Crunch time

Ok you bastards, I'm 25 in a month and I'm still an incel. It's beyond ridiculous now, I'm fucking tired of being so preoccupied with it, I need a gf within the year but I dont know where to start
>I'm scrawny as fuck with some love handles. I go swimming 2-3 times a week and I lift dumbells and try to calisthenics every other day. I'm limited to what excercize I can do because I have a bad leg and a possible heart condition which means my doctor told me not to lift anything more than half my bodyweight (which isn't much)
>I have an ugly face. It's awkward looking, big nose, weak chin. I'm not winning any beauty contests
>I've had two dates from online dating two years ago and since then nothing. Tried all different configurations of photos and bio to no avail.
>I struggle with having thoughts - my mind is often a total blank slate and then articulating those thoughts. I often stop in the middle of a sentence because I don't know the next word or I've forgotten what I was saying. This problem is omnipresent but does increase when under pressure. This, naturally, leads to rather boring conversations
>I'm rather boring anyway. Not charismatic in the slightest. People are never drawn to me and I see their eyes glaze over as I try to speak. I used to be considered quite funny among my peers but I lost it for whatever reason. It comes out again when I feel I'm on a roll but there's a weird alchemy to it that I struggle to retro-engineer. I've tried faking it til i make it and I haven't made it.

Where do I even meet women now? Online dating is a non starter, talking to randoms on the street is not the done thing here, I don't drink so picking them up in bars or nightclubs won't work, local clubs and events are filled with the elderly and the autistic and everyone at work is taken.

I want to seriously make a go at this but I don't know how to go about it

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Where are you from user?
This can give us an idea on how things in your culture can work out for you

If I was on your spot, I would try to do a brief college degree related to what you are doing
Dancing lessons are very memed but they work with your awkwardness and can help with your lack of charm (and you can meet women there)


I'm also dyspraxic which makes me a very very bad dancer and not in a charming cute room for improvement sort of way but in a "please stop, oh god please don't be my dancing partner" kind of way

I did dancing growing up and Im dyspraxic. It gets tougher as you get older though I agree, could never go back to a dance class now. Have you tried joining an am-dramatics / performing arts group? You bond with people pretty fast and its good for physicality and confidence.

Your standards are probably too high, don't look for 7-10s if you are a 4,5. Your looks are not the problem, ur personality and attitude are. Try to be more kind, outgoing, fun to hang out with and you will find a nice grill, just be patient

>I'm also dyspraxic which makes me a very very bad dancer and not in a charming cute room for improvement sort of way but in a "please stop, oh god please don't be my dancing partner" kind of way
Have you ever tried dancing classes yourself or are you just making excuses to fall in self pity?

Yes I fell for the meme briefly when I was at uni. It didn't exactly endear me to my peers.

I used to do am-dram when I was a teenager I enjoyed it despite not being very good. I've heard a lot of nightmare stories about adult am-dram but I'd definitely consider it

I honestly believe you dude, especially because I can feel the self loathing and low energy coming from you, as you may know people don't like to be around people that makes them feel drained and in turn that might as well turn potential girls away.

You should get your issues solved and try to focus on your good points instead of emphasizing your flaws in all of the things that you've written the only positive thing that I can see from you is that you have a job and you try to stay in shape, so you are not completely worthless, and I'm sure you are a fine lad so you just have to work on your problems and better yourself

If you really want to find girl there is always some form gatherings for any hobby or you can even try to learn a second language and try to go out with people there, just remember that girls smell desperation from a mile away

Sorry was meant for

I don't think I'm particularly self loathing, just aware of my flaws. I have a lot of them. I'm definitely low energy, always have been. I have one gear and that is 'coast.' Find it difficult to rev up.

27 incel khv here.
I actually stopped being a shut-in and tried to fix my life at 25.
Here's the thing, normies don't want anything to do with us, no matter how well we try to hide it. Normies can literally smell loserdom from a mile away and will make sure to stay the fuck away.
It's impossible.
And I never even had any delusions of ever getting a gf when I started trying, I just wanted some friends to break the crushing loneliness.

There has to be a way out. There has to be a way.

What do you bring to the table in a relationship? You spent your entire post shitting on yourself. You said you used to be charismatic. No one loses that, it's just kind of obscured. Probably behind that cloud of self doubt and lack of confidence.
Let's see the same list but with things that are good about you. Start with the charisma.

This doesn't account for hypergamy.

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This makes sense that women would want the best men to supply their offspring. Same as how men want young beautiful women. It's just the biological imperative.

t. Chad

Oh fuck right off with that you cunt

You can't change your personality to get people to like you. Adult life is not like high-school. You just have to find people who aren't normies

Probably the best advice on here

The truth is a bitter pill to swallow.

Yes, that is why you refuse to accept that your problems are more complex and blame others for your failures. The earlier you understand that people are just people and women are people too, the better it will be for your personal life in the long run. But I see how this can be hard if you don't have any female friends in your life who you can talk to. I would probably be some bitter incel too if it wasn't for some amazing people in my past.

I'm laidback and easygoing
I'm empathetic. I'm quite good at reading people
I am well read
I have nice hair
I'm told I have nice lips
I'm a good writer and poet
My friends think I'm funny
I make films/music videos and I'm good at editing them

>people are just people
What does this even mean

We're not talking about me. We're talking about hypergamy. Women are always shriving to date "up" since even an average woman has a wealth of potential partners.

I'm 99% of your post and I'm 32. See you in 7 years OP.

Prove it

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