What the HECK happened?
Has he always been like this? is Israel blackmailing him with footage of him diddling kids on Epstein's island?
Has he been replaced with a reptilian shapeshifter?
What the heck is going on
What the HECK happened?
Israel interfered with the 2016 election to get him elected.
shutup libtard Jew shill, Trump is the fucking best president we've ever had and we're still not tired of winning yet! SLOPPY JOB MOSSAD
He is pandering to Jews because that's what you need to do as a Politician in the US.
As a President once said: "After my election I'll have more flexibility"
I think the deep state are orchestrating to put him behind bars but only the Jews are powerful enough to save him so he is giving the Jews everything they want as an offering to protect him from Prison.
are you implying that if we go vote for him again he'll suddenly be totally based and stop being a traitor?
Are you implying that not voting for him and letting Biden get potus will make anything better at all?
Do you honestly believe this?
How can you possibly say this is the case?
There's a difference between pandering to the Jews, and becoming a super Zionist.
He hasn't just pandered, he's made Jewish history and is revered in Israel.
It's almost as if Biden was picked to give Trump an easy win.
it's almost as if voting is pointless because no matter what happens, Americans lose and the Jews win.