How does one go from libertarian to fascist or some other form of authoritarian statism?

How does one go from libertarian to fascist or some other form of authoritarian statism?

Attached: 1200px-Gadsden_flag.svg.png (1200x800, 112K)

People who never understood libertarianism in the first place probably.

Fascist economics is turbo Keynesianism, embracing that after being enlightened by Austrian economics can only be possible by hitting your head multiple times against solid objects.

Once you understand that libertarianism alone doesn't work because Big Capital will take over your country and eventually fill it with degeneracy. Then you begin to think Franco and Salazar weren't such bad guys after all.

Da igual, todos serán fusilados en Paracuellos.


Those who want less state are those whose ideology is not in power, racists and fascists for example.
So racists and fascists are likely to be libertarian

Attached: degeneracy.jpg (796x1024, 519K)

when you realize a libertarian society wont work wel l for you when its filled with blacks and jews that screw everything up.

When you realize that most people are stupid as fuck and/or lazy and they need a stronger and more intelligent hand to guide them.

But big capital can't take over your country if there's no country

Because there is no way to keep it. Subersive big business will import cheap 3rd world labor, ship jobs overseas for more labor, and generally turn the nation into a non-nation. Libertarians don't understand that the economy comes second to national hemogeny.