Stצx Salvation Laptop Fund general ▶▶▶ו666666666

Discussion on Pastor Styx, aka Styxhexenhammer666, and hiss recent conversion to televangelist style pledge drive schemes.

>Hiss catalyst appeal broadcast
>Preview of hiss new broadcasting style (precisely what he will use hiss new laptop to produce)

Styx preaches endlessly about "morality" and "scriptural guidance", but beneath that tailored garb, slicked back hair, and glittery facade lies a sex-obsessed devil worshipper who revels in depravity. Beware hiss machinations.

Attached: styxhexenhammer666.png (1284x900, 799K)

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Who gives a fuck

Why are you so upset?
The dude does all his work on his laptop, it dies, he needs another one fast. So he crowdfunded a laptop.
I mean, the only upsetting thing is him getting an alienware instead of something actually useful but he just fell for the meme.

>t. butthurt Molymeme

Attached: 3DA86883-83E2-451A-A940-627B81CC74FD.jpg (400x400, 16K)

I want to become a neopagan televangelist


You are worse than a nigger if you listen to this crap.

>Pulls in $2K a month from his Patreon
>Lives with parents
>Doesn't have the foresight to save money back for tax season
>Doesn't have the foresight to save money back for emergencies
>Probably spent the cash recently on his garden he fucked up last season

That's exactly why they get away with living such lavish lifestyles, they fool, or "inspire", their online Megachurch parishioners into thinking they have a chance of getting their own piece of the money pie someday.