Why didn’t Peterson prepare for his debate with zizek

Why didn’t Peterson prepare for his debate with zizek

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Like most people in the alt-right he's not very smart.



Because they're both hegelians and he played the antithesis role


Because he's a Zionist shill whose job is to make right-wingers look like stuttering morons.

He has been bought by some ngo. So now he tows the civnat line.

I'm an hour and a half in, watching for the first time now.

Zizek is almost impossible to understand over his lisp.. at what point do they even have a debate.

This is shit

Wash your penis

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He’s not alt right he is an anti white centrist retard..but he did not prepare

He read the communist manifesto because he thought Zizek is a full blown commie when that’s not the case. He shouldve read Zizek’s work

So he could have an excuse when he lost.

Its what gammas always do.

The debate was unwatchable because of the fucked sound and that unintelligable slobbering retard zizek

because Jordan Peterson is a midwit who has an IQ of around a 117 (Vox Day proved this on a livestream) and he only read the communist manifesto and gave a surface level rebuttal against communism. Whereas on the other hand Slavoj is an expert on the subject and was able to easily anticipate and counter all of his arguments.

He was too busy making sure his benis was clean.

This all conservacucks do is vomit propaganda.

Because reading and learning is for leftist gommies

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Because Peterson was debating why Marxism doesn't make people happy, while Zizek just didn't debate anything at all.


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Zizek: where are the Marxist, they don't exist in political correctness now

Jordan was on QandA in Australia a few more than ago with exactly a Marxist, proud marxist. I'm not sure why he didn't refer back to that

why can't /lit/ stay on it's own board

Her name was Van Badham, an very good example. I don't know how Jordan couldn't line the names up

i say implement communism so this fat fuck has to lose weight.

Probably because Zizek would have laughed in his face for referring to some australian on a tv show that neither of them know who was probably a plant to begin with.

It was embarassing and showed exactly how the alt-kike creates boogeymen and strawmen in order to lead people astray.

>unintelligable slobbering retard zizek

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Van Badham is a red baiting piece of shit and a shill for the ALP. Hardly a marxist

Holy fuck, that ain't just fat, that's gastric distension. Probably late stage alcoholism. Harmon won't make 50.



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You a doctor?

Nope, but I volunteer to help junkies, alcoholics and other degenerates get their shit together. I'm familiar with all the relevant medical conditions.

>vox proved this on a livestream
Now I'm no huge fan of Juden Peterstein but I doubt this.

Why does everything named Vox have to suck?

Because JP is basically Sargon of a cuck 2. They learned the words Marxism, Communism and Socialism and use it to describe everything they don't like or don't understand.
>Yuck, this salad tastes socialist
>This math problem is too Marxist I can't solve it!

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What are you talking about? He read the entire Communist Manifesto

The only bothersome thing about this debate was the crowd cheering for the most murderous ideology in history.


Eh, this but unironically.


He isn't alt-right. He is just a gatekeeper

Anglo intellectualism is almost a contradiction in terms.

I’m sorry you wasted your time. There was no debate


Because his IQ is average at best, so he cannot really comprehend the requisite reading materials he would have needed to go through in order to understand the debate and make coherent arguments.

They cheered for capitalism?


he was busy washing his room and cleaning his penis

Have a (You).
The debate was cool but there was no winner because neither of them adressed the problrm appropriately.

peterstein is a marxist leftist LARPing as an alt-righter, same as ben shapiro or some other retarded bullshit

I gave up after lispman kept repeating himself and asking bullshit quesitons.
Nigger have you been frozen for the last decade?
Is he implying that if you don't personally know their names, they don't exist?

You are retarded. That was my favorite part. JP made all his wealth and fame from criticizing "neo marxists" and he couldn't name a single one and asked to move to another topic because he had no answers

That pissed me off too, it's like he was being retarded on purpose.

he asked because he knows peterson thinks hes just another basic sjw college student . Whereas zizek is a classic marxist who just cares about the class struggle and not the social justice stuff.
This fucks up petersons argument against marxism because he gets peterson to realize hes arguing against a strawman.

thanks for your input, not a doctor

In case you fucking retards didnt know, that lisping fucktard Zizek was a member of the communist party (Yugoslavia). His dad too. Now you know. And if you didn't figure it by now, never ever trust a word that comes out of the mouths of that lying commie fuck. And if you still admire that lying commie fuck, good luck. You'll need it.

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Classic commie tactic. Peterson was too soft. And naive.

18:30-22:47 Vox Day reveals Peterson's IQ based on his scores on the LSAT and his inability to get into law school.

Basically Peterson fails to enter a law school where the average score on the LSAT equates to an IQ of 124 which indicates that his IQ is most likely below that. Then Vox goes into detail about how Peterson scored in the 70-75th percentile on the math portion of the LSAT and the 99th percentile on the verbal portion which means he has an IQ of around a 115-120 IQ

There was no debate to be had, it was a mess as a result of Zizek doing a thing that I've noticed is a weird trend among philosophers.
>take a word
>arbitrarily assign it a slightly different meaning
>go to town using your new definition as you embark on exploring some new masturbatory concept you've come up with
>expect people to actually be able to follow what you're talking about

He did this with Communism.
>Oh yes, I talk up "Communism" a lot, but what I'm talking about isn't Communism by definition, I agree that real Communism is actually a terrible idea.
So Peterson walked in expecting to debate Communism but they were actually in agreement the majority of the discussion. I agree that some research could have spare Peterson this embarassment, though.

We've all seen that the left have started embracing this semantic device the past few years. I'm certain it's just a weird desperate last resort to maintain a feeling of superiority. "I'm using words they know but they don't understand me! Haha! What idiots!"


I mean it could probably be argued Peterson fell afoul of this with his use of the "enforced monogamy" term and the backlash that resulted from it.

I'm a doctor and he was / is likely an alcoholic.


Capitalism's death toll wasn't nearly as deliberate.

It's like the word racist. Everyone uses it despite everyone having completely different meanings for it.

Speaking of communication, I could have communicated this better. I think this is generally just an academic thing. The left are employing it as a tool in this culture war we're stuck in, but their new terms (racism, gender, etc) all come from academia.

The philosophers just seem to particularly enjoy it. Years back I was watching lots of pop-philosophy stuff for laymen on Youtube and I swear every other modern concept discussed would have the host at some point say "now he says X, but he actually means Y", and I was like, oh I get it, they're just trying to be as abstruse as possible. The one that stuck out to me was the guy claiming we've passed the "end of history", like, no mate, stuff's still happening.

he thought it would actually be a debate that stuck to the topic.

Zizek didn't even once argue that marxism could be more conducive to happiness than capitalism which was the whole point. He didn't bother with the question at all.

I dont see how anyone who agreed with peterson had their minds changed. Zizek doesn't disprove the fact that there are a large number of self identifying marxists in academia who support retributive equality of outcome for past racial wrongs. He doesn't disagree that capitalism cannot be replaced only adjusted.

If anything this debate should make hard leftists kill themselves as they actually do think you can collapse capitalism and replace it with something better.

Your troll attempt was weak. Your redefining of words wreaks of neomarxism and postmodernism. You have many psychosis and need professional help.

Based user

Why can't you differentiate between it's and its