Biden enters race and is front-runner in 5 days
>A CNN poll released Tuesday found Biden jumping 11 points to 39 percent support, a 24-point lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who is at 15 percent support. No other candidate in the race has double-digit backing from respondents.
someone please explain. are these biden-cucks for real or is this some manufactured consent?

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Other urls found in this thread:

biden is the establishment choice. bernie is going to be cucked again and will bow down to him

are they controlled opposition because between nafta, iraq war, and creepy children pics, his loss is pretty much inevitable

most of democrats are either politically uninformed and just vote for D or too partisan and would probably still vote for him even if he was a convicted rapist

that still fails to answer why biden? theres is like 20 other potential D's.

the ironing

>CNN poll

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he wont last... too much dirt will seep out over the next year.

not for nothin but he is the only Dim i would vote it that field.

CNN loves him.
Thanks god for Trump!

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Because he's been there the longest, especially in the spotlight. It's his turn.

Oh, that crazy uncle Joe...

they'll say being a rapist is just another sexual orientation

>democrats hate white people
>yet still vote for the old white man every time
I don't get it.

still unclear on all of this.
how much of the biden support is establishment shilling, cnn polling bias, uninformed poll respondents, and finally actual volition or active first preference from actual americans?

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Because Biden is a true alpha male, unlike virgin Drympf.

Chad Biden:
>cops a feel on any female he meets to display his dominance
>slays barely legal and underage pussy on the regular
>seduces girls right in front of of their husbands and fathers
>in excellent physical condition
>hates niggers and wants to keep them out of his white neighborhood

Virgin drumpt:
>has to pay washed up porn stars to fuck him
>buys women expensive furniture sets so they will let him grab them by the pussy
>obese and eats McDonald's
>loves niggers almost as much as he loves jews

Is that you, Obama? Get off Jow Forums and go back to facebook, you baboon.

Once the debates start his support will shrivel away and another Dem will take top spot.
Bernie will take the sails out of Beto and vice versa..

Ultimately the dems will shoot themselves in the foot again and Trump the Israeli bitch boi will win again

Biden sucks and no way in hell can creepy joe win anything, he can't speak publicly and can't come across to the public

bernie will bow for the right price anyway

Its not looking good for him on kikebook. Radical and mid tier lefties on my friends list hate him

>he is the only Dim i would vote it that field.
>Thanks god
Who the fuck are you

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Biden: You know what they say? The older the bull, the stiffer the horn.

>A CNN poll
Lol just stop. Everyone knows this guy is a kidfucker.

BIDEN 2020
Reach out and touch America

My bet is on Beta. He will utterly cave to liberal financial interests and be the only person with enough physical energy to get through the nomination process. In a sense he's not really caving at all, he's just got that suburban cuckold niche locked down imo. It amazes me that "people" had invested hope in Booker and others, sad!

If he becomes the candidate 2020 is in the bag for Trump.
Like 100% it's a Trump 2020 victory against Biden.
Will be just like Clinton.

>>A CNN poll

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>CNN poll

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have you ever had your belly tickled...
from the inside?

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>saw exactly the same thing with Hillary vs Trump
>God emperor triumphs anyway
Second verse same as the first.

>imagine the smell

It's funny how little self awareness Demorats have.

Uhh... former VP... just like HW Bush... and a shitload of others.

You know, everybody hates dad until they want money... or a shill... or a ride to the mall.

Because niggers. Hes associated with Obama and thus niggers want him.

>Bernie Sanders at 15
>No other candidate has double digits

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Underrated for a meme flag


>go back to facebook
Go back yourself, phoneposter.

>Lefties keep sperging out and going farther and farther left and saying how much change they want
>Last truly “progressive” nominee for his time was Obama and even he wasn’t an uber-lefty
Why does this keep happening? Why do they keep acting like commies and then nominating moderate corporate establishment drones?

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>corporate establishment drones
They can get elected

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