The atheists are starting to Radicalize in the US
The atheists are starting to Radicalize in the US
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Satan is one of the Abrahamic gods. Atheists don't believe in these kinds of fictitious characters.
LaVeyan satanism are atheists, who do not believe in God but follow a doctrine
You're retarded. Atheists aren't satanists because they don't believe in satan either.
>LaVeyan satanism are atheists,
By definition they cannot be. But you'd have to be older than 12 to understand why.
go look up their beliefs, LaVeyan Satanism is atheistic and they don't literally believe in Satan like Christians do YHWH
how have you newfags never come across these guys before?
If they don't believe in satan, they aren't satanists then. If I don't believe in christ, am I a christian even if I call myself one? And why would we even go looking for them, given am aversion to religiosity in general?
Satan is merely the symbol of the LaVeyan Satanist. He represents hedonism as a virtue, rebellion, and the veneration of self.There are offshoots of Anton Levay's Church of Satan that are theistic, such as Aquino's Temple of Set.
So then they aren't satanists because they don't worship or even believe in satan, they're just hedonists larping to piss off their christian parents.