't have a New York accent.

Why don't you say anything?
Tell me so I know what the fuck to do

I’m a real fuckin human bean, joking aside I really meant that

and adding to this
It truly is something only the divine creator can do. and does, each and every day. man cannot judge in such a way, cannot test in such a way, to convince yourself you have is a divine test on your unwitting self from the true lord and creator.

Fuck off.

I’ve known you for 3 weeks and i’m obsessed with you. I usually get kinda obsessed but this is another level and i’m daydreaming about marrying you. I want to make you laugh and I like when you smile. and when you brushed your fingers on my leg, it felt electric. I am going to calm down but i think we might end up going somewhere. You’re respectful and nice to everyone and literally a dream. Fuck.

That's not fun ):

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I'm sorry, baby cheese. I love you so much. I hope the months pass by quickly so I can hurry up and talk to that god damned therapist. I feel so broken.

Why do I find this weird creature attractive

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I only need 20 times the amount of money I have right now to be a third of the way to getting my life started.

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My sister is a vindictive cunt who thinks I contribute nothing to the house despite the fact that most of my income goes to paying utility, I worked far longer than she has and I had to financially suffer for her fuck ups (car crash/stolen laptop). I've been working since High School while she gets to go out and have fun with friends, now she thinks she's hot shit because she's studying to become a nurse. She's also the only one who hasn't done any yard work in this house and doesn't realize how much of a princess she is.

Keep thinking about yourself... dont consider my feelings... you self absorbed fat phuck. Try to call my bluff you miserable phuck

I'm tryna find a song you stupid cunt

I'm deathly tired but I'm not sleeping.

Love you too user larper

Drug cartel calling a drug dealer black

You didnt even give two shits that I almost jumped off the bridge twice today if it wasnt for the shallow water.

I was hoping to either wake up in a hospital to take a break from you for atleast a month. Get amnesia just to forget. Or dead. I don't even care if I die at this point, just to prove that im not looking for attention.

It feels like I am drowning above water




I'm trying

I am honestly thinking g about killing myself every day now. My life will never get better. Does anyone k owed a hood life insurance policy I can use to give to my wife that works with suicide?

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Drink some lemon juice

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I'm not going to lie, this isn't going to be easy for me at all but I have to do it. I already feel sick but it's the right thing to do and what I should've done years ago. I still love you, always will.

First time I said I loved you, I really didn't mean it…as I'm sure you could tell. And I'm sure you feel weird about it sometimes, and sometimes doubt it when I say it now. To be honest, I was just dating you at first because you liked me, and I wanted to be dating someone, and without noticing it just got more and more serious…

But after all this time, I truly do mean it when I say I love you, because we've grown together, and I've grown to love you so fucking much. I can't imagine my life without you and I'm unbelievably lucky to have found a relationship that is so perfect for me.

You’re looking for a reason to be happy,
Killing yourself won’t work to get you that. They’re out there, not the one you’re tired of but the person who you use to wish existed. They’re real, and I’m telling you they’ll help save you from yourself if you want it. They can only find you if you start making things, writing,drawing,music whatever it is you have fun with. Put it out there, make a page and post your work to groups.

This isn’t just to you, to anyone with self destructive thoughts. There’s more to the story, don’t leave the theater yet no matter how uncomfortable it gets.

tfw you can't find a decent song but come across a ton of weird white african artists

I tried when I was 13, if you *try* all will be more weird, don't think too much about it. When you dont love anything (hobbies, money, etc) and no one love you (mom, friend, dog etc) then you are really dead

I'm too weak to want to continue

I don't think I love you, I think I was just bored. I'm hoping that won't kill our friendship.

Dude, life insurance first. I have the shot gun. I just need a generous policy that covers sucide.

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I don't think any of them will pay out for suicide, user. I'm sure your wife thinks you're priceless anyway.
Things will get better. They always do eventually.

It will if they love you.
Being friends isn’t important when your heart is broken. You’re better off just picturing the low chance at finding the right person and do some simple math. Is a break up going to help your quality of life? Then do it, if you don’t see any gains at all from a break up besides new sex partners then thats on you to choose.


Huh? Are you expecting me to text or something? I deleted your number a few years ago. I felt guilty having it, i shouldnt have what I didnt earn. Actually, you probably don't want anything to do with me this is just more delusional thinking. Please, heart, let him go. Stop thinking about him.

I keep seeing this ex classmate around the town, today he sorta talked to me. I don’t like seeing him, he used to have a big crush on me and now I feel sorta obligated to date him. Back then he gave me a slap on face for me calling him sheep, almost killed me on swings and used to ask me intrusively if I’m a virgin. I feel shitty.

Never talk to me again.