Pol humor thread

Pol humor thread

Attached: ao3uie2po7t21.jpg (599x858, 90K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Fuck off roastie

Attached: wl6af63fb4v21.1.png (544x544, 356K)

It's completely normal goy honk honk

Attached: vrgf71x5hiv21.jpg (480x270, 27K)

Meant for

Attached: 4tgaxv4mh0t21.jpg (1218x1027, 107K)

Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

Attached: Merigaaaa.jpg (967x615, 111K)

Attached: Merigaaaa 2.jpg (1200x580, 124K)

Attached: Merigaaaa 3.png (1179x777, 256K)

Attached: Merigaaaa 4.jpg (1818x1252, 264K)

Attached: fditlwoqlhv21.jpg (3000x3000, 275K)

Attached: Merigaaaa 5.png (930x1020, 77K)

People of clownworld

Attached: Merigaaaa 6.png (1119x956, 150K)

Attached: Pinochet & Tommy.jpg (640x640, 42K)

like clockwork

I mean he's not wrong though

Attached: Chosen people.jpg (811x2048, 1.02M)

this one is such a reality check for all the whores out there

Attached: Go be a nigger somewhere else.jpg (600x900, 45K)

I come for the memes but stay for the cuck tears

Attached: Honk 28.png (512x512, 207K)


Attached: keks.gif (320x240, 2.65M)


Attached: Anti Semitism.jpg (960x636, 59K)

Gospel of Bartholomew
Why the inverse square law occurs in nature, the radius and square
wiens (weins?) law
should I get my eyelashes curled
I need to get my hair shaped more
what should I cook for dinner
I better separate the recycling stuff
is s/o hungry
better water the plans later, when did I feed them
Would a pedicure damage the nails with gel overlay

Newfag spotted kys

really make (you) think ?

Attached: Germans and americans.png (640x404, 268K)

>he doesnt where is greece


Honk honk, Neighbor

Attached: 1556678413714.gif (400x300, 1.93M)

Attached: French Sudan.jpg (540x636, 54K)

Attached: 1551472557730.jpg (1080x810, 127K)

This is my favorite
also checked

Attached: 1552426220838.png (491x626, 93K)

Attached: Gearge W bosh 11.png (1080x1080, 1.52M)

Attached: 1552422917005.jpg (600x699, 109K)


Attached: Real Reich friends.png (750x742, 1.01M)

you OK frog?
I understand some Americans can be brainlets, doesn't mean we all are though.

Attached: 1527883879361.jpg (1001x1098, 225K)

personnal favorite

Attached: 1554647576038.jpg (577x846, 274K)

Attached: Communism good when communism bad.jpg (500x512, 38K)

I love those

Attached: 1538358191663.png (1119x1042, 164K)

Attached: chadchink.png (2518x1024, 151K)

Attached: 1556390507929.jpg (1600x650, 175K)

Attached: Communism balls.gif (777x777, 3.28M)

Attached: 1551475828525.png (644x598, 104K)

Attached: 1553719462521.gif (452x750, 145K)

Attached: american citizen.jpg (900x924, 200K)

lmao bottom part is basically every Jow Forums, /cgl/, /lgbt/ femcel.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

t. fugged people from these three demographics.

Attached: 1554660824084.jpg (550x548, 27K)

Attached: sz9t9dnfxla21.jpg (200x202, 7K)

disclaimer, the last one was a bi (though I guess most women are nowdays)

Attached: 1556130721303.jpg (602x385, 65K)

Based and pastapilled

>collateral damage is desirable

Attached: 1549302560401.png (2518x1024, 401K)

Attached: 1538358138048.png (1733x847, 109K)

Thanks for this one xD

Attached: Education.png (497x511, 487K)

Attached: 1554294437038.jpg (882x960, 514K)

>He doesn't where is Greece
Only Authentic Frogs, not sandniggers
really showing the Americans how it's done
Also I know where Greece is dumbass

Attached: 1528771827754.png (1123x1185, 573K)

Attached: communist paradise.jpg (644x598, 31K)

Attached: 1538358241600.png (607x654, 24K)

Attached: aswedelovestory.png (1440x2560, 526K)

The "real life" An-cap ones are the best

Attached: 1512307510069.png (617x674, 456K)

Attached: 23000424_812565618924020_2528990136731346101_o.jpg (1105x912, 42K)

There it is

Attached: 1554046601503.png (482x918, 448K)

Attached: 1554649663862.jpg (563x525, 51K)

Attached: 1554668065653.jpg (669x669, 355K)

Attached: 1508284407134.jpg (320x320, 23K)

Attached: Obama checked.jpg (1200x1156, 94K)


Attached: ancap pepe.jpg (340x568, 50K)

Oh fuck my dick

That's a paslode 34 degree nailer. Won't shoot without at least 80 psi air source

"was accused" could mean dindus are trying to get gibs, be careful

Attached: 1554612523532.jpg (720x528, 28K)

Attached: 1512420482206.png (1440x1965, 1.54M)


Attached: Right to fight.jpg (1540x2048, 198K)

Attached: there it is.jpg (549x376, 50K)

Attached: 1552849029513.png (812x801, 801K)

Attached: 1556330531084.png (1466x998, 432K)

Attached: 1533052185558.jpg (819x1024, 164K)

Attached: 1549724006202.jpg (600x962, 114K)

Attached: 1556296065589.jpg (675x664, 44K)


Attached: 375f68d1ac412dfd6d5b913a52fcf8f3991cbbfe8089d19650f5f69f3a18178c_1.gif (540x370, 1.03M)

Attached: 1552377017785.png (1172x1484, 217K)

Attached: 1534774991457.png (3508x2480, 3.19M)

Attached: 1511219147766.png (1104x534, 412K)

Attached: 27040718-3469-46B3-B245-3F609DFF179C.jpg (750x259, 101K)

Attached: 1556596998552.jpg (1440x1738, 156K)

What the fuck

Attached: 11033136-4219-4B65-87F2-10AF8E2D9B59.gif (230x126, 1.59M)


Attached: 1141441.jpg (500x614, 36K)

Attached: a77c674b8495a0852f17fe60a0a6e202c53dbdc70f6a9ae9eaac41b54ea057b7.png (443x376, 233K)

Attached: @BrokenMirrorCmx_1_Diversity-At-Work.jpg (1820x1920, 341K)

Attached: @BrokenMirrorCmx_2_A-Convenient-Truth.jpg (3372x2165, 529K)

Attached: @BrokenMirrorCmx_3_The-Emperor's-New-Balls.jpg (3602x2797, 810K)

Attached: @BrokenMirrorCmx_4_To-Equality-And-Beyond.jpg (2662x1856, 330K)

Attached: @BrokenMirrorCmx_5_Food-For-Thought.jpg (3969x2255, 548K)

Colored people. Oh wow calm down with that racism.

Attached: 1554497206692.png (644x942, 51K)