Massive protests in multiple cities in France. Yellow vests, black blocs antifas, unions and political parties joined to protest this corrupt globalist satanist freemason shit government.

Live Paris (RT): youtube.com/watch?v=OmnWTgMaGv0

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Other urls found in this thread:


Digits confirm nazbol revolution today

Its time

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burn something down pls and thanks

Not sure about that bro, there are ppl from every political sides

Today will be a good day.

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Good luck brothers

When will shit hits the fan?

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Will anything happen? Are you in? I can't protest today, my fucking leg is broken.

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around 3 PM i guess so in about 3 to 4 hours it will be very crowded

The yellow vests will win!
Macron to the guillotine!

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Mais comme d'hab, il se passera rien aujourd'hui.

Il y a eu 2-3 gros coups, mais c'est fini mnt. Les villes sont cadenassées par les FDO. Il y aura 4 poubelles de cramées, et 2 poignets pétés.

Le Français est un couard qui osera rien faire, faut surtout par qu'il loupe Hanouna le soir à la télé hein.

IL y a 3 ou 4 tarés qui fonceront dans le tas, mais c'est tout. C'est fini, c'est mort dans l'oeuf, Macron a gagné.

OTHER RUPTLY LIVE (Paris) youtube.com/watch?v=-YZNnCZK9gE

Not true Yellow Vests. Commies get out.

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Les moments confortables comme l'Acte III ne risquent pas de revenir de si-tôt.

It’s May 1st. There are workers protests all over the world.
The Yellow Rats are small things on the great scheme of things.

Je suis d'accord, y'a tellement de moyens policiers ajd qu'il peut ne rien y avoir... mais ça fait effet cocotte-minute khey. Le gouv peut pas opprimer le peuple, ça va péter très fort un jour.

>tfw being a good dutch goy and working like everyone else

Why not both?

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Eh, i can live with that. What does the logo on the flag mean?

>workers protests all over the world
Except in North America.

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>Csq plus de MAJ sur Ouest Casual car les pages de secours se font supprimer automatiquement par Facedebouque

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Evidemment. Alors les wannabe raconteront leurs histoire à qui veut l'entendre "J'y étais".

Là on a des gens qui manifeste contre pas grand chose, remettent en cause les lois de la république. On dirait un sketch où la foule crie "Pas content ! Pas content !"

Alors les gens en quête du grand soir vont courageusement manifester en France.

D'ailleurs, on besoin de courageux pour manifester pour la liberté au Vénézuela en ce moment ... comment ça il y a plus personne ?

Les gilets jaunes sont des enfants qu'on a trop gâté, comme ces enfants rois que l'on voit dans super nanny qui hurle car il a pas eu le pyjama Spiderman.

Royalists & region of Vendée (anti-revolutionary).

Ce sera un bide, les FDO ont tout nassé yorarien.

Akchually, antifam does actually have edgy protests in the streets of mayday. There should be one in Seattle right now, if i’m not wrong.


It's the Sacré-Coeur (Sacred Heart) of Jesus. France is historically Christian and we root for it to become again.

You know you fucked up when commies and anyone right of Jill Stein unite against you.

Increase the Boar RSA !

(Please don't revelate)

who watches the watchmen ?

Evidemment. Quand tu vois JLM qui dit : twitter.com/gillesrof/status/1123509594368684032?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed&ref_url=https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/live/2019/05/01/1er-mai-suivez-en-direct-les-manifestations-des-gilets-jaunes-syndicalistes-et-ecologistes_5456952_3224.html&fbclid=IwAR0pmvyK_RMAVo9LDfowAKFpXaGYFbM1emUVnP4idvPu5CRD1BJlRD3XFm0

« J’ai peur, je suis transis d’horreur... » c'est là que tu vois la mascarade. Le mec qui rêve d'être Maduro mais qui est transis de peur devant 3 flash ball.

On a des politiciens minables.

Les gilets Jaunes deviennent un spectacle de Guignol.

Since 2016, there have been big black blocks (>1000ppl) forming on each May 1st protest in Paris.
With yellow vest joining the party, and the gouvernment being in all-repression strategy, things might go wild today.

>Les memeflags français viennent de ce trou à rat
Pas tellement surpris.

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Burn down modern architecture.

Is there any hope of you guys following the cops to their homes and torching them?

Nothing is gonna happen, as always. Continue protesting, it really shakes the pants of Capitalist elites as they sip their cognacs.

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Couldn't agree more, leftists have ruined all the Occident with glass and concrete. Fortunately Paris still has a lot of old Haussmanian monuments

Im going there in an hour, will try to post videos for my Jow Forumsaks.

Hey what's with the netting? Police move to stop protesters from throwing things?

Don’t forget to riot and throw shit at police

They did reverse part of the increased tax Macron laid on the already burdened public, the fact dozens of people got killed by secret police and that the news and the internet censors everything isn't helping.

I don't know why you hate the ordinary people so much, even in the other thread you seem to be really pissed off the people are protesting against declining prospects and all the good slavery that comes with globalism, but maybe you have orders to shill that way i dunno.

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Christmas lights remnants this was in january

Not likely, and would just destroy public support. (and would be stupid imo)

Some politicans got their houses burned a few months ago but it still hasn't been connected to the protests yet.

Why is Chrome offering to translate this page?

Burn something at last, it's getting boring

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This protest has been going on for too long and Macron is still in power. Someone get the guillotines out!


Live for Toulouse

It was just a decoration.
A new Prefect in Paris has been appointed by Macron though and he's very very mental, the kind of guy to make his men shoot violent rioters
Police have reinforced means today, drones, cameras, tear gas, flashballs, grenades, water canons and shit. If black blocs start rioting it can go wild

Appreciate it, lost my folder a while ago, had all the good stuff from first few months fffffffffuuu

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A new class!

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The only thing we should do is burn stacks of money in barrels.

Based Occitannie flag

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spy will always get me hahaha

et la mascarade continue...

Holy crap the people in Toulouse.
The gov will probably say that there were just 2000 people.

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Every flag with a christian cross on it is based

Ah OK thanks. Need to take my tinfoil hat off for a while!

Don't forget guys, A SAFE PLACE FOR EVERY RACE!

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If the news is so silent on Yellow Vests then why do they pose a threat to the market and investors, banks and investors seem to think they're dangerous and are moving to the US?
>muh brexit
>muh yellow vests
>muh italy
>Troy Gayeski, co-chief investment officer at SkyBridge Capital, which plowed money into Europe two years ago, agreed. “You are in a freeze mode in Europe because of Brexit, the yellow vests, the lameduck leadership situation, and Italy,” he told Reuters in an interview. SkyBridge had roughly 15 percent of its assets invested in Europe in 2017 but has reduced that to around 3 percent now, he added.


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Police steal protection material from journalists and protesters twitter.com/LeMediaTV/status/1123532519998218241

The Yellow vest chevalry!

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Official thread on French biggest forum jeuxvideo.com/forums/42-51-59176829-1-0-1-0-suivi-manif-des-gilets-jaunes-du-17-novembre.htm

Here we go, they are starting to move.

Same stream as RUPTLY but without watermark

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Wait what ? It was supposed to start at 14h30, wtf


Atleast nice weather too unlike shitty rain storms last weekend

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First tear gas launched in Lyon twitter.com/Libre_Insolent/status/1123533348687765504


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Manifestation sauvage maybe, we can't see very well but it seems that a "cortège de tête" (i.e. black block/yellow block) is strating to form.

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no wonder politicians don't take the protesters seriously, when they act like a bunch of niggers.
Blarring shit music, yelling like drunkards, destroying everything left and right

>*puts on pink wig*
>*beats on drum for 5 hours*
>this will surely make a difference

France should be occupied by Germany for their own safety

> Gilbert ...
> Get the LBD

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Black block confirmed

There are several protests.
Climate protest (+ Gilets Jaunes + CNT) : 11h at Place d'Italie
Some unions (CFDT, CFTC, FAGE, UNSA) : 11h at Odeon
Some other unions (CGT, FSU, UNEF, FO, UNL) : 14h30 at Montparnasse

Add to that the Benalla Block.

Cimer chef c'est précis

C'est un premier Mai du con, c'est pas comme si c'était le bordel à cause de pseudo-révo. depuis 20 ans chaque année.

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> 1er mai
> "Ils chantent anticapitaliste, ils détournent la manif"

Ta culture m'impressionne.

Origin of the antifa flag

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how many spaghetti hands today?

Hopefully a shitton since leftists from all over Europe are supposed to be out.

The eternal Brittany flag.

Von Polizisten getretene und geschlagene 19-Jährige mit Hirnschaden reicht Klage ein:

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The eternal rasta flag

Lady was just leaving her workplace and going home. They destroyed her with no reason.

guillotine some fucking Rothschilds

I prefer this one.

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topkek'd and check'd

Bruxelles (Belgium) stream on fb: ExpressInfoWebTv/videos/667318020369623/

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If only


Can you give me a source to redpill some german Antifa shills?