Dating in 2019

> Be me
> 38, divorced, no kids
> 6’2, 230lbs
> not brad Pitt but by no means ugly/bald
> professional, $180k/year + bonus
> member of $800/month “elite” dating service

Every date I have gone on has been absolute trash. These aren’t waitresses at Applebee’s or med techs, either. These are the women who are, by societal standards, cream of the crop. Think lawyers, doctors, executives.

All are divorced, 30-40, aged poorly, and most have no kids. They still think they are owed the world, yap on and on about wanting men “who know how to treat a lady” and are boring as fuck. The feedback they give the dating service laughable. One of them complained I was cheap because I corrected the waiter on the bill, the other said they used to box seats when I took them to a pricey sporting event, and the other said I didn’t seem cultured enough.

Social media has taught women they are owed the world and everything that falls short of that in any respect is to be disregarded. Okie dokie.

I remember when this used to be much easier. Best of luck, gents.

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It's only going to get worse.

Stop being nice, try to impress a young (under 30) piece of meat with you money and make her pregnat.
These whores you mentioned will die without having passed their genes (fortunately), don't care about them.

Inb4 cuck, bets, etc.

when you’re not on campus, work 50+ hours in a stifling office with militants in HR and perpetually aggrieved coworkers, and most your age are either trapped in sexless marriages, debt slaves, or singles themselves, it’s hard to meet women. And going on “normal” dating apps/services is just more of the same - 400lb land whales who are still getting hit up by 400 dudes per day. At least my ridiculously overpriced, human matched service weeds out some of the trash by sheer cost alone.

You Zoomers better land the right one while you’re young, because it doesn’t get easier.

It’s not a matter of just trying to be nice or betabux. You just can’t take a doctor or lawyer to subway for some footlongs for a date. Again, these aren’t women who make $10/hr, these are women who can afford $800/month for dating coaches and professional match makers, and some of them are using multiple services.

And they'll throw money down that hole until they decide they want to turn their apartment into a kitty tenement and stop taking care of their appearance and hiding airplane bottles of wine in their purse at work. Shit sucks but these cunts aren't going to change and neither is the state of society that created them.

This is why getting old sucks. Dating is super easy when you’re 22, on campus, and in the right major. Sorry, old manZ maybe next timeline.

Just go to a church and meet a nice girl. Don't date an "independent" woman who can pay a month's rent to a dating service.

Gonna have to import.

>$800 a month on dating sites

Why are only the stupid ones, rich these days??

How is she going to raise your kids if she's busy at work all the time??

Why not date a 9/10 20 something waitress from applebees?

They’ll probably screw him over too, once they get citizenship.

Goes to show you never learn, no matter how old you are or how many shitty experiences you have. What is so shitty about that you can’t stand to be alone with yourself? Fix it.

Dont bother.
I cream pied a 20 year old secretary in Kent months ago. She works at a medical place now and Ive shagged her there.
No point trying to get with someone now. Jews already won.

Maybe you shouldn't go for the rich women, try these with 30k/year

>be me
>35 year old woman
>Never married
>Always faithful
>Have own business, work long hours
>Earn 250k
>Join "elite" dating service
>No roastie

Meet total arseholes. Guy thinks 180k is a lot. Says 6 ft 2! 5ft 7 tops. Ugly cunt. Bad breath. Massive combover. I think he has secret fetish over Brad Pitt. Talked about him all night. Always comparing himself to him. The guy argued with a waiter over 10p. Called him a "fucking Jew prick". Had to be restrained by cops. Took me to Darts competition for a date! Got shitty cos I said I don't like darts. He started ranting that tickets cost 10 quid each. Tried to rape me but I kicked the shit out of him. Pussy.

Should have helped him get close to Pitt desu.
Maybe you could have both shagged him?

Actually OP, you’re better off playing old PC games like Medal of Honor: Allied Assault until you’re content with yourself at 45, and you decide to retire early.

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We should replace Elite Dating with Eugenic dating baka

Alright, here's my masterplan: You spent 100k to a Christian Identity church and maybe you can marry one of their daughters. Sounds good, doesn't it?

Still put a woman on a pedestal they know better than to be placed on simply because they're paying for a dating service and have a "real/respectable" job. You failed before your began user

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Go to the gym, a fitness program. It'll help some, make you prouder. I'd be surprised if it didn't add some allure to you. Also, gym bunnies.

>$180k/year + bonus
>$800/month dating service
Sounds like average SF problems. How about you drop that cash as a tip at Hooters and meet the real cream of the crop.

I hear you. After all, /they're paying big $/, and are used to being a catch. And they've got a lot of education! Little do they realize these aren't what interest men. The rich, successful men they want go for younger women.

I contest your claim that this is new or abnormal. Your selection criteria is limiting you to damaged professional women - the undamaged ones are still married. It's always been this way. You need to aim younger and less professional, chances are you'll find a much more attractive and sane girl.

Date an 18 year old and craft her in the image of what you want her to be

> member of $800/month “elite” dating service

You got suckered.

imagine being so socially inept that you pay 800$/month just to look at pictures of women who won’t fuck you

top kek

You’re paying 800$ a month for a dating service? Jesus fucking Christ you are an idiot

>cream of the crop.
>think lawyers, doctors, executives.

Meh. Local high school has better pussy.

this, date younger women

Why would you pay $800 a month when tinder does the same thing? You were fooled by Jow Forums. People aren't classified by their jobs you dope. Med techs can be good people. You're a 38 year old divorced dude. Don't pretend you're cream of the crop.

If you really were a catch you would have no problem getting a decent woman

I don’t want to be someone’s free lunch. I would prefer they already have a job and career rather than just trying to land some good looking gold digger.

Because you're a dumb NPC subhuman who focuses on "stats" like income, you bought all that bullshit

If you were just fit, like actual fit (six pack) and not a skinnyfat lardass, and you knew how to show it off, you would have a harem of young thots at that age just by signing up for tinder

Instead you go on "dates" with random women, you try to bribe them, you mention your income like it matters.

Just buy a cottage, have fun with friends, keep a couple friendly women around and or buy female friends if you know what I’m saying.

Honestly, if you have a cottage, hot tub etc.. women are easy.

Put me in the boomer cartoon.


then screen them for intelligence

Stop trying to date doctors and lawyers.

Alright, this is what I would do.

>look for someone 5 to 10 years younger
>keep finances to yourself
>no flashy shit
>no expensive dates

Know your wants now. What are you looking for? Do you want to be married again, have children, or not married and enjoy time with someone?

If you dont have your wants set in stone now, then you're going to have a terrible time dating, most of the time. You're also going to have to cut your losses a lot of times.

Keep your head up. Start exercising. Pack on some more muscle, loose an inch or two in fat, and enjoy life. That's the point, enjoy life.

I got to agree with these other guys. you are being played. Why would you want someone who is damaged and still think they are the most desirable people in the world. The only peopel who want women like that are men who want their money. You don't need THEIR money. Find someone who you an shape to be the wife you want. You're still young enough to pull off a 10-15 year age gap. Find someone in their mid 20's who is in college. She will be smart, naive, and excited to have a catch like you.

While I don't doubt anything that you're saying, it's worth considering what sort of person signs up to an $800 per month service. It's not going to be normal, down to earth people who happen to also be successful, it's going to be that absolute cuntiest of self important cunts.

The pride you get from self improvement is tempting to others. You wont notice it until about a year later, but others pick up on it.

Shit feels amazing when it clicks.

Actually, my last gf was a specialist doctor.

Made like 580K a year.

She was the most conservative and “based” so to speak.

However she was a mindless npc by default of being a women. She was just too busy to get caught up into all that social media jazz and whoring around so much.

What is the right major?

why would you date old women when you could purchase an 18-year-old virgin directly from her father?

>Why not date a 9/10 20 something waitress from applebees?

Main argument against this is the effect of heredity on IQ.

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>$800 month service
>Thinking they'll pair you with the right girl immediately
You're their cashcow, mate. Even if they have the girl who meets all your criteria and her yours, why would they let you meet so soon? They'll string you on average dates, along with them too, to keep the cash flowing for a bit.

This makes sense.


I disagree. Dating became incredibly easy in my 30s. I was dating six women at one time but didn't really like any of them. You gotta work on yourself first. Getting women is a byproduct of getting your life in a good place.

>TIL I'm the elite
I wish you the best of luck, but you sound like a grumpy fuck, so I guess you'll probably die alone if you don't try to change yourself before you hit the dating market again. Why do you want a doctor or lawyer? They are boring by default. If you want to relive your younger years, just go on a regular dating site and find a funny poor woman instead. Poor people are usually funnier than us, you know that.

It isn't easy on campus either

Nippon gets it. Its in the best interest of these dating sites for people to continue to date and not settle down.

Why didn't you like any of them?

>These are the women who are, by societal standards, cream of the crop. Think lawyers, doctors, executives.

Well, there's your problem. Why are you dating career obsessed arrogant cunts? Plus, these career bitches are always older and shittier persons. What you need to do is date much younger, 20-25. Someone that can produce you children.

That is the natural way of things. An older but still fertile and fit man that has resources and can provide for a family takes a younger fertile wife that can produce children.

The role of the woman is to make children, not provide. By looking at higher class professionals, you are looking at women that are putting themselves in an unnatural position and taking themselves out of the gene polo.

The only reason you are alive is to pass on your genes producing children. If you fail to do so, if have failed at life. When you are looking at these arrogant professional cunts, you are setting yourself up for failure. These bitches are not mother material.

So, stop paying 800 a month for that bullshit service, start going to bars and hitting on college chicks that want children ASAP.

>Social media has taught women they are owed the world and everything
Just like you think you deserve a women who has never been married and is young. Nice cognitive dissonance.

>implying a female lawyer or doctor is high IQ

>These aren’t waitresses at Applebee’s or med techs, either
found problem

You conveniently failed to mention what sort of job you do. Does it even allow you to meet females, or are you yet another male Aspie who took another inherently lonely or sausage-party job strictly for its high salary?

I know multiple guys in their late 30’s who have wifed/knocked up qt’s in their early/mid 20’s

Don’t lose hope user. And for the love of god stop paying for a fucking match making service

Honestly the best life these days for a professional is shitposting in your free time.

>These are the women who are, by societal standards, cream of the crop. Think lawyers, doctors, executives.
Using the wrong standards. In my experience women deep into their careers are boring and depressing to be around.

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I was dumped recently because I didn't make enough money, also because I have a chronic illness which is under control for now but I couldn't travel to exotic countries because I can't get live vaccines anymore.

I'm in a bad spot because eventually I'm going to need major surgery on my abdomen and it's impossible to recover from it alone. I've kind of just accepted that once that time comes, I'll let my disease progress and just kill me. Got dealt a very shitty hand. Even being 6'3 and having green eyes doesn't help.

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Find a woman who makes 70-80k a year and isnt a career driven mess


some advice from my dad who is 15 years older then my mum and has 10 kids, pick a shiela fresh-out of highschool (17-18 here) take her on a overseas gapyear(you will have to pay of-course) knock her up then keep her pushing prams or barefoot and pregnant for the next 10 years

What if you have too much money? Your options are huge, but don't the risks make things just as bad

How about you try to just date someone fucking normal


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I always notice the most insecure guys list their salaries and heights.


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not putting all your wealth in your parents name or in a joing company where you own 1%, importing a mail order bride, pumping 3 kids in her and keeping her on a leash since she can't extract anything out of you if she bails.

First mistake is believing those women are the cream of the crop. They aren't. They are feminist trash. You'll find normal women everywhere. Waitresses at Applebees and Med Techs included. You're looking for love in all the wrong places. And paying too much for the search.

What the Fuck do you expect on a gold digger service like that. What DL you Sven care about in a woman that youd want used up greedy sluts. Women are moldable just put in the effort and Woo a younger one in a more Natural environment. You are being robbed.

The service also has no interested in Lösung you AS a paypig.

>pushing prams
quad-dubs, witnessed for truth

What you described sounds like a waste of time..first of all, do you want kids?..

Dude, you're trying to bone the cunts that were too cunty to get married before 30. You'll have a much easier time dating women under 30.

You fucked up and played a rigged game.
Your dating pool is career oriented, older, unhappy women.
You pre-selected yourself as a chump by paying for access to them.
Your age is fine. Your looks are fine. Your divorce is okish. Your income is fantastic and only a brain damaged slut would think you're cheap. Your weight shouldn't be an issue at 6'3"

Your problem is your mindset - go read all of Heartiste/Roissy starting from the start. If you do nothing more please do this.
Stop paying for access to damaged women.
Start putting yourself into positions where women see you in a better light - not the chump paying for her (just like everyone other chump has done for 20 years)

Where do you even meet women that are normal?

>spending $800 monthly on dating service
Just get some escorts and enjoy the time you have left. You missed the boat

You guys who think $800/month is insane have to realize there are services that cost $25k/year + just to start. And those are only the ones a nobody like me knows about. Who knows what kind of eyes wide shut services there are out there.


It's not insane, just a waste of not only money but time.

Hey OP

Realistically... I should be charging you some dosh for this piece of advice but since we're all brahs I'll give you free advice that may help you.

You need to appeal to women who are for some strange reason attracted to dad bods. I'm assuming you have one.

But if you need help losing weight and becoming more physically attractive, do Keto and intermittent fasting. I dropped from 180 to 155 in 5 months last year and I didn't know wtf I was doing. And I'm still 155. Pretty sure if I was well informed from the beginning I would have done it in 2 months.

If fasting is out of the question for you then still switch your diet to a ketogenic one and just cut your caloric intake in half so that your body burns the rest off your body. Ketogenesis is great that way.

Also if you want to appear cultured as fuck find a historical nuance that you find interesting and do buttloads of research on. Most women across all ages find poison sexier above anything else, so just show them how passionate you are. That's the way to woo most women

Try a waitress at Applebee. You even won't have to pay $800.

.I meant passion

Put a little crease on the end of the nose and large eyebrow ridge and that would look fairly similar to my old man desu

Go MGTOW or get fucked. Don't let tradcucks shame you

Middle aged white women's disease.

you have to get a new one every couple of kids , women love seemingly pointless little gifts like that.

> member of $800/month “elite” dating service
wtf...why?...just spend that money on prostitutes instead...

My nigga

30-40? WTF are you thinking? Stop dating infertile used up roasties.
Your absolute limit is 29yo (with no kids). After that cut off the chances of having kids start dropping rapidly and WTF is the point of a woman if you don't want kids?
Also. Stop paying for a fucking dating app.

Can't confirm
20 on campus and still a virgin

what is in a women's head is unimportant what is in her bra matters
bigger your salary the bigger tits you can get

>35 year old woman
Sell-by date has expired.
Get a cat.

Your problem is that you act entitled, so women do the same. Stop acting like you have it made. Try driving an older car, get an apartment, and don’t tell women how much money you have.
Find one that’s grateful for dating you for who you are. And ffs stop using dating apps. I’d recommend reading “how to be the 3% man.” It’s free on this dudes website.

You are selecting for single women with that kind of money to blow. They make too much money. Who cares if a woman makes money if she is just rich that is a plus but income is not important.
I want young bubbly and feminine who wants a family and a quiet life.

>dating service
Learn to talk to women in public and stop getting scammed, Christ