>Jew/Beaner shoots up school
>Blame it on white people and the Constitution
Jew/Beaner shoots up school
Literal Jewish tricks.
that water retention fat face caused by all the shit theyve medicated him with oy
Looks 100% American to me, bud.
He looks like a mutt to me.
And no most Americans don't look like mutts.
At least where I live.
Goblino Americano
>He looks like a mutt to me.
yes that was the joke....
more like 56%
His eye says: my mom slapped the shit out of me when i was a toddler
Jewish kid shoots up school. Students of the school become political mega stars. Jew kid later gets a shit load of money from his dead jew mother.
>wipe out millions of American Indians
>no one bats an eye
>some kid shoots up a school
>everyone loses their minds
Maybe this kid just really admired the founding fathers of this nation.
If I were calling the cops on that guy I would say they should be looking for a white dude. If I told them to look for a Mexican Jew they wouldn't know what the fuck I was talking about.
So I would argue he's a white dude
thats just the american diet
besides, dont you go to jail for watching videos in your part?
I hate this vampire looking homo.
based and societypilled.
Same shit.
Dios mio!
broward county. is it my imagination or does alot of shit seem to happen here
>shoots up school
Wow guys. That's cultural appropriation right there
Why do all of these fake shit narrative photos look like Renaissance paintings?
this is who they claim is the birth mother. I dunno how much buy that though
Nigga looks like eddie munster
He reminds me of Twitch from League of Legends :3
shut up bitch, you know you crackers are a bunch of jews
>Is literally a Slavic-Jew mix who was adopted by Cuban parents
>To this day Jow Forums still considers him a beaner
I hope he gets nigger dick AIDS for claiming to be part of my race
Now that's truly an American fetish!
parkland related stuff makes me so nostalgic for early last year.
Nothing Hispanic about him, Cruz is his adoptive name. And he made up the Jewish part. His moms name is Brenda Woodard, which not a Jewish name.