How do I find a bf with traditional values?
>not ugly but not stunning either
>not overweight
>don't want to thot it up and use tinder
>don't use alcohol so no bars either
>no friends so can't get a bf through them
>churches around me have zero young people
>extremely shy so meeting people is hard in general
What would be the most effective route here?
How do I find a bf with traditional values?
Go to your local Trump rally
Should be easy, just surround yourself with groups that are aligned with traditional values.
Nigger you're stupid. Trump rallys are filled with jew loving, boomer retards.
Set up a dating profile on OkCupid, or even fucking Christian mingle.
Are you in high-school? Do you go to uni? Other than those places join a club for something you enjoy. Most people just meet randomly in places they spend a lot of time (read: college, work place)
Don't be a tranny.
Other than that, it's just a matter of sifting through shit until you're pleasantly surprised--pic related.
post a throwaway email
Enjoy the feminine benis, user
Pay Attention To Me I’m A Woman: The Thread
Don't these sorts of guys often look down on women who use dating apps though? I've been thinking about it though.
I've just gotten into uni, but it starts in August. I'm planning on trying the clubs, but what I'm most afraid of is not finding any social circles (very common problem among the students here)
Your pic related is life fuel.
Aren't you giving me attention right now? I just want advice desu.
Wait til you're in uni, you could join a conservative political club, don't go to frat parties, small parties are fine as long as you don't get black out drunk, talk to people about traditionalism, and you'll quickly find guys who are interested, good luck!
>Don't these sorts of guys often look down on women who use dating apps though?
Depends on the kind of dating sites. If you go on a dating site that is about hook ups, yes. If you try to find a person to date seriously on a dating site, no.
I've met my very trad husband on Jow Forums. No one expects women to be off the internet.
Not finding any social circles is 100% your fault if you fail. It's your responsibility to be SOCIAL if you want to be in a fucking SOCIAL CIRCLE. If you fail to find one that is on you.
I'd sty away from dating sites since you're going to university soon anyway, date someone there instead, much easier, dating sites are a last resort imo
All good advice, thanks anons. The bit about the husband was particularly inspiring, but I don't really consider it a possibility because finding people from my country here is is unlikely.
Yes, I never tried to imply it wouldn't be my fault if it were to happen.
Then it shouldn't be a worry.
You an Eastern Euro?
Why didn't you stay in your country, though?
Have sex femcel.
Why even make this thread unless you're trying to dab on incels? Everyone knows there's not a single female who'd ever want an incel or a "conservatard bf" or whatever they call themselves. You're not a girl but some incel trying to get a laugh out of other incels
do the world a favour and kill yourself
>don't want to thot it up and use tinder
>don't use alcohol
lmao you're not a girl.
in other words she doesn't deserve a guy at all and is just acting like a princess who can't find her Prince
so basically she's an attention slut
here you go OP
it's doable but it's gonna be hard not gonna lie user, since the 90s boys from ages 10 and up have grown up with porn and expect an insatiable whore that's gonna love them for the losers they usually are ("gamers", smokers, marvel nerds, netflix junkies, social media addicts)
>traditional values
By definition, incels want to sleep around. Otherwise they wouldn't consider their virginity "involuntary"
Kill yourself, incel.
Stop fantasizing on me, it makes me sad things can't take a step further ^^'