I am ugly..
I am ugly
Ur ugly on the inside
Do you have a question or are you just bragging?
On the inside, sure
I dont know
I want to die
Do you dress slutishly?
Are you transgender? Only asking because this is the internet, you don't look transgender.
Either way I recommend going to /soc/ for these threads. Idk if that board is still the same as it was back when it was created (haven't been there since) but it at least used to have very nice and at the same time honest anons.
I don't think you are ugly anyway, you are a million times hotter than me.
You seem to have a message from that dual wielding guy btw that you may have not noticed
What the fuck has happened to this place
It used to be full of camwhore threads before /soc/ was created. Then thankfully people moved to /soc/ and this became an advice board again. Now idk why it's going back to camwhore threads and I think it's because people enjoy "standing out" as being the only ones posting their face, as opposed to /soc/ where they cant bear to see tons of other people posting their faces. I also imagine that seeing how everyone is anonymous and faceless here can lead to people assuming everyone here is ugly, even if it's not true.
This, I can't believe what this place has become. A couple of years ago threads like this and many others wouldn't even exist. There were no or very little attention whores, normalfags, and tripfags. How the times have changed.
Well, having normalfags here can be useful considering most of the time we need advice on how to interact with normalfags in real life.
I will never understand how someone can want to be a tripfag in a site that is great specifically because everyone is anonymous. And camwhores should stick to their containment board that is /soc/.
A couple of years ago it was pretty comfy but you should have seen it 8 years ago or so. This place was often filled with camwhore threads to the point where it was hard to find advice threads.
only because you pose like shit and put anime characters next to you
I'd throat fuck ya
While I do agree with you for the most part user, I'd argue that there is an excess of normalfaggotry now. Newfags are no longer taking the time to lurk and adjust to the culture (just take a look at the catalog, you'll see what I mean), resulting in low quality posts and the bumping of bait threads. This isn't just limited to Jow Forums though, the entire site is like this now, excluding the more niche boards. How the mighty have fallen.
Yes, you are right about that, I notice it a lot on /tv/ as well.
I feel like A big shit
Aaaa I girl with very much problem.s beacuse everyone have A problems
I'd fuck you.
Yea pls fuck me
try reddit
You're like a less attractive Kristen Stewart which is still pretty attractive but I wouldn't fuck you because I'm only into ebony BBWs
Tits or GTFO
Where are you located?
Sup Glenda
Hi There whats up
Yeah basically
you're very pretty OP