Parents killing atheist son

My parents have both been ostracizing me since the 4th grade when I stopped behaving kosher, I would eat bacon and refuse to go to religious services, and my father would physically beat me for it and said that it was mentally ill to be disrespectful to god, one time i got a head injury while trying to reach my toys which were taken away on shabbat.

as a child my parents loved me so much and were so proud of me in hebrew school. But when they found out i was an atheist and wanted to buy video games and get a cell phone they both started to become extremely abusive towards me and would punish me yell and take away my stuff, and from then on my parents never loved me anymore.

in the 10th grade I became extremely socially isolated and had a mental breakdown where i was hospitalized and forcefully medicated by my parents, I refused the medications because I was being overdosed and it was giving me brain damage but it only made them even more angry at me. I was locked away in a permanent facility until I was 19 and given overdoses of dangerous drugs that destroyed my brain.

I now have massive brain damage and I can no longer study in college or focus on the simplest tasks because my parents have been forcefully over medicating me for not being a good jewish boy. They were trying to beat all the atheism out of me with psychiatric drugs and now I am going to die and they still hold a grudge against me for not being a religious nut.

the brain damage is permanent and I cannot recover from their abuse I have to die.

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I have become sick from all the medications forced on me and I have to kill myself.

You should go full-on nazi just to fuck with your parents

This. Jow Forums was made for you. Considering the brain damage, you'll fit right in.

You should kill your parents for doing this to you.

my parents have confessed to using psychiatry to kill me this morning, as a child I was very gifted and had brilliant grades.But my mother used psychiatry to forcefully give me overdoses of medications that are going to lead to an early death.

I have heart, lung and digestive issues, and full body neuropathic pain from overdoses of drugs my parents forced on me.They finally admitted that I am not mentally ill and they seem like they are willing to help me try and survive until my 22nd birthday.

If my parents stop lying to doctors and abusing me at home maybe I will live to be a 22 year old man.

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do you think I could get this story in the newspapers?

Depends, where are you from?

I would call a lawyer and tell him everything you've told us and rape your parents for every penny they own.

I will go full revenge and try my best to put them to jail beacause they killed you man. I used to take a lot of neuroleptics, antidepressants and anxiolitics and that litterally made me sleep and act like a zombie. Helping you living until your 22nd birthday seems just monstrous beacause they actually suppressed 50 years of your life.
I sincerely am so sad for you and that maybe doesn't appear in the post beacause I am not used to speak in English about so harsh things, I don't have in English a fourth of the vocabulary I have in French.
I really think that your parents are fucking nutcases and that there place is in jail
is right, you could make this story viral in newspaper or on the internet and maybe some other abusive parents will be stopped
I send you all of the love and support I can and I sincerely hope that your last years will be much easier man

Damn..... I have read almost the exact same bait yesterday. Go fuck yourself and go do something productive fag.

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this sounds like bullshit, but you should get in contact with a lawyer and doctors who have no contact with your parents to help you. Doctors to examine you and hopefully treat you and the lawyer to sue the shit out of your parents of abuse and anything else the lawyer thinks you can throw at them. If you're gonna die, might as well try to fuck them over

They killed me because I was eating unkosher and playing videotapes with uneducated Korean friends.

My sister who is a snobby idiot and only has white and Jewish friends is a wonderful angel who deserves to be loved.

But a rebellious teenage boy who is unkosher and drank alcohol has to be killed with drugs for being trash

Can you give us any proof, i'm not tring to be intrusive but like a paper with your name cencored and a timestamp

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My ultra religious parents have been abusing me ever since I ate bacon and played video games.

The entire family has me ostracized for being a normal person, so my entire life was abuse and scapegoating

And now my brain damage is going to kill me

Do this, I don't know if someone can help you in israel so just find a lawyer even if it's in a different country

Lawyers cost money

If a lawyer knows they will win. They will do it for free just take a cut of your check from your parents

>They were trying to beat all the atheism out of me with psychiatric drugs
Your parents were giving you the wrong drugs.

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Your parents are good folk. They know that atheist Jews turn into child rapists and little boy traffickers.
I would pay them to beat you too.

Contact a lawyer