Private equity firm explicitly states it will never give a loan to white men


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That's pretty racist. It'd be a damn shame if it was against any discrimination laws in the US and that the correct officials were made aware of it.

Imagine if a charity only collected money for white people

Capitalism is a cruel mistress, and will teach her a valuable life lesson. $100 says the fund will close in about 2 years.

The more separated blacks become, the better off we all are for it.

why is africa so diverse?

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Sounds like fucking discrimination if they want to go down this path so be it. We can all olay that game but in much more subtle ways instead of a dumb nigger bragging about it. You niggers will never figure it out, that is also okay, because you’re niggers and aren't supposed to be able to tell the difference - beans and niggers think they’re right up there. God it’s embarassing for you.

Anyways, who wants dirty drug nigger blood money? Only niggers, that’s who. A white man getting a loan from niggers sounds like a last motherfucking resort to me. Stupid monkeys.

That's great. Blacks don't pay money back so they won't last verb long

Both of these.

Private investors are allowed to be racist. Nothing wrong here. Prudent investors are already investing in majority white companies, and not because of racism but because they are the ones doing well.

And this.


Of course there is something wrong with this you fucking dumb nigger. Get fucked jew.

I don’t need to write this now

This doesn't sound smart from a business standpoint. In fact I'm not even sure why this is an article. Why is does the author feel that I need to know about this?

so when do i read when she goes bankrupt?

she "stepped down" as ceo of that company a month ago.

She will go bankrupt and somehow it will be white people's fault

>only give loans to niggers who have poor repayment rates
>not give loans to people most likely to repay loans
There's a winning business model right there. Surely this "bank" wont fail.

call the ACLU
oh wait

A peek into the website is very eye-opening.
Look at the 4 success cases they show:
>Be visible
LinkedIn ripoff for "latinx". Will never go anywhere.

Blockchain startup. These are a diamond dozen. It's a toss-up whether it will succeed.

Meme headphone/necklace. Hard pass

Facial recognition company. Might get somewhere, but again, tons of companies already do this.

2/10 - not impressed at this portfolio.

Attached: we wuz investors.png (916x1290, 181K)

>apply for loan or whatever they actually do
>be denied for being white male
>thats discrimination
>uh oh I just happen to be a jew too ;)
>sue for just about everything they have
>win lawsuit because its literally discrimination
>blacks go broke again

What is she going to do when at least 50% of her loans fall through?

>white men

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Most of the investors pulled out and she was fired from the fund last month.

Wonder how long before she loses all her money

She already got fired.

No there isn't

It is white men who turn the most profits after borrowing capital. She is rejecting the lowest risk market which means her interest rates will go up because too many people will default, which means less people will borrow from her. She will go under because of some petty political statement

I'd love to see the books
How much Soros money is keeping them afloat

Yes, but prudent investors don't go out and say they won't invest in niggers, now do they?

I'm not worried.

Niggers are going to drain this shit dry buying Krystal and shoes and other bullshit that appeals to them.


You can't make this shit up, and they say Whitey is the problem.


This is 100% her right. However she will lose a lot of money and be out of business in less than a year.


>white men wanting money for botiques
protip; she homophobic

How does this dumb nigger get to be owner of a VC firm

Some people who might work for banks working in a loan department might write the number 23 on loan applicants of people who might be black.

Replace “white men” with “jews” and it’s a hateful conspiracy theory

Pretty cool of them to be openly prejudicial, it'll make lawsuits that much easier.

>We just take money and throw it ona big ole bonfire!

>giving a nigger with a sob story millions so you can say you be woke.
Sad, many such cases.

Backstage capital? Is that a stock Corp? Is it public? I'd like to short.

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what of an organization that only collects money from white people

oops, i forgot
it's called government

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Kill all private equity CEOs, regardless of race.

Why do you want to kill the proletariat comrade?

You think the government is gonna bail them out or will they be allowed to default when none of the nigs pay back?

>a loan firm thinks they are about giving anyone money
how long untill they go under?

Imagine being so dumb that you think you can make money by investing in businesses run by niggers

I'm glad this sort of thing is happening. The worse it gets for normies the sooner they will realise how bad it is. My only hope is that the social pressure against whites gets bad enough to cause action before demographic shift basically eliminates the white race entierly.

No one wants to play pretend with you, manchild faggot.

this. white men will end up subsidizing this failed venture and legalized race- and sex-based discrimination, and no one will care. and if anyone does make a peep about it, robin diangelo will be there with the evergreen equity council, the DNC and CNN and call them fragile incels. normies and vapid roasties will cheer and clown world will continue and still no one will do FUCK all.

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>Don’t give loans to people with jobs who will pay them back
>give it to those with statistically higher default rates for muh diversity

>Private equity firm explicitly states it will never give a loan to white men
Its to bad the majority of people who pay their bills are white. Maybe they know something we don't.
I'm sure this is a great business plan.

>Giving away money.

> We're not loaning to whites as they pay back their loans and have less defaults, and have better credit scores.
Great business model. Loan money only to the worst people.

>How does this dumb nigger get to be owner of a VC firm
you make friends with rich cunts and dumbfucks like tom steyer
or soros if you are lucky

As I see it they're a private company and they can do what they want.
Doesn't make much sense to exclude the demographic that's most likely to pay back your loans though.
I'm sure they have a brilliant business strategy to ensure they don't go bankrupt.

lending money to niggers, what could possibly go wrong?

got woke went broke , i give this bitch a year in bidness, unless she is getting govt money to keep her woke show afloat.

They are already folding into acceleration

kikes are pushing racism hard

they want more laws to protect the racist kike fake debt money slavery masters from their waking-up goiym

too big to falll goy, too kiked to break free! get replaced whitey! captain nigger america!