Jow Forums approved political Youtubers

Can we get a list of based politically focused Youtubers, like the based Amazing Atheist

Tim Pool
Jeff Holiday
Kraut and Tea
Armored Skeptic
Sargon of Akkad

Attached: AA.jpg (300x168, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1556640781006.png (409x356, 132K)

>Give me a list of YouTubers you want to see get deplatformed

Attached: 7002752018217.jpg (3500x3000, 2.35M)

>Jow Forums approved political Youtubers
> based Amazing Atheist
>confederate flag
get fucked reddit faggot

I dont understand why do you faggots try to get your news opnions from jewtube clones?
Some sort of faux superiority no doubt.

>Jow Forums approved

Attached: poorfags_just_wanna_1292067178.jpg (390x280, 25K)

Kyle Kulinski and Jimmy Dore are OK

Are you trying to say Mundanematt and his confederates are not based?

Where do you get it from?

there is not tj in what op listed....
you are low iq

Is this bait?

Anyone have the banana photos?

Mundane matt

no that's the amzing atheist real name

You posted a list of outed closet homos on purpose didn't you?

The only one of those I watch is Tim Pool and I really doubt he'd be Jow Forums approved since he's a hyperlefty hapa. Personally, I think he's alright though.

Kraut and Tea did destroy the alt-right though.

bait but only one you should follow
>jared taylor
>the alternative hypothesis
>richard spencer

Maoist Rebel News
The Young Turks
The Majority Report with Sam Seder
Secular Talk

Good bait. Here is a good list:

Patrician tier
>jared taylor
>e michael jones
>nick fuentes

Entertainment tier
>really graceful
>bombard body language
>owen benjamin

The Atheist Is a Retard
The Kommandant is best JewTuber

Uh i make my own opinions?
I am mentally capable of forming a unique world view.
And i am euphoric


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Survive the Jive and Pewds unironically.

Someone post the photoset.

>inb4 reaches bump limit

What's some good alternatives to youtube

Asian capitalists
i don't agree with everything they say but holy shit they're the most articulate and funniests asians i've seen

they're also ugly

A productive hobby

>atheist fat faggot with bananas up the ass

Attached: peepee.jpg (396x381, 19K)

Big Joel and Shaun do really great thoughtful work. None of the yelling at article headlines for 30 minutes bullshit Sargon or AA does.

Philosophytube for good introductory level videos to various schools of philosophy.


Owen "the kike slayer" Benjamin