Are there non-degenerative blacks?

Are there non-degenerative niggers? I've met some pretty smart native Africans. Unlike Aborigines and some tribal retards, they are above monkey level.

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I think Ethiopes are probably the closest thing we have to normal people.

John Henry
If only he were real.

Something i've noticed using Lyft/uber/etc. Africans, like from africa blacks, are a mile ahead of the average american pavement ape. even if they aren't the brightest, they are nicer, harder working, and generally excellent people relative to their american cousins. thats also probably because the stupid shitty ones can't read and get to america, and somalis are an exception, their retarded antics are unbelievably subhuman

No, of course not. Don't be absurd.

They can't technically be considered degenerates if they've always been that way.

Niggers are not degenerate they are pure animals. We're the degenerates.

Why do African niggers have yellow eyes?


He sho wuz a hamma swinger

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Because we are all one race.
The human race.

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who knows

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Ethiopians and Kenyans are pretty competent. Most east coast Africans are. The west coast on the other hand is an absolute mess.

This. Admittedly you can be really stupid and degenerate (just look at Australian Aborgines) but for the most part being primitive and not particularly intelligent as a human being just means that you live a rather old-fashioned lifestyle of hunting and gathering and if a little less backward some primitive animal husbandry supplemented by small-scale crop farming.

Sure in places where the government/state is very weak there are often nasty wars and tribal conflicts, but even in places like West Africa, desu most of the time it's just pretty chill, even if ridiculously behind the times.

Socially speaking, relatively primitive societies usually combine some eyebrow-raisingly ludicrous superstitions and folk beliefs with a rigidly conservative attitude towards how everyone should behave. Often there are very set rituals for courtship between the sexes and homosexuality is very much in the closet because it makes expectant grandparents very sad. With regard to money and employment, people are fairly laid-back if practical all the same, while those able to aspire to higher education or the professions like law or medicine are often regarded with a charmingly old-fashioned respect that hasn't existed in the West since Victorian times.

Igbo's and tutsi's,
They have intelligence levels close to Slavs

caucasioid blacks aka ethiopians are the only human (homo sapiens) blacks

everything else is homo erectus tier, west african niggers possibly not even being hominids at all

>Igbo's and tutsi's,
fucking based

africans/islanders are often nice and intelligent albiet stand offish towards whites, however they poke holes in alot of black culture and are generally motivated financially in life

american blacks are typically ok, most of the younger generation resents white people though so i've noticed most american blacks with attempt to verbally hustle or dominate whites with body language before initiating a conversation, and they go nuts if you mention the word "facade"

We're all humans, anything you see is just a bias, an illusion.

Belgian eugenicists gave Tutsi's special privileges over Hutu niggers back in the early 1900s
They found them superior on all levels compared to other nigger tribes
Tutsi's are about the most intelligent niggers in the world

>Somalia is on the east coast

i agree

The Swahili coulter's arnt too bad. The massai are pretty fucking warrior tier. Everyone else is pretty shit imo

Many Africans leave Africa because it's full of retarded niggers. Imagine, if you will, you're born in Africa with 100+ IQ. But you're surrounded by 70 IQ niggers. You then leave for white lands where most people are 100+ IQ. These are the negroes you meet. Exceptions are Somalians, etc. They're all niggers looking to get free nigger gibs wherever they go.
American niggers are lazy entitled niggers that are the same as the feral niggers in Africa.. even though they may be part huwhite. Those African nigger muh dick, rape, destroy genes are always there.. and American society brings it out rather then beat that shit out of them like in the 50's.

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The ones who come from Africa aren't from day 1 pumped full of jewish media telling them whitey is out to get them. This makes it easier to interact with them on a personal level. Somalis are something else. Day of the bulb when?