Is Dubai the modern degenerate Babylon?

Is Dubai the modern degenerate Babylon?

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>Is Dubai the modern degenerate Babylon?
no, that would be america
>we kill more children than we create
>propagate sodomy
>worship false idols of youth, fame, and money

America is like Sodom, Egypt, Babylon and the Roman Empire all rolled into one.

When God finally empties his cup of wrath upon this land, it's gonna make the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah look like a fucking birthday candle by comparison.

I hope you're repenting, because I am.

that would be (((america)))

Babylon was a marvel of human cooperation.

Desert monarchies using slave labor and stolen money to create vanity projects is the opposite.

What happens in Dubai?

The princes of oil barons built their own las vegas in the middle of the desert.

It's already collapsing.
Once the oil in the region dries up, that place is gonna be a ghost town.

If only you knew how much worse than us the Muzzies are.

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Russian hookers and Bangladeshi slaves. Mostly.

no..(((Tel Aviv))) is...

They don't allow public displays of homosexuality, sodomy, adultery, gambling, drunkenness, or vulgar speech.

Yeah they're fucked up in some ways but at least they're based enough to defend the values they claim to have.