"You shouldn't, like, lose your 2nd amendment rights cause of a plant, bro..."

"That's, like, unconstitutional cause, like, the constitution is, like, written on hemp, bro... Like, shall not be infringed, bro... There's, like, no way I'd ever get paranoid and, like, do something crazy that would, like, make all gun owners look bad and, like, make the public support restricting the 2nd amendment, bro..."

Attached: Responsible_gun_owner.jpg (600x450, 120K)

If you have a legal prescription, then no you shouldn't lose your 2A rights.


That's not how Bernie Sanders sees it.

Unironically true

Not to argue against the fact degenerates should lose their lives, their 2nd amendment rights should never came into question

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These guys used weed dude

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fuck our government. legalize all the drugs and spend nothing on rehab.

Yeah. Felons don't get guns for a reason. Maybe personal use of weed shouldn't be a felony, but them's the rules.

>Giving a shit about Bernie Sanders

>complains that a group of people characterize his political group as violent, impulsive idiots
>proceeds to call a subgroup of his political group violent, impulsive idiots
You're cancer dude. People smoke weed all the time and don't do retarded shit when it matters. Plenty of reasonable people likewise who've never smoked that garbage make terrible fucking decisions with firearms. It's not the weapon's fault you decide to shoot a school. It's not the weed's fault you're a fucking retard.
Don't be dumb. You're a figurative gun-grabber about pot.
And take off my flag, you obviously don't understand what it means.

Based potheadbro.
Daily fucking reminder that any and all gun laws, restrictions, or prohibitions of any kind are not only unconstitutional (in the US) but a violation of human rights, and as such is the duty of the moral citizen to ignore them.

The shittiest, grimiest strawman argument I've ever seen. Imagine being this assbewildered over a benign plant.

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The Nazis did psychedelics and Hitler was hitting speed til the day he died.

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Lol if anything weed lowers your urge to kill

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I agree desu call me a degenerate if you want. Violent felons I couldn't care less about but I'm more pro gun than I am anti drugs

Isn't this that guy who got harassed and pushed around by some woke black women on a collage campus for wearing/not cutting his dreadlocks?

bone app the teeth, fren!

Nice flag ya got there, faggot. eat a bag of nigger cocks.

"Lol, smoking weed, like, makes you drive your gun and, like, shoot your car safer than, like, if you weren't high, bro..."

>The government should take away your right to bear arms if you willingly ingest plants that the government says you're not allowed to ingest.
I like freedom, you doublefaggot.

Same should go for those that drink by your logic.

Drug laws are as unconstitutional as gun laws.

Imagine being such a statist bootlicker you care if people smoke a plant

Alcohol would like a word about this.

Rights that can be taken away for bad behaviour are not rights at all.

"Imagine being" "statist" "bootlicker" "a plant" kek, are you trying to fill out a LOLbertarian bingo card?

Only faggots don't grow their own weed and build their own guns.

Yea but if you get your script from the priest in the white coat at the Pharma Cartel Store you is AOK!