Lmao pol is celebrating a nog

>that nose
>That curly hair
>Black man body shape


Attached: 920x920.jpg (920x478, 30K)

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Also those lips

>pol is celebrating


Is that a literal white nigger?

Attached: mfgLMy_R_400x400[1].jpg (400x400, 29K)

looks white to me

Attached: White_Americans.jpg (869x469, 82K)

Pol is unironically doesn't know he isn't white but are still shilling

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sports are gay and no one cares.

Holy shit I forgot that nog chin

Both of his parents are white.

Totally a nigger

Attached: file.png (900x1200, 1.73M)

Mom confirmed coalburner who cucked the dad.

what did this guy do?

Cope hard buttfucker...lol

literately looks just like his dad...what a fag you are...

stay salty paki

>attends (((jesuit))) brainwashing factory
>is a miscegenated to hell nigger mongrel abominacion
everyday i am reminded why cuckstains are the biggest enemy in our way of getting rid of the true enemy, their (((masters)))

Kid in middle-left has the same eyes as the "white nigger" kid. They both have the same skin tone too. Why can't you ever be happy? Fucking losers

Who is that

Mom looks like a coal burner.. probably fucked a quadroons

Hell even a somail has a far straight nose than him

Attached: UGLY-SOMALIS.jpg (300x435, 33K)

An American school student who runs faster than all the other American school students

Leave kid alone it's not his fault he's Irish.

He has his dads features you in denial nigger.

Pol thinks this abomination is white lol

What makes it worse is the nose and curly fucking hair

Is america even white anymore?

not gonna lie. his mom looks like she's taken a ton of dick and is still down for some

Curly hair is an celtic trait you mong. Tom Jones and me are excellent examples.

Anyone with a British passport is British.


he looks chuvash tatar tbqh, textbook uralid would pass in russia.

Take your psychotic cuck fetish somewhere else retard

that's because he has russian ancestry.
Russasians usually look like depigmented niggers due to mongoloid influence

Fuck off, his dad clearly has neanderthal genes.
Now it makes sense why his physique allows him to be so fast and faster than any nigger


Attached: 1485071571728.png (309x351, 6K)

>his dad clearly has neanderthal genes.
his dad clearly has RUSSIAN slav genes


neanderthals were short and stocky

Nah, ugly negroid features. Race is not about skin color.

looks like the judeo-christians missed one when they slaughtered all the ancient romans around year 300-500

happy to see some real meds still exist

Attached: Sack of Rome 410 by Christian Visgoths.jpg (2072x3190, 1.15M)

Somalis are east africans with caucasoid noses.Very different from west africans but still subhumans.

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>pol is celebrating
ive been on here for 12 of the last 20 hours and have only just looked up the story behind this, hadnt seen it before

dude he's uralid not med.

He has slavshit features, except the hair ofc. But facial wise, he's textbook uralid could even pass in finland.

>humans from thousands of years ago were short

Attached: average-height-of-men-for-selected-countries.png (1200x800, 117K)

are you retarded? His dad clearly has a wide nose; if anything he has a narrower nose than his dad.

he runs good


There are only 32 men in the world that run faster than him. For a kid in secondary school, that's pretty good.

>This is what passes for 'white' in America

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>hurr durr dat curly hair
put a wreath of laurels on him; you'll figure it out.

lmao desperate JIDF shills
this boy is 100% pure white

Mom has thin upper lip. Confirmed coalburner.


It unironically never was dipshit.

Jews have curly hair as well.
May be some weird slav(dad) and jew(mom) mix.

Why are the angloids so ass hurt?

Looks Irish to me.

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he was hiding his power level

nice happy european american family.

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this level of cope

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This is that shooter guy?

even 1700 years ago they were subverting societies

He looks like Tombstone

>Jow Forums: IS THIS WHITE? EDITION, 23823823

finnics or russian slavs are well known for their wide noses. As well as some sami/lapps, rarely in irish.

Iron Cross on his jersey/shorts, hahahah

is this then bleached master-race?

where do i find me my 1/4 black QT to produce offspring like this?

very true... and huge f'n heeeds on the top of those barrel chests

maybe a bleached mongoloid for sure

look at this guy


uralid, he's metrically closest to the curly haired guy, but without the curly hair, since he's full mongoloid.

who the fuck is this?
yeah where?

kill yourself Chaim

>black man body shape

ok made me laugh

now seethe, jidf niggers
s e e t h e

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Who is celebrating, retard? It's just sports, nobody cares.

>whiteboy win niggers in nigger sport

bullshit, he's white

he's white, sorry nigger

but he doesn't have wide nose, it's niggers that cope and can't fathom a white man beating them

>Black man body shape
hahahaha are you blind??? damm must feel shit when whites are going to dominate evert sport..

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again bullshit, he's white

yes all this bullshits is niggers try to separate him from whites so they can say
w-well he he isn't white

he has very thin lips

Fuck off nigger he's one of us

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> This much cope when a white slaughters some niggers.
Why so fragile?

I thought the original Mediterranean look was brown hair green eyes?


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nope, he is a white dude
of course when whites win something kikes have to shill against him

Paki rapists really grasping at straws today

Not with that nose.

he has thin nose, probably thinner than most italians lol

russians and finns in general aren't white white

they're mongol influenced up to 10%. Hence their wide noses and round faces + some prognathy.

except most don't
and very often this "you are mongloloid" bullshits are perpetuated my asians from aznidentity and are bullshit

You’ve never seen a west African in your life, he could cosplay as street worker if he get a blackface.

I don't even know who that is.

>see my highschool on pol.
What did Strake do this time?

is this the legendary Jow Forums bait or are you people that retarded?

So what you're saying is, holding all others factors the same, the runner with the white skin was superior to the other runners with black skin. White skin is magic.

Whites have a major identity crisis.

He does look very Roman, doesn't he?


I can't imagine which is worse: being a nigger or a white nigger

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>tom jones

Blonde Hair (Romanesq). Blue eyes. White Skin. White Parents.

"Hurr Durr, he's a nigger because, as a sprinter, he keeps his nostrils flared to take in larger breaths, but it looks niggardly so he is a nigger."
How are you people this dumb?

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