eugenics bad, goy

> eugenics bad, goy

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are we seriously going to crash our civilization on the rock of niggers

>don't genetically enhance people, improve society instead

society and culture are expressions of genetics

Dumb western cucks are wasting their breath with continuing breeding niggers and retards while Asians will fully embrace this technology.

How can 60IQ niggers/retards compete against Genetically superior modified 700 IQ aryan 7 feet tall Chinese?
They can‘t and those retarded woman and cucks that we have in power don‘t see that one coming because they are already too stupid.

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>Gulzaar Barn is a lecturer in philosophy at the University of Birmingham, where she is also a member of the Centre for Global Ethics. Her interests lie in moral, political, and feminist philosophy, and she is particularly concerned with exploring the ethical dimensions of contemporary practical issues.

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>improving society without improving the people that compose it
not possible. why do you think even a 13% dilution can cause 50% of the murders?

I've been saying this on Jow Forums for months. Niggers will be humanity's Great Filter.
Nobody ever takes me seriously.

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>nose ring

That's a bingo if I ever saw one

>Random intellectual wanker say no to bright future
So they're going to stop interacial breeding?

Women are a good contender.

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