My father is cheating but i dont have evidence

i know for sure he’s cheating, he always communicates with the other woman through a facebook account he adamantly claims he doesn't have. i once borrowed his phone to send an email and his inbox was full of facebook alerts from one of his female friends. i once accidentally saw a message on his phone that was from a strange woman i had never met before, it was a long love poem about how he “she was alone and wanted his company”. my mom is such a good and loving wife, i really think she deserves to know. i dont have any conclusive evidence though, he is generally really careful with covering his tracks. the times i’ve confronted him he’s been dismissive and tells me that he doesnt know what im talking about. i feel like i’m going crazy. i’ve attempted suicide several times because of how much this has affected me and my family. he was the perfect father growing up and i hate having to upset what he’s doing to us.

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not upset, accept* sorry

kill yourself faggot

wow that was uncalled for. also as far as i’m aware a girl can’t be a faggot.

> my mom is such a good and loving wife

Doesn't exist mofo. Women are all lying pieces of shit. You are a soiboy cuck for believing in her lies.
Bros b4 whores so side with your dad

i’m a girl. my mom is a good woman who has ALWAYS put and my dad first. if there isn’t enough food she would rather not eat than take anything from our plates.

If she is such a good woman your father wouldn't have cheated.

>ALWAYS put and my dad first

It's because your dad is an alpha. Women love alpha males. If your dad was a cuck your mom would have cheated instead.

Also forgot
>attempted suicide several times because of how much this has affected me and my family
>perfect father growing up
>my mom is such a good and loving wife

You don't deserve them then. You have loving parents yet you want to kill yourself. Fuck you OP. You disgust me.

i’m allowed to be upset, my family is falling apart.

>i’m allowed to be upset

Your also allowed to not be affected by them and become the best version of yourself. And also do you think your parents would want that? Their marriage is failing and their kid is wanting to die?

Your pathetic user.

you're probably underage if this is what you're coming to Jow Forums for advice 4

you’re forgetting this is his fault. he made a choice even though he knew the consequences. their marriage isn’t falling apart, he’s tearing it down. you cant possibly excuse something that is so clearly wrong.

Based retard, I'm seriously impressed

Don't be a dum dum and get the evidence then tell mom

You are allowed to be upset. I'd have to agree to a degree that committing suicide would further worsen the very problem you want to solve (fixing your family situation), but suicidal thoughts can't be helped as it is possible that yours are chemically driven. I don't really have any good advice because I wouldn't know what to do myself, but I hope you get through this, op.

thanks. i’m going to therapy, trying to deal with internal factors to keep external ones from doing more damage. i want to fix this, if not for myself at least for my mom.

>i’ve confronted him
You shouldn't, now it will hide even more, retard

Anything can be a faggot, faggot. As for your issue, it's not your problem. You dont want to be the one to tell your mom, because it will be your fault the marriage breaks down. What your dad does is what he does. Attempting suicide is a dumb response. You just want attention to bring this up. You can talk to your dad about how you've seen it and how you want nothing to do with him, but you cant make him stop.

yes. because if my dad cheats and my mom divorces him its my fault. i have to laugh.

>As for your issue, it's not your problem. You dont want to be the one to tell your mom, because it will be your fault the marriage breaks downing

fucking BASED retard. Let the cheater cheat and keep living a lie. Attaboy.

user, do the opposite of this. But be smart about it.

This. Tell your mom anyway, and if you ever get the chance again, take photos of the messages.

She will see you as the person who ruined the marriage, laugh all you want
It's up to the person to decide not to cheat. Op could get evidence and leave it out for her mom and stay somewhat anonymous, but for the most part it's not ops problem. It's her mom and dad's problem

Yes, she's retarded for not getting the evidence sooner. But the mother must know anyway. Either it's OP who tells her or the father himself.

>She will see you as the person who ruined the marriage
And how so you know? Experience? That's just silly

Without going into it, yes. Experience. Yes, it is silly. She's already talked to her father apparently, so if she's going to do anything related to telling her mom she needs evidence.

But it's not her problem is my point. Its up to them, best thing she could do is hint that her mom should pay more attention to what he's doing. But it's unneeded stress on her life

Stay out of it, please.
You will only involve yourself, and that will create more chaos in the long run.
The truth will come out eventually.

>The truth will come out eventually

Or not. She might die without knowing.
The best solution would be to tell mom then cut ties with them for some time

Find a way to get your dad's phone and screenshot it or give it to your mom. Its really not that complex