Lunar Thead

Good evening anonymous, I hope you're having a good week so far. Welcome to the Lunar threads.

Tell us about your troubles, how you've been doing lately, some good things that happened to you recently or anything else you may wish to talk about. We're a group of anons gathered here to lend an ear, chill out and perhaps give some advice that can help you.

With that being said, if you like our threads then we'll gladly welcome your company back. While some threads can happen outside this schedule, we usually get together every week around this time, so check the catalogue every Friday!

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I have none now.

Based myself telling me I have no problems.

Recently reached my summer goal of benching 200lbs. Also just told a girl that I've been fucking around with that I'm not interested in a relationship rn and shes really upset. So kinda neutral rn

Congratulations on the gains user you can almost bench two of me. How long have you been getting Jow Forums for? Curious.
And yes, if she wasn't under the impression that you were just fucking around she'd be understandably upset. Do you not want a relationship right now or did you never intend to commit to her from the beginning?

So those gains are a +2 to mood and the girl is a -2, which is how it evens out to 0, eh? Did I do the math, correctly?

I got sunburnt and the skin peeling started on my face and moved down my body. Its now at my penis. My penis skin is peeling. What the fuck.

Well, if it has skin it can peel, right? Put some hydrating cream on it and use some sun-blocker next time user.

Well I workout all last summer but then when school kicked in I stopped. When I got out of school for the summer I started again and increased my max by 35lbs.
Yeah I really should have brought up the fact that I wasnt looking for a relationship rn. That was completely my fault and I dont blame her for being upset
And yeah there abouts

B-but i always had pants on while in the sun

I am seriously unsure that anything said to you on Jow Forums is gonna help you feel better about that particular predicament. But uh... I'm sorry? How on earth did you manage such extensive burns?

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Well, if you understand why she's upset, I don't see any reason why you can't at least try to make her feel better. And in turn, it might make you feel better too.

Nice, thought it'd take a lot longer actually, ~6 months of working is pretty decent.
You can always hit her up to apologize if you think that you'd like to have something with her in the future, apologizing wouldn't look bad either way though.

Then it's obvious you're part lizard

Yah, but you didn't have any clothes anywhere else and got sunburned. Gotta take better care of your skin next time.

I just wanted to share and see if anyone else had something like this happen to them.
>How on earth did you manage such extensive burns?
I'm in the ME, so lots of sun.
Also, why do you make a recording of each reply you make?

This makes sense actually
Sunburns spread? I thought it only affects the exposed area.

Technically your skin peels all the time, approximately once a month you develop a new layer. During the summer it's a lot more noticeable because of the heat so it's natural that it'll spread, especially after getting sunburned. I've barely left my house and my hands have peeled a bunch.

Oh ok. Ill wank off with lotion and see if that helps.

If it's bothersome, I can stop but in my experience, on this board, doing this exact thing, sometimes people like hearing your voice and knowing that what you're saying is genuine and not just bullshit. A lot of the time, you can just tell, so...

And if I don't type it out and they choose not to listen to it, it'd be a pointless reply. So why not just do both?

You have a very masculine voice

Also wounds like you wear glasses

I used to ask you folks for advice about getting over a past sexual assualt.
Well, it turns out the occasion in question was far from the first time such a thing occurred. I recently recovered a large number of very vivid, intense memories of having had sex with adult women dating from around the time I was 6 to 8 years old. The memories are so numerous and intense something had to have happened. At some point I need to have fully consensual sex in which I never feel the need to fear for my life my life. My therapist agrees. How do I do that?

Graduating soon. Don't want to take anti-anxiety/depression meds ever again. Cannabis works better (with no side effects), but isn't legal here. Is moving states excessive?

I think I remember reading your post from the archive actually.
A good way to get over that trauma would indeed be to have consensual and reassuring sex with someone, but you can go about that in a few different ways.
Is there anyone that you like or already have a somewhat close relationship with? I don't think that you should try to have sex as the main goal, instead you should try to focus on getting into a relationship in which you feel safe in.

To clarify, I am able to acquire it here, but unable to work anywhere that tests.

Well, as unique as the circumstances leading to your desire for consensual sex are, the approach to consensual sex shouldn't differ greatly at all.

If you want to feel safe and secure with your sexual partner, you'd do best to search for someone to be your partner in more ways than just sex.

Not to sound sappy but sleeping with someone you love helps a lot in the department of feeling safe and cared for.

It might be excessive if you don't actually have any plans in said state and moved over just for dank kush.
Cannabis has side-effects though, it is harmful and can cause addiction; just not as much as alcohol. Continuous exposure also alters your brain chemistry, permanently in cases of prolonged consumption.

If your degree is good you can probably get a job anywhere. Pick a state where medical marijuana is legal and try to get a prescription for your anxiety. I don't recommend Commiefornia though for a variety of reasons, so try to pick anywhere else.

If you're going to move states, just make sure there's more reason than just your need for the kush. Weed is great. But I would definitely consider all of the pros and cons. If lots of other things about your new area suck, it wouldn't really be worth it.

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I'd thought about Florida (lived there briefly) or Nevada (visited), since both have very similar climates to where I am. I don't think there's much that makes my state very special.

I haven't even made plans in this state, since I still have a semester or two left. I do agree is is still a drug, but the other medications were much worse. Degree is in Business and girlfriend has a Masters as well.

Asides from family being in this state, I don't really have anything tying me down. Since I was a kid I've always moved around a lot. Have very few friends I'm still in contact with.

>Is there anyone that you like or already have a somewhat close relationship with?
Not really, no
I don't think that you should try to have sex as the main goal, instead you should try to focus on getting into a relationship in which you feel safe in.
I agree. One of, if not the biggest stumbling block is someone wanting to be with me is quite possibly the surest means of setting off psychological defense mechanisms. Once that happens the person is usually gone for good very quickly without any chance for me to be done with my PTSD freakout, so I never really get a chance to let anyone in.
I agree with you. One of the main things causing me grief lately is actually that the main woman involved and I were supposedly in love with each other.

Definitely Nevada, Florida has hurricanes and shit although I still hear that it's nice.
With a business degree you can pretty much go anywhere provided there is demand of course. But if you're planning on keeping your girlfriend you should probably discuss this with her first to see what she thinks about it.

Definitely agree on the hurricanes, area I lived got hit right after I left. She's just moved here, so she has even fewer ties to the area. Very supportive and said she's happy to go wherever I choose.

In my experience, cannabis is harmless, as long as you don't overuse. And even then, the harm isn't in any sort of physical addiction, it's only in mental addiction. ie; You start to use it just to get away from things.

And that's a danger with any substance or even hobby.

I would say that, as long as you can still see your family, I suppose I see no huge reason why you couldn't pursue this. And even the moving itself, to somewhere new, might make you feel... Renewed.

That sounds rough user, is there nothing that can be done about these defense mechanisms and PTSD freakouts? What actually sets you off user? That sort of thing will probably take a more hands on approach and follow up than what you might be getting with your therapist, have you looked into any charities that help victims of sexual assault out?

>Very supportive and said she's happy to go wherever I choose.

Oh, I'm just showing you that I've been doing this for a while. I don't know how you can tell that I have glasses just from my voice but you are dead on about that.

Is there a reason for point out that you think my voice is masculine, though? Unless it's constructive somehow, I don't really see why it matters.

Love the Fate theme

Would you like to tell us about your day or something user?

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>is there nothing that can be done about these defense mechanisms and PTSD freakouts?
I don't have a whole lot of control over them. I've been able to mitigate them in the past by either having a trusted male friend within arm's reach or by flirting with girls and cutting it short.
>What actually sets you off user?
Feeling like someone is trying to have sex with me. More specifically, something like an uninvited touch.
>have you looked into any charities that help victims of sexual assault out?
I hadn't thought of that

It's worth looking into those sorts of organizations. They might be able to help. And as someone who's had PTSD, myself and still sort of does, I understand that there's limits to what you can do about it.

But I trust you've looked into simple things like grounding techniques, visualization junk... The sorts of things that are meant to calm you down when you're in the middle of a triggered panic?

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I don't know if it applies to trauma but trying to progressively get out of your trust zone bit by bit would probably help with lessening and eventually overcoming your defense mechanisms and freakouts, perhaps you can get some of your male friends to get some girls to help you out with the uninvited touch stuff? Trying to expose you to uncomfortable situations in a controlled environment is probably for the best. Albeit don't take this advice without confirming this, wouldn't want to actually make your condition worse.
>I hadn't thought of that
I think you should look into it, they most likely have the resources to facilitate your recovery whether it be therapy, support groups or just being there for you and helping you with stuff.

Honestly, I've really only used those techniques when I'm alone for whatever reason. A lot of this stuff happens so quickly it can be hard to get ahold of what I should be doing to stay in control of the situation.
What you're proposing seems a little difficult to pull off. I think I'll start by just being a little more transparent with my friends about it. I'll definitely look into the other piece.

One of the most effective methods in treating PTSD is CBT; you can utilize some of the techniques used in it to be able help yourself mitigate the effects of whenever you get triggered.

Something like gradual exposure therapy should be handled by a trained professional, obviously, but you can definitely rationally remove your distorted thoughts about your experiences, even through introspection.

I hope it works out for you, user. It's not an easy situation, going through something like that.

Alright user, godspeed.

Well, user. I suppose there isn't a lot I can say that you don't already know, then, but... I suppose all I can say is, you can do it.

I mean, I did. And I thought I would never get over it. Not even a little. I still have fitful nights and frightening nightmares sometimes but for the most part, I've put it behind me. And if I could, you most certainly can.

Alright everyone, thanks for showing up to the lunar threads. We haven't done these in a while, 8 months; for a pilot run it turned out quite well.
We'll be doing threads every Friday around the same time so be sure to come back for more.
I'm actually glad that an user that posted before in the threads found them again.

Although we're done for tonight we might still come back a bit later to answer some people so don't be discouraged from posting if you don't mind waiting for a few hours.

With that said goodnight everyone!

RIP. Hope to see you saberfaces again.

If you'd like to continue a conversation privately, you can reach me through the following avenue;

Nyan#7856 (Discord)