ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to give honest answers, don't answer question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Is it too late to start dating?

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

Attached: Gender Symbol 2.png (1200x724, 31K)



BBC gangbang a good idea: Yes or No

>Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

Wdym by exposing little by little?

just the tip to start with

If you're white, yes

Take this shit to you fucking attention whores

why white?

Because wypipo are evil and need to be exterminated for the good of humanity.

I see

What’s worse?

>dooming yourself to a series of events because of a choice (or lack thereof) you made
>being doomed to a series of events regardless of your choice

Guys, how rare is it for you to meet a genuinely smart woman you can have intellectual conversations with? Not like sitting and talking and talking about nietzsche for 3 hours, but just like you can tell they think about things in a smart way

How do I call out my attempted abuser? He thinks we're still friends and that I'm not realizing. I'm gonna cut off all contact but I'd just like the satisfaction of him knowing I know he's trash

It happens as often as with men.

For girls
How much leeway and extra effort are you willing to put forth in a relationship with a guy that hasn't had a serious relationship before?
If he's willing to listen and learn how to do it right, how patient could you be with him?

if it's gay, then yes

pretty rare, but i try to only associate with guys

Do you like it up the butt?

you asking guys or girls because i'm a guy and i don't

I'm 28 and it's only happened a few times in my life. Very rare.
Use time to your advantage. Wait until he has a new girlfriend then start dropping bombshells on her.

My boyfriend said my vagina is "above average". Not sure how I should take that.

Hope this means he appreciates me and isn't thinking about leaving me.

Abusers never know. All people are the hero of their own story. He probably has a little story in his head that makes his behavior ok.

>What does it mean guys

Yeah, I know. I also know his story is that other people have hurt and abused him so much that now he can't help it. I'd like to call out that weakness, it's a choice, he's choosing to be human trash, his idea of power and control is a disease of the mind.

I guess follow up question. Does that make you much more attracted to her? How many "points" does it add to her worth in terms of becoming a potential long-term partner.

Fug you, attention whore. It's just a nontraditional cute bump.
About at much as maybe 3 months worth of baggage. After then it's a lost cause to me.

very rare, once a year maybe

My gf compliments my body sometimes and I hate it. I wish she would never say anything about my body. I hate how I look, I look disgusting

What’s your question faggot

How do I get her to stop making comments about my body (regardless of the fact they are meant to be positive)

As someone who can't afford a therapist, how do I prevent myself from pushing my past trauma and insecurities onto any girls?

Attached: 1538653168654.jpg (500x346, 20K)

girls, tell us about this chemistry thing with guys. How does this develop? What does it feel like?

Alright I’ll be real with you since I’m the same way, and dealt with the same thing.

It’s a strange thing to think about it even accept, but she probably means it. Yeah shit is weird and uncomfortable since you’re either trying to maintain a reasonable ego and be humble but it backfired, or you really hate yourself, but you can’t do anything about what someone likes.

With compliments from anyone I just try to forget them and defer it. Downplay it. With your girlfriend, try to shift the focus to her/her body. There’s nothing you can do about her liking your body. The thing about being with someone and loving them is that to you they are incredibly attractive. You might have a shit body user, but because of who you are to her, that makes all the difference.

How do I not be boring?

I know she is being serious. But I am disgusting. I don’t feel healthy at all

How do I get over the feeling that she's not that interested in me? She's been telling me basically ever since we met that she's head over heels for me, we talk for *hours* every day, I talk her to sleep every night, etc., and there's no sign that she isn't into me. But she's the first girl for whom I haven't settled, and my hidden insecurities are firing off.

Significantly higher. I think this goes for most guys. Dumb girls are so annoying I hate them.

Also smart girls make smart kids. I'm not naive to this fact. A dumb girl doesn't have good genetics.

I asked this last night but it doesn't hurt to get more advice/different viewpoints.

I lost a friend yesterday, but I will need to still see and talk to her every day.

After avoiding me for nearly a full week and only sporatically answering me on snapchat she finally filled me in over text. She started having arguments with her BF about me and the time she was spending talking to me after work hours. She apologised for avoiding me and not knowing how to broach the topic but said that we should not talk as much outside of work because he doesn't like us talking and that it has caused major issues in her relationship. I am disappointed/sad because I truly did enjoy her friendship, but thanked her for being honest and for having the courage to tell me and apologised for any damage I caused in her relationship, because that was never my intent. Although i reinforced that he should never have felt threatened. I continued and said that while I was sad and disappointed that I would respect her decision and that I don't blame her at all for putting her relationship above a friendship and said that if anything ever changes that means we could start being friends again to let me know because I really did value her friendship. No hard feelings and that I would see her Monday as friendly coworkers.

She replied and said thanks for understanding.

Now I will see her monday morning and we need to work together every day. We will talk face to face as we are the two people who communicate with our repsective departments. I don't want things to be more awkward than they are already. Girls, how should I play this? How would you like it to be played if you were in this situation?

We had a ritual where I would send her a quote each morning to her work email, it was just an excuse to get a private chat going, which I will stop. We also used to get iced tea every monday for lunch which I will also avoid.

This has the potential to be very messy so any advice is appreciated.

Casually collecting vintage Soviet shit: cool, weird, or lame? grill btw

Very cool.

Fine as long as you aren't a commie

depends on your cup size

Only if I can slip into an SS outfit and have you play the role of slavic peasant girl.

cultivate a variety of interests and share them with people. dont filter yourself too much. listen and respond in a way the furthers conversation.

How do I get interests

I hope this is bait lol.


Guys, do you think casual sex is weakness just like excessive drinking and excess spending? I'm a grill, used to do all of those, had weak mental character. Now I think they kinda come from the same source.

Depends on the reasons underlying the behavior. It's normal and fun to drink on the weekends or the occasional weekday night out, and it's normal and fun to spend every now and then, and it's fun to have sex with someone who you meet or have a regular fwb, but if the reason for casual sex is commitment issues or some other underlying problem, then consider addressing the problem.

Casual sex by itself isn't a weakness and is normal to the vast majority of guys. Like everything else, though, moderation probably is a good idea.

Are you THICC?

Girls who are looking for or are into older guys--why? What trait in particular are you interested in? What's the reason for pursuing the older guy--what are you looking for? (Not just "daddy issues"--explain it if you have that.)

Maturity, stability, and general has-it-togetherness. I’ve never actively pursued an older guy because I’m relatively young, but my attraction to older men comes from the sense of maturity they exude. So many guys my age seem to be all over the place, and there’s something unbelievably attractive about a man who seems to have his life together.

If you were in a relationship, how fast would you be willing to take things? And how much of an age difference is too much to stomach?

Asking because things are pretty intense and have gone fast (not that I'm concerned about it, just curious) and there is a significant age difference, though I'm not old enough to be her father.

I'm this poster:

I love a mature face on a guy more. There is also something about how they talk and act.
>less drama
Their life is set for the most part. They have their stable career, a solid social circle and conexions.
>life experience
Deffinetly more than me. Conversations are more interesting imo.

What source do you think they come from and why?
Would you accept a guy with one of those other vices in his past given your own? Why/why not

>Guys, do you think casual sex is weakness
Yes, and a largely inherent one at that. The overwhelming likelihood is that you continue to have weak mental character--it's not something that you typically 'grow out' of. I can't know your specific case any further than what you're willing to disclose, of course.

You can attribute them to any number of causes in a given individual, but the effect across society is a clear negative. While the weakness is something present to most people, it is NOT actionable for most people by default. The bulk of people have it in them to be degenerates, but they aren't instinctively drawn to degeneracy. Minorities are either degenerate by nature or 'saintly' (for lack of a better term) in self-control; standards exist not for either of those groups, but for the bulk of people who could fall if they were allowed to.

The whole point of this post being, if you know where you went wrong, while you can't change it, you can still raise the next generation to do better than their parents.

Anybody else here trust their gut? I know a few women who I see at work or share major with in college who I've never talked to, but my gut just tells me I should cut to the chase and ask them out.

I know most of the woman who know who I am probably think of me as weird since I never talk to them, but if I tried just once to forget about my fears and doubts and go with what my gut says, I know I wouldn't hesitate to approach them, look at them straight in the eye with confidence, and ask them out.

Does being upfront ever work for you?

Rare. Only ever happened a few times in college.

Beyond a certain basic level of intelligence, having even more doesn't make a difference. I look for someone who has enough intelligence that they can understand me, and I can share myself with them. Beyond that level, nothing more is necessary and nothing more will make a difference to me.

A moderate amount of intelligence is probably ideal. I'm not sure how many guys would admit it, but I think we generally want to be the smarter one in a relationship.

>I think we generally want to be the smarter one in a relationship.
This is just projection.

There's definitely a difference between high intelligence and "a certain basic level of intelligence," and the former is far more attractive than the latter.

so, hmm, I'm a very insecure and inexperienced 30 y.o. guy, and hadn't had sex in a loooooong time...
I fucked this girl from tinder but I couldn't finish, because I masturbated before meeting her and I was kinda nervous. did I fuck it up or something? I admitted I hadn't had sex in a long time to her, but I wonder what she thought about me not being able to penetrate her by myself...
what should I tell her tomorrow? would be wrong or dumb to ask her what she thinks about me? should I just keep talking normally to her?

Is ir better to be wrong about the red flags and danger signs a man gives and lose a potential friend or date and drive him away, or should I still try to see if there is potential (but safely)?

I think it's suspicious that when I confront him he denies wanting anything bad and he isn't shutting down the conversation or backing off. Even though I'm accusing him A LOT.

Yeah, call me a prude or a white knight or some shit, but I think sex should be saved for the person that you care the most for, for someone special.
Personally, the thought of casual sex disgusts me and it says you lack discipline.

What are you accusing him of? Your question regarding whether it's better to be wrong really depends on the red flags/danger signs.

This sounds toxic, maybe calm down

If a guy doesn’t cum we generally feel really bad and kinda blame ourselves. Like are we not hot enough, or good enough etc. it stings for sure.

Being upfront is the only thing that work for me. I need someone decisive and know what they want.

Male user from nz. Single father with a daughter to a monster. How much does the court fuck up thechild? I don't want that shit I just wanna see my daughter more than hour? Also is there a way that mother will get bodied

He got me into his place with 2 of his friends. I hadn't met any of them before. Stupid I know, but I got out. Anyways I think they were planning on hurting me. I said as much and he just continued to deny it, said he would never do it, just like a person who would do it would say

You’re paranoid. And he might be a bad person. We can’t know. Maybe take a step back, maybe therapy

Court will side with the mother unless you can demonstrate she's fucked up

Then how do you know I'm paranoid? I have ran into many bad people lately, mainly because I tell new people about the other bad people and they see me as easy prey, which I'm not actually because I'm quick on my feet and trust no one

well, now I feel bad for her feeling bad for me. gonna ask her anyway.

Usually when you see a girl and want to ask her out just go up and do it. But don't just say "hey let's go out" talk for around 2-5 min and see how it goes. After that ask for her number and ask if she would be down to hang out.
Its around that point she will either like you enough to actually go out or say something that isn't a yes. Then just cut your losses. Much easier.

Any gender (only traditional),
people say if you wanna find a girl you must stop trying to find a girl and start doing something social that *you* like. So I did. I signed up for shooting training. Smelling burn gunpowder, hearing cases clangs, feeling that recoil - all of these is super cool. The problem is there are literally 0 girls over there. Do you think people bullshit you when giving you such tips?

Why does this happen? Are judges really such assholes that they always side with women, or is it the way the law is structured.

How can a parent be so cruel to their child and the other parent to do this? Yet it seems to happen often.

Only traditional what does that mean? You think traditional girls often enjoy shooting?

>Stupid I know, but I got out.
It's not stupid. You don't know them, and as a woman you don't stand a chance if they decided to try something. It's not likely, of course, but it's not a pleasant position to be in.
Where you fucked up is accusing them of actively planning something. That accomplishes nothing--it puts them on the defensive and sets of their 'crazy radar' no matter what, while if they actually were planning to hurt you, telling them you know simply would have made them speed up their plans.

Calm down, user. They almost certainly didn't plan something bad for you. It's justified to be afraid of situations where you can get hurt, but all you have to do about that is minimize the risk of being there to begin with.

Get yourself diagnosed, also--you go well beyond normal or healthy levels of suspicion if your posts are any indication.

Because if they took everything case by case there would be more bias involved, that's why there is so many conventions and standards in place, to limit individual opinions

I didn't tell them there of course, but afterwards. Wanting to try to confirm my suspicions, but still nothing

Also I'm starting therapy soon and quitting or reducing drug use. Man the shit in my life lately is fucking with my head, I actually met a dangerous criminal for real and got out that time too. Heard from a friend that he's a gangrapist. Been kinda fucked up ever since.

That's slightly better, but it still wouldn't have helped. If you don't trust anyone to begin with, why would you trust them to tell the truth about wanting to hurt you? And why do you suspect them in the first place, when statistically it's so unlikely for them to do anything?

This is why I say you should get yourself evaluated by a professional. You can't function properly if your current state is as bad as I think it is--and that, not anything others do, is probably the biggest risk to you right now.

That's good, and I'm sorry to hear about your run-in. I don't think Jow Forums can add anything that your therapist won't be able to, though. In the meantime, stay safe, but also stay as calm as practicable.

Only traditional genders - male and female.

Start doing something social that you like*

*but that also isn't devoid of women, like shooting. That's the implied part of the advice.

I just wanted to get something more out of him so it wouldn't bother me that much. I know his type of people who are frustrated and on social security are likelier than others to do harm. Anyway I don't trust him to tell the truth. Can't trust my perceptions either. But I don't wanna isolate myself from other people completely. What do I tell my therapist?

How do I stay safe? Also what do I tell my therapist? I used to do some pretty unsafe stuff but luckily I realized I can't go around doing that

Don't hang around alone with people who tend to be violent, such as hard drug users.

>What do I tell my therapist?
Depends what you want to get out of it, obviously. I don't want to say any more on the subject because I can't possibly know your situation like you or your therapist, so my guesses would do more harm than good.

You already set up an appointment, I assume, so you'll be able to ask questions (and answer them) soon enough.

They said they weren't hard drug users but then how do I know

Well, she obviously can't tell me if my suscipions are real or not. Can you hear things that indicate that others are plotting to harm you when you're high? I've never had that shit before and I've smoked plenty. Have been in potentially unsafe situations before but haven't been this scared. I know some people that I've been afraid they'll abduct me or come to my house and shit. I was terrified for a solid two weeks after meeting that criminal man I told you about.

>she obviously can't tell me if my suscipions are real or not.
In an isolated instance, of course not. She can, however, help you deal with your suspicions in a way that is best for your mental health--regardless of whether you were in real danger or not, it's definitely going to take a toll on your mind if you're spending weeks in constant fear. You'll find out that kind of thing and more, hopefully, when you actually go to see her.

Exceedingly rare. Usually you can tell by the way they speak.

What kind of way is that?

I'm an adult yet I am still treaten like garbage. It truly doesn't get better. I am nice and I am productive, that's what I offer, yet this isn't enough for most people. No matter how much I improve myself I am awkward/weird and therefore people make me into their comic relief. Some people like me, but the rest are really wearing down on me. I could try to be more aggressive but I feel I am too awkward to not come off as a sperg, and really I am not that kind of person anyways. Is this an American thing or worldwide? Could I move somewhere to escape this attitude? Really, I don't know how much longer I can go on. My entire life is just one big humiliation despite my efforts. There were bad things that happened in my childhood too, that combined with this really makes me question why I even want to be alive. I am becoming very depressed.

I really think maybe I'm starting to develop schizophrenia or psychosis. I need to isolate myself from other people for a while or my trust issues grow worse with the kind of crowd I keep running into. I hate being scared so much, but I trust my gut and I think it's still better to be safe than sorry.

My friend got gang raped by a dude I met. I have waking nightmares about that shit. Am I just mentally weak or what?

Lol wtf. Is gang rape this common nowadays? Who the hell are you hanging out with user?

I understand it's common in some circles. Definitely underreported. I might be hypervigilant against it, though, but that one I know happened for sure. My sister knows it too, and her boyfriend.