Do you believe in God?

The more you look at the universe, the less convinced you should become that there is something benevolent going on. So if your concept of a creator is someone who's all powerful and all good, which is a common pairing of powers. But you look at disasters that afflict Earth and life on Earth: volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, disease, birth defects. Take a look at this list of ways life is made miserable on Earth by natural causes and I just ask, "How do you deal with that?"

If there is a God, God is either not all powerful or not all good.

Why believe something in the absence of evidence? It's a faith, not a fact. The qualities that people look for in a God are not noticeable within our world and universe.

If anyone wants to bring evidence forward feel free, I'm all for it but the Christ-meme needs to stop. It's 2019 not the Medieval Ages.

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Sometimes you'll meet people that seem to have the holy spirit in them, people who act as God would, and those moments of knowing those people is all the God there is. You're right though, most of the universe seems to be uncaring coldness.

"My question is not about who is my creator, but who created my creator, and so on."

Really though. Look around the world. There are more religions than there are made up genders. Therefore its apparent that people have no idea who 'god' is. I mean seriously, is it Christianity? Is it Hinduism, Buddhism? Only one can be correct, so which one is it?
People seek religion because it gives them purpose and meaning in their lives. I can say all this is just fabricated just to put their mines at rest.
You want to know what gives me purpose? What gives me meaning? Me. Myself.
I don't actively go to seek religion to give me anything, because I know it wont. Although with this being said i was raised in a christian primary school and high school, and whether I like it or not, i'm christian.

I am unsure whether God exists, but I hope he does, because then we'll finally be able to take real action to overthrow/eliminate him.
Just like all other shackles upon mankind, he needs to be brutally shattered.

This is Satan's world, where God has been rejected. It's why there's so much misery. You, like most atheists, are a whiner who suffers from a terrible case of learned helplessness.

No imagine thinking imagined by jews made the universe, a new dimension of cucked.

In Job, who did the afflicting? It wasn't God, it was Satan. Satan sent the suffering. What did Job learn? If he wants to return to what he was before he FELL to Earth, he had to show no mercy to deception because deception would show no mercy to him.

>Then how did we get here, and everything to cause everything?

>Mind collapse

Attached: All SSBU Characters are dead and its cannon.png (1177x900, 739K)

>I am unsure whether God exists, but I hope he does, because then we'll finally be able to take real action to overthrow/eliminate him.
Found a demon

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