EU ignores Hungary veto on Israel

>The EU just de facto ignored Hungary's veto on a statement on Israel, prompting questions on how it makes foreign policy decisions.

>Hungary objected to the EU statement at the UN Security Council (UNSC) in New York at the last minute on Monday (29 April).

>But Finland read it out anyway at the UNSC meeting, in a game of protocol niceties laced with irritation.

This is how real democarcy look like.
Fuck you Western scum.
Fuck Brussels.

Attached: Orban-Netanyahu.png (640x480, 124K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why do hungols love Israel so much?

Explain, Ferenc

>eu cockblocks Israel
What the fuck I love eu now

Your "union" is a clusterfuck truth, lies, and deception.

Because the only alternative is getting flooded by Turks, Somalis and Eritreans like Wien.

Attached: 9E03ED65-3D63-4099-B6B5-87B60F49B5BA.jpg (695x455, 31K)

>We are a Union
>fuck what our members think

glad we never voted to join
surprised EU didn't annex us anyway desu

Because Isreal is our good friend.

Hungarians have pangs of conscience because of Horthy and Salazsi

it's easier desu

>Orbán's enemies always called him a nazi
>Orbán allied with Bibi
>now nobody can call him a nazi, because Bibi rangs up the rabbies loyal to him and they strat to praise Viktor

>The EU just de facto ignored Hungary's veto on a statement on Israel
And that's a good thing.
>This is how real democarcy look like.
Well, yeah, by design "democracy" means majority rule.