How do you deal with a super liberal family that won’t ever stop talking about politics?

How do you deal with a super liberal family that won’t ever stop talking about politics?

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Make up excuses so you don't have to spend time with them. Eventually they will get the message.

Suck they're dicks

fucking passive aggressive leafs.
tell them they are huge faggots and destroying their own cultural heritage, if that doesnt help, tell them you went full natsoc and fuck off. i did.

By making it abundantly clear that they aren't as intelligent as me and they're inferior. They dont know shit about politics or history so I'll drop an anecdote they never ever heard of and walk away.

tell them that no matter their political ideology, you'll always love them... and then sperg out about the juice. They'll either have to change subject or listen to your nazi rethorics. They'll change subject.

ignore them and read more

Wouldn't know, my entire family and extended family is uniformly based as fuck.


You kill them OP

humiliate them and use negative reinforcement. if you make them feel dumb enough they will change.

>super liberal
By ((( super liberal ))) you mean they still reject your Nazi cosplay and psychotic rants?

Use it against them. Ask them questions in a way that seems sincerely out of interest. Questions that will lead the conversation to a place where you can drop a few red pills. And make sure that all of your red pills are based on statistics, and that you have those statistics bookmarked or something so that you can show them.

my family is conservative and we share views on almost everything but god damn is it tiring to hear the same shit every day nonstop
>some shit happens
>family goes into rant for 6 hours
>they try to get me involved
>if i don't want to participate then they think i disagree with them and find an excuse to get offended
>same shit happens somewhere else 2 days later
>exact same rant

how do i deal with this
can't move out yet because not enough money

Tell them the truth. Tell them your bored of so much politics and ask to change the subject and if they won't ask them to stop talking to you. Be serious about it. And follow through. Leave the room or ignore them when politics comes up. If they bring up another subject not related to politics reward them by smiling, engaging and being enthusiastic. They'll catch on eventually.

Make fun of them to their face until they kill themselves.

Intentionally say shit to cause them to have a stroke.

You retard

Drop super nuke proportion redpills

Tell them they should pay for their own bullshit or they’re enormous hypocrites.

Behave for the trust fund. Take out your rage by sodomizing prostitutes.

perfect suggestion.

Wear headphones with noise cancellation

I do that most of the time (saying that politics talk is tiring) yet they act offended because they want to talk freely about what they want. I usually leave when they start talking. It’s been like that for 2 years, so they just don’t care at all. I really hate how brainwashed they’re while acting like enlightened and intelligent beings for repeating what’s being said on TV

Idk. I stopped listening to my boomer parents about politics because no matter what they hear, see, or read, they just can't get past that Israel is our greatest ally schtick, despite being fairly conservative. But then again, they are also technically inept, so the boomer meme about making the next Facebook rings true.

Be like show me the fucking proof with the statistical analysis and the p-values then they will be like are you a science denier and your like no I am a scientist

Get into a position of personal power, either by making lots of money or higher education than ANY of them.
Humans and Spain niggers especially aren´t rational people.
Everybody only listens when you have power or demonstrate a superior attitude.

Thus become the cool black sheep uncle everybody mooches of but then talks behind his back how "baaad" he is.
Fuck em.

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Find a wife, have children, and make your own family.

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Then let them be offended. Their emotions are not your responsibility. Just pointedly ignore them. They'll get tired of talking to you when they get no reaction. I know it's rough. You have to harden yourself against it. Tell them to stop bullying you and give it a rest. There is more to life then politics. It will take emotional coldness and fortitude on your part, but you can do it. Be certain to reward them for non politics though. If you don't reward they'll just think you're an asshole.

My family used to be pretty liberal but my younger brother and his friends sort of converted them? Like there was obviously a lot of conflict at first and they would get in shouting matches and stuff, but I think the most persuasive element was the fact that my brothers friends were quite nice and hard workers, who have done quite well for themselves even despite maintaining these views, and it was such a contrast from just about every other group of kids my parents or their friends knew, that it sort of validated my brother's points after awhile. Although my parents still have quite liberal friends, they now maintain quiet conservative attitudes that you'd really only find if you got in a discussion about something less controversial, generally they keep things fairly downlow given how conservatism is frowned upon here.

Its pretty important to note that we're in the city and pretty much all liberal minded kids my brothers age go through such emotional and behavioral bullshit like cutting, drugs, etc that my brother's friend group just being decent people became a hugely persuasive element for my parents. Like they obviously still get drunk on birthday parties and some have tried weed. but it really isn't the same thing as the coping/ attention oriented inebriation you might see everywhere else.

I have the exact same problem. During the 2016 US election most of my family was getting hyper political.
Everyone either supported Hildawg or Feel the Bernie cuck.
They found any chance they could to bring them up any time they could, but the moment I uttered any kind of support towards Trump or anyone who wasn't Hilary or Bernie. I'd hear "I don't want to talk about this" or "No no no, You got it all wrong sweetie"
My views on Trump have changed slightly over time but given his messages at the time, I still stand by my old self

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I got almost completely Ex-Communicated from my family after Trump won.

You don't.

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Gang Weed

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Guess those trips need to be checked