Tell doctor I dropped out of school because of social anxiety

>tell doctor I dropped out of school because of social anxiety
>tell doctor It's tough to function and I can't work normal jobs because of it
>he tells me to take valarian root


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What were you expecting? Xanax? Just buy on the street for $1

Idk anyone that has any Xanax unfortunately

Go outside. Be social

See a psychiatrist

Idk gangsters are always hostile and suspicious to me

I did

See a different MD.

That doctor may think you have a sleeping disorder. Did you gave him any reason to believe this?

Kinda but if anything the sleeping disorder comes from anxiety

Take the valarian root you fucking druggie

Honestly man I’ve been where are you are years ago. Takes baby steps man I swear. I couldn’t imagine myself working with people or hanging out wit people years ago. Just start conversin wit people man. No ones is there to hurt you or fuck you up. It’s on your head. Drugs won’t do shit. Just made me EVEN lazier

wit”H” you nigger

Fuc u cracker

How did you go to a pscychiatrist with anxiety and not get prescribed cbt?

I tried cbt, I tried it but I get physically ill and nauseous and I give people weird vibes. I’ve had panic attacks and especially when I’m around a lot of people. I would never be violent I’m paranoid about how ugly I am


Try microdosing man. Try meditating as well

lol you got scammed

>tell doctor about problem
>he gives you treatment


>Ask professional for help
>He gives clear instructions about the first thing I should try
>"I'd better get on Jow Forums and start bitching that he didn't tell me to try something more dramatic"
Are you sure your real problem isn't that you're a fucking idiot, OP?

>he doesn't take valerian root potions on his travels
No wonder you're a pussy.

That being said, social anxiety is all about just being calm

Well the doctor just is to fix problems of biochemical order, even if him prescribing valerian to you seem retarded, it's the best he can do given his function. Now about your problem, live your life more laid back,, do what you want. Whatever happen, just live with it and especially don't think perpetually about the shitty, hunt the good laughs whatever makes you laugh.

Idk how people are getting meds from doctors so easily

I went to my physician, basically begged her for antidepressants so I could get through school (i didnt spcifically ask for meds but I nearly cried explaining that I couldn't focus in school and felt depressed) and she just sent me away

spoiler alert: i dropped out

see a psychologist and get neetbucks and adderall

same my doctor told me I wasn't going to get meds...thats it
suffering from psychosis and severe paranoia and they wouldn't give me meds
now i suffer from absolutely no motivation and they don't want to give me meds
yet my best friend got a fuck ton of antidepression meds enough to kill him, which he has tried atleast once..

>>tell doctor I dropped out of school because of social anxiety