Russian Active Measures Or "aктивныe мepoпpиятия"

How successful have they been?

Not just Yuri Bezmenov attested to this, but also Oleg Kalugin, former Director of Foreign Intelligence for the KGB testified on national television shortly after his exile to the US.

>On the other hand -- and this is the other side of the Soviet intelligence, very important: perhaps I would describe it as the heart and soul of the Soviet intelligence -- was subversion. Not intelligence collection, but subversion: active measures to weaken the West, to drive wedges in the Western community alliances of all sorts, particularly NATO, to sow discord among allies, to weaken the United States in the eyes of the people of Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, and thus to prepare ground in case the war really occurs. To make America more vulnerable to the anger and distrust of other peoples.

>... the Soviet intelligence [was] really unparalleled. ... The [KGB] programs—which would run all sorts of congresses, peace congresses, youth congresses, festivals, women's movements, trade union movements, campaigns against U.S. missiles in Europe, campaigns against neutron weapons, allegations that AIDS ... was invented by the CIA ... all sorts of forgeries and faked material—[were] targeted at politicians, the academic community, at [the] public at large. ...



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Stop disagreeing with the progressive neoliberal elite, goy

It's a meme for boomers. Bezmenov was just a patsy to blame the Russians for what the CIA and American Jews were doing to their own population.

>"aктивныe мepoпpиятия"
That's not how you translate "active measures" to Russian. Stop using google translate.
t. Russian

The interview is originally from fucking 1998 you faggot how else were you going to get the message spread back then? Online, independent news only really took off after 2010.

I'd like to see evidence of this theory that's more convincing than 2 major KGB officials who willingly went to the United States and provided not only information about this but also Soviet and later Russian intelligence assets who were later identified and captured based on their recommendations.


The way you know it's successful is because barely anyone talks about Russian or Chinese intelligence operations on here despite the fact that they cause more economic and political damage than anything else the Mossad is pulling, even AIPAC.

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You are witnessing the progression of 60 years of Soviet agitation and destabilization on the US. The fucking USSR is dead for nearly three decades, and their destabilization campaign is still hard at work.

Fucking kill yourself.

Russia never stopped or dropped its intelligence assets overseas, and tons of politicians including Putin were former Soviet leadership in one way or another. They never stopped hating the United States and arguably many Russians probably dislike the US even more for apparently knocking Russia from 2nd place superpower down to the status of a regional power, in the process causing tons of drug addiction and crime to take hold which still isn't gone today.

What most people fail to understand is that the Cold War was just theater. The elites controlling the US/NATO and USSR/Warsaw Pact are the same Semites and traitors serving them. While "the Russians" were targeting the US public for subversion, CIA and military intelligence were led by the nose to undermine the public in the name of "national security." Of course, one look at what's been propagated by the Mockingbird media using MKULTRA derived strategies for mass control let's you know that social stability was not the goal at all. Similarly, stopping the KGB was never actually a goal because the same ones ordering them to engage in subversion were behind the CIA as well. The Cold War was nothing more than a bluff to keep pawns moving in proscribed ways.

Putin is a german agent. Just like Trump.

You're fucked.

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Agreed. Even if the '91 - 99ish societal collapse rendered them unable to manage their assets, it wouldn't matter. By then the agitators and their movements were self-sustaining. The "free love" syphilis generation moved into academia and other positions of social relevance. The worst paet about it is US intel knew about these fucks, but chose not to act because "muh treasure trove of soviet intel."

stay mad, kike. Its not over.
It never even began.


sort of want this to be true desu

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Vey effective.
Just look at what bullshit they teach burger's.
Hive of idiot's and commie's.

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The problem with that theory is that the USSR was vehemently anti-Semitic, to the point where when it collapsed almost all Russian Jews took the opportunity to move to Israel. The USSR also supported Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Syria, Libya, etc Middle Eastern countries that absolutely wanted to destroy all Jews.

It's much more plausible that the Jews only have significant political influence in the United States and other countries in the West, and the USSR was (and now Russia is) generally acting on its own desire for power. Occam's Razor.

>in the process causing tons of drug addiction and crime to take hold
This happened because their police state faltered, as did their protections against international finance, closing many factories and losing jobs. Not because they lost power globally.

Remember when Germany welded Vladimir Lenin inside a railroad car and shipped him back into Russia because they wanted to destabilize it? The good old days of multipolar Europe, I suppose.

You’re immediate butthurt reaction gives you away kike. That and the meme flag.

The police state faltering was concurrent with losing global power, as well as the economic unrest. The transition from command economy to private enterprise was specifically modeled after capitalism, which is quintessentially American, at least in the eyes of Russians.

The Semitic elite are not Zionists or Jews, in the religious sense. They know, and have known since the invention of Yahwehism by their own hands, that the Abrahamic religions are fictional nonsense used for controlling the masses. Their loyalty to their tribesmen extends only as far as, "What can they do for me?" They have seen first hand that blood ties are easily subverted, as it was the hands of European traitors which brought every nation under their control, because feats of conquest are beyond their own tribe. The Soviet revolutions were always led by Jews and even in nations where their uprisings failed, such as Germany, it was always the Jews who made up the bulk of the Partisans. The high Jewish percentage of Partisans is in fact one of the supporting pillars of the Holocaust myth, as they figured more prominently in the numbers of those executed directly as subversives because of their greater rate of participation in subversion. That the elites pulling the strings from above would then employ anti-Semitic actions in the USSR is no new thing either. During the feudal age in Europe, the Jews controlling the nations through their appointed traitor nobles often directed the persecution of lower caste Jews as a means to placate the native populace suffering under their regime. For all of the expulsions, the only nation today which even makes an attempt at banning Jews is Iran.

Now, there is something to be said for the existence of power rivalries within the elite hierarchy which are sometimes played out along national conflicts. This type of rivalry was the basis for the economic destruction of the USSR, simply to undermine the power of those at the top. However, the "collapse of the USSR" did not cause the puppetmasters to be removed.

That is foolish because it was the fault of their own autocratic system. I fucking despise how literally everything pozzed is associated with Americanism or labeled Western. It's the same sort of social illness that blames "the times" for incompetence and the filth that people tolerate. This is not just the main issue with white demographic problems as a whole but something much deeper, something bugman tier within every people on this earth. It is the only "universal" concept that really applies.

Anyway, they got their police state back now and industry has been steadily improving there.

Russians brainwash the the American left in communism in a long-game play but the contemporary right are seeking closer cultural, security, and political ties if not a white ethnounion with them. I'd say that he's much more correct than most of us anticipated

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