Mexican Crypto Kikes

Did you know that mexicans are actually crypto jews that mixed with the indigenous peoples of south and central america?

Attached: jewTeeth.png (840x161, 194K)

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nah. for most part they look like H1Bs from taj-mahals, africanized killer seabees, alibabas, borats, gypsies, tramps and thieves.

if we are going to speculate I'll just go ahead and say those are prolly all kike mutts hybrids you are talking about

no. it's swarming bioweapons. rainbow machines that were raised as part of tar budget rapture protocols.

fucking shiet i hate miself

Does it surprise anyone that the largest group of Invaders, who are funded and guided by globalist scum (primarily Sabbateien Jews attempting to induce the Apocalypse), come from from Latin America? Well hopefully this helps with you processing that over 44m of these people are residing here in our ruined republic

Once I bought a popsicle to a mexican I knew and she rubbed her hands excitedly. On that day truth was revealed to me.

I unironically knew that

This Robert Sepher guy is a bit to much sometimes. Many of his conclusions are farfetched to say the least.

hes right, im hispanic myself whatever that means. i keep running into to people everywhere and they say theyre mexican/jewish wtf? for instance this older mexican lady was at a chilis bar near where i live and i started talking to her and she reveals shes a mexican jew wtf? she just looked regular mexican. the more mexicans i talk to the more i keep hearing mexican jewish.
i dont like this shit, feels like theyre tentacles are everywhere.

i meant op is right, i dont give a shit about these gypsy video.

Das rite gringoy, now go fetch me a burger

Attached: 1553459157394.png (640x418, 395K)

>i dont like this shit, feels like theyre tentacles are everywhere.
Yes can be a bit creepy, but I'm not totally convinced that all of these people who's DNA tests show they are Jews actually are that Jewidh. I Think that there may be a lot of older pre-Jewish blood lines around that get mistaken for Jewish DNA.

Did you know the European Solutreans were the actual First Nations and became the Clovis?
Did you know North America is Atlantis home of the indigenous whyte people?

If you only knew how bad things really are...

the nina the pinta the santa maria all jew boats

there was a thread about this article a little while ago:

Is this just the Jews claiming meds again like always? They claimed the Spartans ffs.
Strong doubt there’s more then half a percent effective population with Jewish ancestry in any new world country besides America and Argentina.

I’m pretty sure it’s “Jews” confusing their Italian rape baby genes with authentic Semitic shitskinnery.
An easy and forgivable mistake.

i wonder if some of whats showing up as "jewish" dna in iberians could have been from the phoenicians who are probably genetically indistinguishable from jews.

You could have watched the video. It mentions this in the first part.1


Don't worry amigo if you were really part Jewish you wouldn't be so poor.

mexicans are mutt jews, retard. they aren't going to let them have control of shit but they will allow them to erradicate the german-americans