Pay attention goys
Anti Semitism Illegal in Florida now
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Just go over the top being pro-semitic to the point where it becomes self parody.
Could work.
You can't prosecute a person in America for speech that is not explicitly intended to induce violence. SCOTUS has ruled unanimously that hate speech is protected from prosecution.
I think it's funny how they just deem themselves to be an untouchable class now in Florida. No joking, no drawings, no hurting of feelings. No denying the holocaust..
well I don't live in Florida so fuck you Jews
So what is the purpose of this bill? Can it be constitutionally enforced user??
more jews in FLA. than NYC nowadays?
surprised it hasn't happen in NYC yet.
"The Holocaust never happened because Jews would have killed all the lesser Aryans before they could start shit."
"No Muslim scum here, Jews only!"