I desperately need to move out. My mother is making me pay her 580 a month for rent and insurance. I'm okay with paying insurance, but I don't want to pay 400 for rent when I've lived at that house for most of my life for free, and we didn't lose the house. I'm sure Its more expensive, but I just hate the idea of the paying rent for my mom.
I desperately need to move out. My mother is making me pay her 580 a month for rent and insurance...
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I need a roommate, but I don't know anyone looking for a roommate.
How much is rent in your city OP?
Rent in my city is $1200-2700 so paying $500 is a good deal. Might be worth just staying for a bit longer
>Your mother prepares you to be responsible and how it's like to be independand.
>She is a bad mother.
Oh please, grow up. There are people who live alone at 16 and people who form families at 18.
rent is 600 at the lowest end. I'm fucking 24, so its more of a psychological thing.
nigger, I want to move out. how is that not grown up?
If you re complaining at helping and providing for your family, it means you re not ready yet. Just an opinion.
OP never said his mother was a bad mom. You sound like a cunt though.
I agree with
Tha'ts cheaper then anything you'd get if you moved out. Suck it up.
>I'm fucking 24..
> And I don't want to take care of my self
time to grow the fuck up bro, your parents gave you a free ride for 24 years.
Kind of resent her for divorcing my dad last year.
I've been paying rent to live at home since I was 18. I've always hated it. It is just now I feel like it isn't actually going anywhere.
You guys going to give me actual advice on moving out?
I'm still too old to live at home.
look up ads for apartments and roommates
Do you have any money saved up?
Jow Forums cant do that for you
you sound too inept to move out desu
>Do you have any money saved up?
>Jow Forums cant do that for you
you sound too inept to move out desu
I just want to know a good place to look up ads, I don't want a serial killer roommate.
500 is easily enough to put money away each month with, even with a min wage job. If you want to move out, plan the details, set a budget and timeline, save and when you're ready put a deposit down. It ain't ficking hard and anywhere else you move is gonna be more expensive, and you're no gonna have mommy buying groceries or paying bills either. Life sucks kid. I'm 28 and I pay 1400 for my mortgage. Adapt or be left behind.
if you're too stupid to use google, you're too stupid to move out
I buy my own groceries. only thing I don't pay for is internet and utilities.
I don't know how well the sites are curated that is the problem cunt.
Well I guess you're hopeless then
you should just go on Jow Forums and ask to become someones live in NEET/Trap that sleeps under the bed
Then google "X site Reviews" Jesus man. I was on your side at first, but some of these anons might be right. You need way too much handholding if you can't put 2 and 2 together.
1. You need a job. No apartment is going to even look at your application if you don't have income. I'm assuming you have if you can afford $500 for nothing.
2. Decide where you want to live. Do you want to move close to work? Out of state? Away from niggers? If you go to work then you should at least know some local apartments to visit. Check out their locations online and if you think they look good, visit in person. Applications to each place generally cost a fee.
3. Once you've found where you want to live and they accepted you, it's time to move out. If you have people that you talk to semi-regularly, ask them for help on a weekend and rent a UHAUL or similar. Expect this to be an all day thing. Tell them that you'll feed them at a local restaurant and sweeten the deal with more cash only if necessary.
I think that's it. Good luck OP.
what's the fucking point of posting on here if everyone just says google it.
Your asking such basic questions that the answer IS google it.
you might as well ask, "how do I tie my shoe"
"How do I pay my hydro bill"
"How do I walk to my car?"
we can't do the work for you dumbass.
learn how to doo things for yourself. THIS is the advice you need not the advice you want
you are assuming a lot about me. There are tons of sites for finding roommates. I don't know which ones are good for finding roomies that I can actually trust.
That's honestly what I want to know.
You asked how to move out, people told you to use many of the available apartment/house hunting sites. If you have the money to move out, then you've already taken care of the legwork. You do sound a little immature in expecting people to also curate these sites for you, whose quality can vary depending on the locale you reside in.
Then put in some fucking research, it would take maybe an hour to find to reviews for most of the popular ones.
do you not know anything, and just get off on talking down to me?
ok thread over.
You're either trolling or just too fucking stupid to move out. Either way this conversation is over
Sorting through all those sites and making sound calls about which is trustworthy IS the legwork that's involved. No one here is going to do your homework for you. If you really want to move out, put your nose to the grindstone and start figuring out the semantics. Its naive of you to assume people here would use their free time to do your work for you
I moved out at 18. Full time job, car, and apartment.
Your ego is shortcircuiting your ability to understand some things. I think the real advice you need is ego control.
Figure it yourself retard. I feel bad for your mom because she has to put up with this bullshit all day. I would have kicked your sorry ass out by now.
The answer is you can't trust anyone. Welcome to the world, be on guard motherfucker.