Is Joining the Army a Good Idea?

I'm 20, I consider myself pretty pathetic. I have no REAL aspirations beyond finding someone I can love and getting my own place but I don't have a dream job - just something to provide for me. I always say nursing but I really only say that because its good pay and I can help people. I haven't had a job before, and now my dad's going to kick me out in a month or so and I need a job - I figure Army is good because they'll handle food and housing. Only issue is I assume I don't have free reign of contact and stuff while I'm at boot camp or wherever so I'll lose contact with my best and really only friend. I can be a combat medic or whatever. The other issue is I'm skinny, but I've been told I'm pretty lean and muscley. I dunno. Just an option to consider; is it stupid or bad?

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Its a last resort. It will most likely ruin you and make you into just another ptsd cadet.

If you want love go to college and get a degree in demand.

If you want to be told when to shit and spend a lot of time doing boring things, join the military.

I think it's a good idea for most young men, for the following reasons:
1. It teaches you how to work for the benefit of others rather than only yourself
2. It is similar to a traditional right of passage where you learn how to become an adult, and if you don't do that with service, you'll have to find another means of fulfilling that role.
3. It teaches you the discipline you need to be successful in life
4. It gives you additional opportunities you wouldn't have otherwise, such as paid education, training, and job experience

I'm halfway through an AA I can't support financially, college is bad if you have no idea what to do with it.
I think the discipline thing is important. I'm lazy and depressed most of the time, so I think it'll be a shock at first but it'll help me realize what I need to do for life, like you said.
Besides, I have a friend who joined up and he's just gonna work in signal analysis, still in the states. He wasn't shipped over seas to fight or anything, the Army has more than just combat roles and stuff, right?

I agree, aa and bachelors are just parts of the puzzle to get a masters or doctorate. Why does no one seem to understand this?

I'm not sure if it is a good idea. But what I can tell you is that most people in a pathetic state of life early in life (like you) join the army and either become not useless or die.

Regarding the athleticism component of enlisting in the military, Google what the training for new recruits is for you country's military. Then, on your own time, attempt to achieve the training goals by at least 120% (so you can definitely make it though physical training). You would be surprised how many young Americans are unfit to enlist in the army either due to obesity or due sedentary lifestyle.

Either way, you should be physically active at your age regardless if you wish to join the military.

I was a former flight surgeon. I hated every moment of my time there but now that I have left I get lots of respect. (Not that I care about what people think about me because I have no friends and don't speak to anyone.)

However ,you should not let a singular person's experience guide your life choices. In other words, don't listen to what I said because most of the people I know were very satisfied with their time in the military. The people who were most satisfied with there time in the military are the ones who have at a pretty pathetic life at first and turned themselves around with the help of the military. For intellectuals (doctors, dentists, and engineers) who join the military (like me, joining as a doctor) the satisfaction is lower compared to the people with a pathetic life because the only reason why intellectuals join is to pay off student debt. (I did this to save hundreds of thousands of dollars on medical school by doing very little. But now reflecting on that, I think that I should have just declared bankruptcy and lived without a credit card for the next 7 years.) I went off on a tangent about intellectuals. and their lack of satisfaction in the military. If you are a NEET (not education, employment or training) you will be happy

Now since I was writing without a plan I might have said that I don't know if you should join the military. But after thinking I think you should join the military AS A LAST RESORT.

ptsd is not joke (source; doctor)

but for you I think you could become a SYSADMIN. I think its like 6 moths of school learning about Linux and Windows and how to unplug a computer wait 30secs and plug it back in and you get like a 65k salary. Comfy job, you just sit all day.

look into a COMPTIA A+ certification (or simmilar). I am a bad person to ask about details about sysadmin. I just heard about A+ on Jow Forums

Because my generation has had it pounded into their heads that AAs and bachelor's GUARANTEE jobs and make SURE you make MORE MONEY than those without one, which is horseshit.
I view this as my last resort - getting kicked out and it's not like I'm some unhatched prodigy with a million dollar idea. I literally feel lost and aimless in life, figure that's perfect for the military. I'm not active but I can run a mile in about 7 minutes if I need to, don't know if that's pathetic or not.
Does sysadmin stuff require math experience? It's by far my weakest subject - the only other thing I was considering than the Army was a freelance position on a media website since they really just ask for samples of your writing.

>go to college and get a degree in demand
We have now entered an ago of hyper production of collage graduates. Most collage graduates are useless because educational institutions lowered their standards in favor of money.

The only worth-while university degrees are (in order of value, high to low):
1) medicine
2) electrical engineering
3) dentistry and pharmacy
4) other types of engineering
8)computer science

Medicine, dentistry and etc don't suffer from these problems because cartel-like organizations artificially create demand for doctors by making entry in to med school retarded. Engineering is good because it is a regulated profession and engineering school is very, very hard so hyper production is not that big of a deal. Computer science is non-sense becuase you will work in pajeet-tier languages working on boring banking systems. This is bad becuase it is boring, pay is shit and can easily be outsourced due to software like GitHub. Engineering is difference because and electrical engineer is (most of the time) hardware and software and is difficult to outsource.

Sysadmin is literally just Jow Forums.

sysadmin is like retard level for great money

but beware of pajeets

only join the military as a last resort.

DO NOT KILL YOURSELF. because you will eventually die and a person's life in the west can not be bad enough for you to have to kill yourself

watch youtube videos on sysadmin stuff to learn what it is.

if you choose to do sysadmin go down the route of LINUX

only join the military as a last resort.

and even if you do not join the military, be physically active

only join the military as a last resort.
only join the military as a last resort.
only join the military as a last resort.
only join the military as a last resort.

Depends. Are you in country which is notorious of bombing others without provocation and occupying their lands (usa)? Or are you from some meme country like germany or canada where army is basically kindergarden, but for adults?

Also do you love it when somebody is telling you how to live your life 24/7? Because thats the army.

Attached: 1560451456921.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

Should I ask around on Jow Forums for advice? I'll look into coding, I was always under the impression that computer coding = math. I don't know if I'm cut out for it but it's worth looking into. What's pajeet mean, in coding terms? How do I not get caught into making a bad career decision in coding like said?
I live in the US, yeah, but I don't want to join the army to bomb or kill anyone - I don't think war is feasible, not if I join like, the national guard. The most war like area I'll be deployed to is somewhere in Florida or the east coast when a bad hurricane hits. I don't have anyone telling me what to do now and that's awful because I'm like a leech and I'll just take advantage for as long as I can - regardless of whether I know that it's unsustainable.

All of those shitty options are better than the military. No one wants to hire vets because they are paranoid, can not think for themselves, and are overall liabilities.

OP is far too useless to be an engineer, doctor or lawyer

Keep that shit out of this thread. Blue board and all.

You are EXTREMLY NAIVE if you legitimately believe that you will join the army AND NOT BE DEPLOYED to area with sand people which will see you nothing more than a tyrant and murderer and do their best to kill you. There is a reason why army has so many benefits in usa: because otherwise literally nobody would join. Just read the papers you sign :3

And as far as career question goes, pick something which is in demand in area you want to live. It doesnt get any easier than this
We live in age of internet. It was never easier to do your own research.

The video doesnt show anything at all, just army life ending. You see worse stuff in games and movies. Calm your pants.

I have no illusion that there isn't a RISK of me being deployed but if I run signal analysis out of some shithole base in Texas, I have more to fear from some white dude with a gun than I do a sand person.

Do research on what unit or specialization has the lowest probability of PTSD and death. Go on r*ddit and ask "i want to join the milliarty and not die or get ptsd". im sure there are millitary subreddits

you have the navy and air force (chair force)

Ask Jow Forums for advice. I would not recommend programming because I think you are too dumb for it (but you could also be very smart, I don't know you). Programming has little math involved unless you are an engineer or writing software for engineers or writing software for math problems. SYSADMIN is wayyyyyyy shitter salary but still as great salary. SYSADMIN is ZERO MATH. SYS ADMIN HAS ZERO MATH, i repeat. only most people on 4channel like computers

I'll ask around on reddit about it. Any chance the Army has a cyber division where they have some guy tell other guys not to have their password as "password"? I hear that's what 'cyber security' is and it's a growing field or whatever.

I'll ask on Jow Forums too. Never considered coding as a job field, I've never really looked into it and immediately wrote myself off for it.

>engineering school is very, very hard so hyper production is not that big of a deal
That's not true. Atleast not where I live. There's too many engineers especially Mechanical ones.

If you live in Canada/Germany they are kindergarten. Navy gets deployed on boats where you get deployed but do nothing life threatening. Air force you get deployed but you get deployed to some airforce base in Japan or the Philippines or maybe even in Europe and stand all day long with a gun and also fight no one. Stay away from USMC and ARMY because you will most likely die if your an infantryman.

If you join the air force or navy and there is no massive WW3 against russia or china you will 100% live without combat. since the US only attacks nigger countries and not russia

I never want to join infantry, I thought I made that clear earlier.

It is about as bad for lawyers as it is for engineers. There are even too many doctors in cities (but not rural areas, but who wants to live 300 miles away from a big city). Finding a job as a doctor in a city is quite difficult. Even as a Radiologist (I'm a radiologist). You can say hyper production about any profession. But compare hyper production between engineering and psychology majors.

The people who are unemployed as engineers, lawyers and other high-status jobs are the ones who are FUCKING USELESS.

There are more unemployed lawyers than engineers where I live. If you are even a below average engineer/lawyer, you will find a job. Only the retarded ones don't. Because though the fundamental dynamics of a (((free market))) the stupid will find it difficult to find a job because no one wants them

ask reddit what are the best military specializations to join if you don't like death or ptsd

Cyber division. Good luck getting in with that. You can not make an application to join the cyber forces or whatever. That is like telling OP to join the CIA. (I mean sure the CIA have application forms, but good luck.) The people who work in the "cyber forces" are not military people (even if they might have army branding) they are intelligence officers. The are military officers with ranks minimum of Major (at least in Canada). Engineers and doctors were 2LT.

good fucking luck getting into SIGINT and cyber hacking forces

this is bullshit about computer science, the pays good I'm walking into a grad job on $73k, work can be outsourced but what you get is shit if you're a decent developer good work can't be outsourced to third world countries. The banks pay the best (other than Facebook, amazon, google etc)

So you're just a computer science major? What's your job like?

DESU I'd probably do the same if I had a GED.

This list isn't that bad
5) AA in Cybersecurity, meanwhile study for A+ Sec+ CCNA MSCE so cheap and effective but can do Bachelors if it becomes an issue
6)Computer Science
7)Marketing spec in Digital
8)Finance/Actuarial (tie because Actuary is low on jobs)

Bubble: Physiotherapy, Veterinary, Plumbing, Lawyer

If you just want a cheap job fast, Medical Assistant is insane literally 8 job offers before graduation, everyone recruits you in your area, might be some gender discrimination though. Job caps out at 30K which is laughable but if you literally just want a job for a cheap as fuck degree from a community college its cash.

Also I forgot to add that Medical Assistant counts for the patient care hours necessary to become a Physician Assistant which does make 80-110K so.