So some days ago someone created a thread on Jow Forums about how jews are responsible for the black plague...

so some days ago someone created a thread on Jow Forums about how jews are responsible for the black plague, providing historical documents of jews admiting poisoning wells by instruction of their rabbis

I've been thinking about it since then and really beleive that's the case

the black plague comes from a bacteria. rats and fleas would never spread the disease this far so fast. bacteria infections have very low human contagion rate

you know where bacteria thrives on? water. the thesis that wells all over europe were being poisoned by jews actually fits the contagion spread way better than rats and fleas

keep in mind, most of the history of the medieval epriod, manuscipts, books, artifacts, letters, was burned down. deliberately burned down. we need to break this into the mainstream boys, this is huge

Attached: black plague.jpg (640x372, 73K)

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Go to 4plebs, find the thread, and post a link to it.

Why poison the well when the rats and flea do all the work for you? Are Jews secretly retarded? Big if true.

rats and fleas are historical revisionism

the spread of the black plague was done b y jews putting the bacteria in powder form on wells all over europe

i got u bro

What if they just blamed jews and beat them until they confessed?

they were caught red handed poisoning wells

what if out of all the 109 countries jews were expelled from it was never their fault?

The jews brough it from Genoan Crimea into Venice, Genoa, and Marsielle.

Think about chemtrails

chemtrails havent killed 2/3 of europe yet