Now that the dust has settlee, was this cringe or cool?

now that the dust has settlee, was this cringe or cool?

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it was fed bait


they should have had white childern and their parents should have voted republican instead of democrats and their grandparents shouldnt have imported africans and we wouldnt be in this mess

I thought it looked cool but is spot, this was a honey pot. Look how many people ended up doxxed.

thus far it was the crowning cultural achievement of the post-Trump alt-right. Jews are absolutely seething that "jews will not replace us" got memed.

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I was at Home Depot today on my lunch break and saw a bunch of tiki torches. Started immediately laughing.

Some ome of the worst optics we've ever gotten. They won't shut up about Charlottesville. It's too soon for this kind of thing, torches are cool, tiki torches are cringe. Uniformed marches are cool, streetclothes mobs are not.

Yep. Just keep voting republican, that works great.

What was this shit again? I forgot to memorize all alt-fag controlled opposition acts.

And I don't want to use Google for Reverse Search.

The torch march was cool. The part where jews had a stooge drive into a group of s o y people so it could be blamed on white nationalism was not good PR for white nationalism though.

This whole event killed all pro white movements in the US

False flag fake news story, just like the smollet thing. Pre-packaged and sold to the public to sell an idea

It's amazing how much this still bothers them.

it was cool. it struck fear into the hearts of kikes everywhere. 2 years later and they still cant stop talking about it. Their mistake was being like Randy Marsh and thinking 'OH IM SORRY I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA". they should have known that the corrupt state wouldnt do their job and seperate the marchers and would also use all available powers to prosecute whoever they could unjustly.

but it was undoubtedly cool. you cant look at jews and commies freaking the fuck out over it like it happened yesterday 2 years after the fact and pretend it was some kind of impotent spergout of autists that made them look like retards. It was sick optics and would have gone great if we didnt live in a corrupt clownworld.

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man, I am so glad I didnt go. I thought it would really be a "unite the right" rally, instead it was a handful of neo-nazis, a thousand jews, and a thousand ANTIFA agitators that turned it into a shit show.

It was immediately labels a white supremacist march and everyone involved denounced as Nazis.

it's ok that they won't shut up about it, it was a powder keg moment. acceleration my friend

Who cares if it was a honeypot. If you're on Jow Forums it's likely that you don't use social media. So what would you have to lose? If I lived closer I would have attended Charlottesville. The point is to get the message across. The media coverage is letting whites across the nation that there are more like-minded people out there who care about preserving white America.

big Dibbas rollin in style

For scared, spineless, faggots like you maybe

"jews will not replace us"

Hahaha. Yes we will sweetie. Keep paying your tax goy. You live to serve us Jews.

It was fake and gay.

Absolute cringe

Fake and glow in the dark gay

This. The "leader" of this thing was a rabid liberal nut job just a few months prior, and for no apparent reason, just suddenly "changed sides."

the marchers were chanting "You will not replace us", some kike taking pictures off to the side started yelling "jews will not replace us" and a few marchers laughed, and continued the "you will not replace us" the jew media ran with "jews will not replace us"

I would have went, too. And I will go to the next one. White cowards that want to just sit and vote for faggot Republicans are losers.

shouldhave been wearing hugo boss uniforms wearing balaclavas to prevent doxxing

Did this guy ever get doxed? They use his picture for everything.

Could have been cool, ended up cringe.


100% cringe

did someone photoshop the shoulder pads on those jackets

Whatever it was it was more than you'll ever do.

fuck you, the media has been non-stop reciting the "white supremacist" rally narrative since day one. 99% of white people wont support a "white supremacist" narrative and the kike media knows it, and used it against us

this. republicucks are useless boomers. we need a new right party that isn't cringe.

It was cool. I almost went but I decided to stay home and work instead. I regret not going.

It was pretty cool but probably not worth it.

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It was amazing to watch live. It did a lot of damage to those that attended though. Suposedly the statues were saved.

imagine getting duped into going to a big pro rally in newtown, CT which ends in gun murder in sandy hook village. this how spooky this event was

It's only cringe because they are replacing and nobody is actually doing anything.

Absolutely blatant psyop.

the liberal left was able to doxx a lot of the torch marchers and got several fired from their jobs

Yes that's why I said it did damage to those that attended. It's best to work on your life and get positions of power..

I've never been to a pro-white rally that hasn't had proper measures in place to keep the two sides separated.

There was major bussing going on and a literal warzone. I am still astonished only 3 people died. I expected a dozen when all is said and done, given the ammount of firearms present.

These mouth-breathing retards played right into the leftists’ hands. The whole thing was a monumental PR snafu.
>tiki torches
Somehow managed to both invoke the KKK and look like larping frat bro bitches.
>all wearing white button-up shirts
See above
>sperglord killing a counterprotestor
And here’s the icing on the cake, a ready-made justification for all future censorship and deplatforming of right-if-center ideas.

Good job Unite the Right, you could not possibly have fucked this up any more.

It was the greatest fucking bait by the left ever.

>wear preppy white collared shirts, it will be cool
>get tiki torches

Literally look exactly like 21st century clan because a liberal tricked some alt boys into doing it. Not even mad, it's fucking genius. This has re-written the political book for years to come.

“We need to do something about us being genocided”.
“Omg! One of our enemies was accidentally killed because the system wanting to kill us set us up and now the media which wants us dead is lying about us”
“That’s it! I’m out!”

kek. didn't even notice. looks like it

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Definite cringe. Bad "muh optics"

Message was sent. Created dialogue...people were angry. Now when someone says The name C-ville, this comes to mind. Now I know their city government is chalk full of subversives, of which I'm sure the cops secretly hate. Next question.

You need to be told how to feel about something? Do you think it's cool? Then it's cool. Jesus...

Don't attack my car and I won't run you over.

It's so simple.

Nice digits, but Charlottesville was really glowy.

Bunch of conservatives decided it would be a good idea to march along side literal Nazis.

Honestly hicks are fucking degenerate and sub 100 IQ.

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he had urine thrown at him. He was hit with blunt wepons and antifa threatened to shoot him by pointing their guns.

Google "Dwayne Dixon"

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I think it was cool, it's common to march with torches like this in Europe, they should have known how it would be twisted though.


It will be in history books

Buncha glowniggers if I ever saw one

> indelible in the hippocampus

>kick a violent nigger twice on the ground
>Virginia law says that premeditation can happen in less than a second
>Jacob Goodwin gets a decade in prison
Everyone should be praying for our dreamers who are being wrongly convicted.

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