>Completely wipe out Christianity from society >Become a nihilistic atheistic society >Open the borders to hordes of foreigners with an incompatible, barbaric culture, historical enemies of Christianity and the West >Promote multiculturalism and miscegenation with foreigners living seperated from society... >Native White women converted to Islam and breeding the new generation of mutts.
Wtf is this black pill? We need another Breton tarrant.
Grayson Cruz
memeflag with demoralizing bs. one person is whole europe. right. i am at the edge of giving up my life. and yet. i see through your shit. fuck off.
Caleb Lewis
I'll prefer Christianity over Islam any day, even though I am not a Christian. In all seriousness, I consider converting to something else that is not from Middle East, any suggestions?
Hunter Mitchell
Christianity is a nonsensical religion
Jackson Flores
Could be that way, but hey, at least the stuff he says are partially true though.
Gavin Edwards
I think you should try Jainism, trust me, even though I am not sure if I can join it right now, I think its pretty neat. I mean, it has Swastika as their symbol after all.
i am not saying parts of that are not true. it is just 1 post by this ID demoralizing shill to make you feel like everything is going to shit, and everyone is agreeing with this. not they are not. silent majority is full of rage. i was silent for too long.
its just germans europe today is what would have happened if hilter won >literally though arabs/persian are aryan >wanted treaties with turkey and mass importation of turks for low wage work
Christopher Barnes
Well aren't they all hate Jews? Also, where is the source of Hitler wanting to import Turks?
Noah Martin
>literally though arabs/persian are aryan Persians are, arabs not so much. >wanted treaties with turkey and mass importation of turks for low wage work Source?
Noah Parker
>Jainism for now nothing, but i thank you for new knowledge i can study.
Well I can give you some interesting things about it.
Jains believe that the Universe has always existed, meaning that it has no end nor beginning, which means that there is no creator that is God. However, there is a soul in our world, and by that info in mind, we must ask ourselves "if the souls are precious and apply to every living thing, does that mean we should not hurt any animal and plant?". Not really, plants and animals can reach Nirvana, but they cannot reach Moksha, which is only for human beings (hence people of any race including niggers with a low IQ of 86 which are considered to be not humans are not allowed to enter). Also, an animal must not suffer if you are going to eat meat, that is, you must kill an animal in so called "kosher" way.
How does this sound so far, user?
Henry Price
>faggot needs to believe in something Take the final redpill user. Nothing ever changes, there is no beginning nor an end to anything. You are eternally trapped in a never ending vicious circle of events.
>Completely wipe out Christianity from society To be fair, all the Abrahamic religions are cancers upon humanity. They are the cause of most of the strife in the world.
>Become a nihilistic atheistic society At least nihilism is honest and stoic. Theocrats are nihilist too, but they lie about it.
>Open the borders to hordes of foreigners Russia is literally doing this in Vladivostok, now back to its original name Haishenwai (海參崴).
No country is cucked, major awakenings are happening to the European people. Victory imminent within 5 years.
Jonathan Martinez
>people still thinking that it matters what religion europeans adopt Any religion, no matter the source, will become European over time due to the fact that it is Europeans who are practising it.
It is the stupidest religion in our country. Hinduism is the only real dharmic religion, rest are just third grade knock offs.
Angel Foster
A thread like this would get over 150 posts with lots of anger just 4 years ago. Now Jow Forums doesn't care.
Wyatt Powell
Indeed, I say that Europeans must embrace the Jainism as their religion. The only thing you need to do is: 1. Be compassionate about Life, protect the Life and preserve the thing you love the most, in a non-violent way. 2. Believe in non-violence, violence only leads to destruction. However, if someone is bloodthirsty, then don't be afraid to DEFEND YOURSELF AND THOSE WHO YOU LOVE! 3. The Karma awaits those who seek violence, death and dark over love, life and light.
Want a modest white woman? In a few decades you will have no choice but to convert to islam to get one. Other choices would be mutts and roasties. Islam allows 4 wives so it could single singlehandedly solve the white demographic problem.
Hunter Moore
being a cuck is based af. it's also very energy efficient because you're letting a nigger do the physical work while you can rest and play vidy or browse reddit.
John Edwards
All Europeans need to do is to start believing in reincarnation again, everything else will fall into place. That's the True Folk Faith.
Colton Hughes
The old Aryan religion of reincarnation bro, it produces the most fearless warriors imo. It's also inherently and implicitly Nordic.