Imagine that you raised a child for three years and then found out he wasn't yours...

Imagine that you raised a child for three years and then found out he wasn't yours. Your wife settled down with you because she thought you would be a good father.
Upon learning this, should you step up to the plate or should you leave?

Attached: baby.jpg (548x556, 62K)

I would hire a jew lawyer to cover my ass as his fees will still be less than child support. Then I leave. It wasn't my plate.

I would probably just off my wife. That reminds me, I need to do a paternity test on my youngest daughter

why don't you trust her

Get all the DNA stuff done, then get the best lawyer possible.
If you can secretely record your wife telling you these things, you can even have her pay you too.

Because I stole her from her husband, so she's capable of cheating

Did this actually happen to you or do you just want to try to stir up shit?

>imagine being bad at the oldest math question of all time.
You are asking me a lot.


But the kid needs you
how can you turn your back on a child you raised for 3 years?

what goes around comes around. serves you right.

It is not his blood. Blood is everything.

Imagine thinking that
blood doesn't make you a parent
raising a child makes you a parent

More power to her for deceiving me and using me to support her offspring. I would resent her for a while, but stay if she was otherwise a good woman. Make do with the cards I've been dealt.

I don't imagine I'd be able to live with myself for abandoning and permanently damaging a kid who had grown to love and care for me just because I was mad at their mom. I certainly wouldn't remain married to this woman but I couldn't just disappear on the kid. That would be fucked up.

blood makes you want to be a parent.
My family. My tribe. Screw everyone else, for they are busy screwing Me and You. Limited resources. Gain control over resources, spread your code. Best wins.

>blood makes you want to be a parent.
This is demonstrably false. Plenty of people are betrayed, murdered and abandoned by their blood all the time. It honestly doesn't mean anything.

>My family. My tribe. Screw everyone else, for they are busy screwing Me and You. Limited resources. Gain control over resources, spread your code. Best wins.
Go back to Jow Forums you miserable NPC.

Ditch the whore take the kid

>It honestly doesn't mean anything.
Your culture is broken.

Tell that to your kid when he slits you for money

Not my kid, not my problem.

>your kid
Not my DNA, not my kid.

>take the kid
and why
you're gonna get 1/2 weekends and 15 years of child support

>But the kid needs you
No, he needs his real dad and fuck your partner for trying to trick you into raising another man's child. A truly fair justice system would force her to pay back what you'd put into raising the kid and pursue the real father.

Just a polite reminder that under the current system in most Western countries you will be forced to support the child even though you know he's not yours all because you signed the birth certificate. It literally doesn't matter that you signed it under false pretences, it doesn't matter that the child's not yours, it doesn't matter that your parnter lied to you, it doesn't matter that she cheated on you, you are still legally obliged to support her and it. If this ever happens to me I intend to liquidate as much of my wealth as possible and fuck off to another country.

Not my kid

If you're willing to take a child that isn't yours and be its father you've made a choice. All the time, energy and ressources you pour into the child and your woman who's doing the main job of taking care are spent knowing that you've made a choice.

If your gf one day tells you you've made her pregnant, you take care of her during pregnancy, get all these fatherly feelings and emotions, pour your time, energy and ressources into the kid that she got by letting some guy inseminate her behind your back, then you've been cheated on, lied to and used in the worst way. I've seen a teacher of mines heart and soul vanish after he found out his daughter of 9 years wasn't his.

i'm actually surprised more men don't murder their wives due to this. It's one of the few situations where I'd feel sympathy for the killer.

>This is demonstrably false. Plenty of people are betrayed, murdered and abandoned by their blood all the time. It honestly doesn't mean anything.
Before the modern state was there with its safety nets there was your family that was the first safety net. If you see a total break down of society, the most reliable people will be your family.

I don't think I could love a child that wasn't my own because I hate children. I would definitely reach out to a lawyer and build a divorce case, move out and move on with my life.

Yeah it sucks that the kid will grow up without a father but I don't think I could stop myself from passive-aggressively hating the kid. It would be a constant reminder that my wife cheated and why the fuck do I have to deal with that?