quit idolizing psychopaths that slaughter innocents. if you want to help find a woman, find a job, get married, have a family, go to church, take care of your mind and body. live a proper life instead of glorifying murder and violence.
Direct action DOES NOT WORK
Actually morally correct thing on this website.
thank you.
I always assumed people here were just joking...
That stuff sounds boring, not to mention difficult to accomplish, and completely pointless in the end.
No thanks.
>pretend a war isn't being waged against you
I agree with this. Have a white child like I did. It's not that hard. what they want is for you to pop off and exclude yourself from the gene pool.
you're in the wrong neighborhood, senpai.
anime girls disassociate you from attraction to real women because they are extremely artificial looking, over-idealized and over sexualized to create unrealistic expectations, sandpie
My children are going to live a world worse then the one I was in if I do that. We're already seeing man made horrors beyond comprehension now. Killing is power and power we need to make an exclamation mark that we will fight back to our very last breath. This is not about me, this is about the future we need to fight for.
OP is a giant boomer faggot that stills believe MUH DEMOGRACY IS ONLY SOLUGION :DDDDD
Oy vey! What is even going on in this picture?
theres a place for many people direct action can work for some but it isnt optimal.
If you can hack out clown world and have a large healthy white family its better than killing even 50 invaders.
Acting out before things hit the fan isnt as productive as creating 4-5 more people who can act out when shit goes south.
say that to my face pussy
Select one
theyll live in a worse world anyways, as I see it things will really go downhill fast as soon as whites reach 50% or less. Ill be 70 by the time that happens and no matter how high the score would be its not as useful as actually having those kids and preparing them for things to go to shit. Otherwise its just a smaller number of kids that have any concept that things are going to go to shit and are actually ready for it.
It's all a joke, that's the joke.
"Work hard and pray hardâ„¢" conservatism will surely turn things around this time!
Yet shooting has accomplished jack fucking shit.
I'd rather poz my enemy with feminism while breeding. Quit trying to win with honor, and start fighting like a dirty jew!
>I use my political power to un-person you, seize your property, and impose my backwards culture on you
>I am also an innocent victim
Upon re-reading op i can conclude he is a fag, the answer really is to do the above and also glorify murder and violence.
Unless things kick off soon its my kids that will get to live in a clown world so awful it makes the modern day look like a joke. It would not be kind to lie to them and leave them unprepared.
You must understand that this future was chosen for us.
Embrace the Kali Yuga, fren.
Agree...kinda, but I will make some minor amendments to your proposition:
1. Find a woman - agree (who follows Christ first and is of same general ethnicity)
2. Find a job - agree
3. Get married - agree (to a God fearing woman)
4. Have a family - agree
5. Go to church - agree (Baptists or any other non progressive/marxist church)
6. Take care of your mind and body - agree
7. live a proper life instead of glorifying murder and violence - agree (but don't use this as an excuse to be a faggot on this on...men should learn to use firearms to hunt, and if need be, defend and protect their family and community)
I'm working on becoming a judge and raising my boys to do likewise. It's effective. But BT took the smug right the fuck out of those filthy muslims and he's a hero. If you don't think that did something important for our group morale you're wrong.
>read the bible all day
>Don't glorify violence.
fucking dude cmon.