What the FUCK is wrong with Italy?

Its economy hasn't grown for two decades. It's like they want to become irrelevant.

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They're content

it's full of italians

welcome to central planned socialist/mixed market economy

Who says "growth" is always a desirable thing?

>Its economy hasn't grown for two decades
because of your jewish crisis in 2007, joo

Haha charade you are! That’s not anything but the flag at all the pizza shops. Quit bringing it up in Italy discussions


>2008 financial crisis
>11 years ago
>2 decades

Italians really like living up to stereotypes

This keeps happening youtu.be/qgBZymodBys

the euro is too overvalued for our economy

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since we adopted the euro, we are the euro country that grew the least

Having a stronger currency than your [individual] country could, difficult your exports.
The opposite occurs to Germoney.

How can a currency be overvalued?

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muh GDP determines how good a country is, also I think 50% of Italy's economy in the black market so it's prob been growing there

all this happens because we cannot control our currency
it needs to get weaker

Germany needs greece, italy and iberian countries for this, cogino, they make a weaker currency than if they still had the Reichsmark.
You cant devalue your money as Turkey did to boost exportations.

>How can a currency be overvalued?
ThisGreece, Italy, Iberian countries: Euro is a overvalued currency.
Germany, scandinavian countries: Euro is a undervalued currency.

The problem is that Italy had a built in process of depending on the inflation to make the economy work, but the € is too stable and everyone in Italy except criminals lose.

this usually happens then the interest rate is higher than it should be
most countries would be able to fix this pretty easily
we, however, do not have monetary control so we cannot fix this


in the current economic system, it is
we cannot escape it

Italy is getting fucked by Germany, adopting Euro was the worst mistake they ever made and now they're paying for this.

you're in the same boat

pretty much this

Italy died when they allowed the Marxist ideologies of Fascism and Socialism to take root.

Are you fuckin' kidding me OP?

> Merkel's fourth Reich
> European Central Bank
> Nigers
> Unelected prime ministers sent from EU

Are you even into Jow Forums or what?

They fucked us over! Our "politicians" in the 90s sold our balls to the BigNosyFinance .

We are fixing in now though

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We still have our own currency which shields us from the kind of problems you experience with krauts. Not saying we're in the best spot, but our situation is slightly different. If our pro-EU, libshit party got elected and adopted Euro as intended, we would probably join the club.

OPs just mad because if the Jews don't have more money to siphon out of Europe he doesn't get his heebiecummies.

We didn't suffer the 2008 crisis because our banks didn't mess with third world economy.

We went to shit with Mario Monti: an unelected prime minister imposed by the EU/Merkel regime.

Basically the French and Germans wanted to steal our manufacturing industry... They almost did it

of course the growing rate of our public debt in the 80s has nothing to do with our decline, nor our declining productivity rate or the public school system going down the shitter or the huge tax evasion, widespread corruption and so on.
It's because of Germany and euro.

Fuck off boomer

the hypocrisy of this post

>of course the growing rate of our public debt in the 80s has nothing to do with our decline, nor our declining productivity rate or the public school system going down the shitter or the huge tax evasion, widespread corruption and so on.
>It's because of Germany and euro.

Get fucked by septic nigers you freaking idiot.
Our debt exploded because Amato sold our central bank to private bankers in 1981.

> Muh corruption
> 0,001% of GDP


Italiani brava gente. It's impossible they did something wrong.

no corruption in Italy. They sold our central bank to reptilians because they hate you.
Or they loved their approval rating and giving people state pensions after 19 years and 6 months of work helped political parties to stay in power.

The exchange rate of a currency is given by the demand of that currency, which is given by the demand of the goods of that country. IE before the Euro if I wanted to buy a German car, the car dealership or someone in the middle would buy Deutschemark and they would buy the car with that currency (of course the workers of the car production company want to be paid in the currency adopted in the nation they live).

If the goods of a country are in high demand then the currency of that country appreciates in value (law of the demand and offer). Which means its good become more costly. When that happens I and many other customers decide that is too expensive to buy a German car and decide to buy an Italian car which in turn became cheaper. The system then reaches a certain equilibrium.

The value/price of the currency is given by the average productivity of a worker which is influenced by many factors but also by the industrilization and tecnological advancement of a country (with machines humans are more productive). What that means is that if less developed/industrialized countries (Greece was still classified as a developing country in the 80s) joins a monetary union with more developed/industrialized countries (eg Germany) the value of the resulting currency will be more or less the average of the currency of the respective countries. This is because there is free movement of people and capital. 1 Greek Euro = 1 German Euro.

The Euro is undervalued for some (Germany, Austria, Holland..) and overvalued for others (Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France...).

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>everyone is currupt excpet myself

1997 is when we joined Ecu before the Euro

Pic related is GDP per hour

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looks like there are no advantages whatsoever adopting a strong and stable currency!!
I wonder if they really hate us.
Also I remember having a center right coalition in power during 2001-6 and they enforced their idea of rivoluzione liberale by doing nothing to change the system.

4th largest economy in Europe
Top 15 in or top 10 in the world.

poor Italians...i pity them

Average salary compared to the average of other EU countries

Again 1997

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>everyone hates Italy and Italian except myself
>everyone is stupid because it's all Germoney's fault. We Italians are smarter than anyone and yet the best job I could land is barista/waiter

3-hour lunch breaks probably have something to do with it

It's over

Stable currency is different from monetary union you dummy.

If German goods were in high demand at the time the German mark would appreciate in value (rivalutare) from our side with the Lira it would depreciate in value (svalutare), making italian goods more convenient.

Una svalutazione vista dall'altra parte è una rivalutazione.

Entrando in un accordo di cambio fisso abbiamo permesso alla Germania di non rivalutare.

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tutto giusto. Il punto tuttavia è quello di "raddrizzare" un sistema che correva fino agli anni '70 e che, sostanzialmente, si è fatto gli ultimi 40 anni campando di rendita.
Puoi avere la lira, l'euro, lo yen o anonio, se non produci roba che la gente vuol comprare a prezzi inferiori rispetto alla concorrenza non stai a galla.
Siccome ad occhio non mi pare che gli italiani abbiamo le forze o l'età (altro dato: paese tra i più vecchi del mondo) per competere col terzo mondo, devi competere col primissimo sfornando bravi ingegneri a manetta e costringendo il sistema produttivo ad impiegarli al massimo delle loro capacità e competenze per produrre oggetti ad alto valore aggiunto ed a prezzi competitivi.
Meno mutande firmate a Prato o lavatrici o fiat.

Lo stato deve fortemente incentivare l'intrapresa e fare piazza pulita di corruzione e criminalità organizzata. Grosse porzioni di PIL devono andare a scuola e università.

Se fai questo per me possiamo pure uscire dall'Euro, perché l'Italia diventa inaffondabile. Ma a quel punto secondo me quasi nessuno vorrebbe uscire, perché i problemi li avremmo risolti.

>>everyone hates Italy and Italian except myself
>>everyone is stupid because it's all Germoney's fault. We Italians are smarter than anyone and yet the best job I could land is barista/waiter

Germans and French LOVE Italian manufacturing. That's why they stole it with EU.

Tell me... You're a +Europa cuck, don't you? You love to see your wife being fucked by nigers while you have your cock caged.
And cleaning afterwards!
That definitely puts you out of this world!

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in this cold world people steal from the weak. Such a sad reality it's not like my animus.
Maybe that's why Italy should be stronger, but it has nothing to do with EU.

> Not taking into account monetary sovereignty
> Not taking into account EU "regulations"
> Not taking into account EU immigration policies
> Not taking into account EU foreign policies
> Not taking into account shengen area
> Not taking into account that domestic market is more important than EU cuck market

At which point we could stay in EU

That's not what I said you moron. Germany does its interest like every country should do. The issue is that it also raises the bar to other countries. For example in 2004 with the Hartz reforms quando ha iniziato con precarizzazione e taglio dei salari per aumentare ancora di più la sua competitività.

Farlo in Germania non è un gran problema il problema è poi che i paesi del sud, specialmente Grecia e Portogallo sono costretti a fare la stessa cosa (taglio dei salari). Paesi che negli anni 80' erano ancora classificati paesi del terzo mondo.

This is Because 1 German Euro = 1 Portugal Euro = 1 Greek Euro

Germany right now is like paying a computer game with Handicap turned on. And We'll see all the problems it carries at the next financial crysis.

You should start reading what economists say about the Euro, eg:

By joining the Euro, Italy in effect, turned itself into a thirld world country with debts in someone else's currency, and exposed itself to debt crysis - Paul Krugman Nobel prize in economics

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You still can't understand... I'll try one last time:
> Amato
> Prodi
> Ciampi
> Napolitano
> Monti
> Draghi
> ...



>If our pro-EU, libshit party got elected and adopted Euro as intended, we would probably join the club.
pls dont. the euro is a meme currency. its always funny when our politicans say we(the eu) cant live without the euro and if the euro falls then the EU will fall too. the eu countries traded long before the meme currency but it seems the fact are alomost forgotten

If you say that price is important to sell your goods, then you can't say that the Euro (a monetary union) is not important.

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The Euro still bring problems to other countries. Other countries too have been partially de-industrialized. IIRC the UK economy now is 80% services. They used to make more industrial stuff, like Boeing parts, now they're made all in other countries and planes crash.

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our food and wine is amazing and our women are hot and fuck our brains out. don't blame us if we don't give a shit about money

CAF sold your future to the well being of older generations. The source of all of our problems is in the 80s and has nothing to do with the EU.


they are a corrupt mafia shithole who cheered for berlusconi plundering their state just weeks ago

This is what happens when you join a currency led by countries with entirely different economies from yours
Internal demand was killed. We started importing from Germany everything we need.
We are DDR 2.0

Meade 6 months after the Rome treaty in 1957:
> if [...] German authorities are nevertheless going to use their monetary policy to prevent domestic inflation - and if it is desired to avoid the use of quantitative import restrictions on trade (IT: dazi) within the free-trade area, A GREATER USE OF THE WEAPON OF EXCHANGE RATE VARIATIONS WILL HAVE TO BE MADE.

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Israel, the US and the EU, same problems as every white nation

why do Italians litter so much?

your country is disgusting. pick up your trash. it's like Central America over there, it's extremely dirty. and learn how to drive, all your cars are covered in dents and scratches which tells me no one respects the other person's personal property.

I'm disappointed in what you've done with the place

americans should require a permit to post

there is lots of truth to it, germany e.g. profits from a currency way weaker than D-Mark would ever be. That said your country is a fucked mess and a corrupt shithole, be honest: you cheered a guy like Berlusconi for tax evasion, that says a lot
>l-look how clever he is, clearly italian!

Arab genetics

>CAF sold your future to the well being of older generations. The source of all of our problems is in the 80s and has nothing to do with the EU.

So baby pensionati took down the second manufacturing power of Europe in just 20 years?
Fuck, they are more effective than the CIA and FSB combined!

> You are a retard

Niggers and arabniggers. Simple as that.

that's why OP

> Tax evasion
> Bad


You visited Naples didn't you.

where did you go ?

If you're referring to public debt and 'divorzio tra BI e Tesoro' I'd suggest you watch this video:


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They'll probably blame the gypsies or something.

Based Italians live outside the system and off the books. The real size of the Italian economy is many times larger than what is reported. They only report on the official figures.

>be 2/3rds terronian

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Peasant mentality black market philosophy.

I blame Israel secret agents

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Tell me where I should go in Italy.

If the price to grow is to have more immigrant I will leave this to the Americans. Also we are already a developed country, we have better healthcare and schools and life expectancy than America. And a country can't develop forever.

Attached: 1050px-Countries_by_average_life_expectancy_(2015).png (1050x618, 150K)

1 post by this ID.
I know you are still butthurt for Jerusalem but this is an obsession.
And your is full of americans,give back the lands to the natives.

African genes. Italians got blacked by BBC after the fall of the Roman empire

You should try over here not Italy.

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The fucking Euro. Fucking Germans I swear to God.


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fuck the natives they're all a bunch of retarded drunkards. also fuck you. italy to the italians, america to the AMERICANS. the whites who founded or immigrated to contribute to the nation itself, not these brown shitskins that drain from our way of life and contribute nothing.

I don't have anything relevant to say.
The whole topic makes me said.
Also, only northern Italians count as white.

I second this

At least 14 is still legal there.

how do Italians feel about Americans with Italian heritage visiting. My grandpa was taken to America from Ortona in the 1940s after most of the family died from allied bombings. It's a beautiful country with a beautiful culture, but I've heard Italian Americans are still largely considered outsiders. Figured I'd ask an actual Italian native

Serious answer here.
Italy got rich after WW2 by being Europes China. The produced a high quantity of products with low quality. Think of old Italian cars. They used their currency to make their products cheap. This also allowed many tourists to enjoy a nice vacation in Italy while not paying a ton of money.
2 things happened in the last decades.
1) Globalization: new, cheaper countries emerged on the world stage
2) The Euro: Putting an end to the Italians scheme to wealth.

Eastern and African countries actually produced cheaper than Italy, outcompeting significant parts of the Italian industry.

They couldn't devalue the Lira any longer. By having the same currency as their main trading partners they didn't have the cheaper products.

Combine this with many other things plaguing Italy, corruption, low innovation, high debt, high taxes, high crime rates, lots of bureaucratic red tape and so on and you have the recipe that is the disaster of Italy.

Kek porcodio

>low innovation

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More wealth = more niggers

I recognize this fact definitely, a multitude of our enterprises got shut down because of German economic imperialism. Germans have fucked us all over just like the rest of Europe, it's simply that countries who have adopted Euro are even more fucked and are in the permanent state of endeavoring to catch up with the German economy and it's never going to happen. When you adopt a multinational currency like Euro and you're not part of the central province, where all decisions are made, your economy gets fucked big time; it's a historically known phenomenon, it's happened before and it's happening now and this is what I'm specifically referring to.

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Lame faggot

>Italy become irrelevant
user, sit down we need to talk...