only kikes and glowies use this word
Literaly schizo used that word, really makes you think
Jews are highly disproportionately schizophrenic though. Why shouldn't we use this word against them exactly?
>only kikes and glowies use this word
Only schizos believe this
The sky is blue and niggers are dumb
calling them jews is easier, cuz theyre jews
niggers are blue and the sky is dumb. eat a dick
No coincidences
Take your meds faggot.
You're special, bro
The blue orbs believe them. You have royal blood, just be patient, it's a test after all. But there are plenty of candidates and sadly you're not showing much progress
Aka gang stalkers aka remote neural monitoring domestic terrorists, they also fake jesus sh1t
>you think I’m crazy? You must be paid by the government to interact with me
Lmao @ this schizo
>Act like a mental
>Get called a schizo
>"muh glowies and kikes"
Checks out.
Because this would be as anti-semitic as this site:
take your meds schizoid
>only kikes and glowies use this word
Take your meds
because it would raise the noise level, at least now you can tell who is the cutdick brain damaged circle when they use that word
lots of fags in this thread
>someone calls attention to shill tactics
>loosely pepper your sentences with pol lingo
>still use "schizo" cause your a shillfag
checks out
the fact that you are so concerned with what non-threatening conversations I have is quite indicative, isn't it
>le no u
Fine, give me another word to describe paranoid delusions that include huge graphics of random shit with lines, arrows and boxes connecting fuck all and I'll use that word to describe obvious mental illness.
Until then, fuck yourself.
dont be a schizo OP glows dont exist
Am I a schizo if I have a schizoid personality disorded?